Badass Denki

By EmT1610

36.8K 662 451

After getting cheated on Denki moves to America. More

01- Broken
02- ๏ฟผ Secretes Reviled
03- English?
04- Last Day
05- America
Floor plans
Authors Note
06- Back in Japan
08- Test
09- More Testing
10- The mall
11- Meeting Classmates
12- The Denki Protection Squad
13- Finally Summer
I'm Not Dead (a/n)

07- Tour

2.5K 39 38
By EmT1610

Denki POV "Let's go to my office and we can discuss things before the tour." Mr. Parr smiled. He and dad were taking and I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out to see a new group chat called 'The new squad'.  It had a message from Zuku and some other people.

Izu.Mido- Hey, this is going to be our new group. We are the ones that know the truth and are friends with Denki.

king_explosion_murder- Why are we making this at 11pm?

Ingenium- We are all sitting beside each other. Why are we on our phones?
-Hello Kaminari I hope you are having a pleasant experience in America.

sleep_deprived2.0- Denks, just tell us who did it we have an idea but we're not totally sure.

Izu.Mido- We're all on our phones cause were trying to talk to Denki. He should be awake it's 9am there.

half_n'half- How was Momo involved?

Ingenium- That makes much more sense.

I read them and decide to address them all in one go.

pika_pika- Hey guys. What truth? Why aren't you asleep? Since when did Bakugo care? Why are you together this late? Hi Iida, you can all call me Denki. Its pretty good so far. Mina and Sero. I am awake and at my new school. Jiro cheated on me with Momo. I need to go I have a meeting. Bye.

I turn my phone off knowing it was going to blow up. We enter Mr. Parrs office and we sit down "Let's start with the basics. This is a private school, we do not have a uniform because we believe in a students individuality and there right to express them selves. For example, one day a young man came to school in a skirt, everyone supported him and the next day some more boys came in skirts." my eyes lit up hearing how accepting the school is. My dad knows how scared I've been to try new clothes. "Students can wear just about anything except things with profanity, racism, homophobic statements and such. Nothing that shows off too much such as booty shorts and transparent or mesh tops. Boys included."

"With that said lets move on to courses. With in two semesters you have eight classes. for the rest of this year you are going to be doing compulsory courses. English, math, science and hero course. So well choose your classes for next year. You need three compulsory credits in English, math, and hero course, so you have 5 electives. Do you have an idea of classed you like to do before you look at the options?" I spend some time taking in all the new information "Is there a phys ed course specifically for hero students? What is a hero in America vs. Japan? Do I need to take a physical test, written test, or both to determine what level I'm at in all my courses? And can I have a list if the courses?"

He had a happy grin when I finished talking "Those are excellent questions. How about I answer them on our walk and you can look at the course list as well." I nod in agreement, he hands me a sheet, and the three of us head I to the hall. "This is the main entrance and front foyer. we have a few different secretaries for different things. That over there is the guidance office, the next room is the resource office, and that one is one of the teacher work spaces. There is a teacher work space in every wing, each has the teachers names on the door. The first hallway is the English hall, well look in of the class rooms you might be in when we get there.

"Let's start with your second question. In America we don't have a rating program. I guess you could say were like the Justice League. Each region has one, there is a group of heroes and they can elect a leader if they wish. Hero can have protégé and when the protégé are old enough to join they can. There are some undercover branches in each state where the public knows your involved but they don't know what you do or who you are. On rare occasion there has been some youth teams, say like the Teen Titans, who are not connected to the government." he pulls out a key and unlocks a door "This is one of the English classrooms."

It looked like a normal classroom to me, teachers desk in one spot and student desks around the class. What was odd is that the desks are circles and there are four chairs at each. The teachers desk was more in the corner and there were shelves of all sorts of things. Like mugs, and tea, and a kettle. "Ah that's Mrs. Tomlins snack shelves, she has tea time to help calm kids and let them socialize. Moving on, Let's head to the math hall.

"Depending on the course there will be a physical entrance test. Later today I will get you to do some paper and physical tests to place you into the right courses. Now we don't think one course is less smart then the other, just different learning styles. Yet we still use the boards name for them. Academic, Applied, and Work place. Our hero course is rated differently, it has alphabetical ratings. Now some of the brightest kids I know are in Applied because of there learning style, yet they are in class A. Classes A and B are taught by the same teacher so no one feels lower then the other. The hero classes are all the same just different learning styles and power levels." he open a door in the math hall "Ms. Smokey has all her students call her Erica because she wants them to feel comfortable to come to her with problems.

"Back to your first question, yes. But it comes with the hero course so you don't have to use a elective period." he continues as we walk. We com to our first cross road "This is our gym and cafeteria. That way is the science hall." I go checkout the gym them we go into the caf. "what is that?" I say looking out the back window "That's where battle training is. We'll check it out later." Next we go down the science hall, go up the art hall back to the office where we look at the auditorium. Then we turn left down another hall "These halls are full of everything from business classes to culinary and Indigenous studies." we turn left again then turn right "This is the tech hall. at the far end there is auto, wood, and manufacturing. Over here there is a computer lab where you can learn anything from animation, 3D printing, to lights and set design. And the support class." then we go out back.

In the walls there is a classroom, a big arena and thirteen small ones. "Alright, this is where your going to do your physical test. Well come back after you do your written tests." he brings me to a room in the office with a desk "I'll leave you to do the quiz while you dad and I talk." he closes the door and I sit at the desk and start.

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