Nishinoya x Reader

By Idk_Im_existing

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DISCONTINUED DISCONTINUED DISCONTINUED (COVER IMAGE NOT MINE) You lived in a world where you and your soulmat... More

Brother/Sister bond
High School
For Natsu
Chaotic Team
Same Old Y/N
Multiple Shares.
Valentine's Day Special
Attention War
Bath Time!
Guest Bedroom
Love Letter
Shoyo Birthday Special
Please Don't Touch Me
Note & Scribbles
Another Kid
Sleepy Night
A Sleeping Suspicion
Karasuno VS Shiratorizawa
Date Plan
Date Time
Sorta Important

Red String

772 24 2
By Idk_Im_existing

  You woke up this morning and found out Natsu was sick with a cold. You sighed knowing you had to either bring her to school or stay home. You knew you couldn't just skip school.

  You put Natsu in comfy clothes and put snacks in your bag along with both of your lunches so you could feed Natsu through out the day.

  You left the house a little sooner them usual because you had to ride a little slower on your bike so Natsu doesn't fall.

  "Y/N! Are you sure about bringimg Natsu? You might get in trouble." Shoyo said, weary.

  "It'll be fine. The worst that will happen is I will just leave and take care of Natsu at home." You said, smiling softly. "Besides, didn't you say you wanted to take Natsu to your practice?"

  "Oh! That's right! Yay!" Shoyo seemed much more excited now.

  "Yeah, yeah. Let's go, dork." You said, with a light laugh.

  Once you three were at school you all went to the gym, you carrying Natsu.

  "Oh hey Hina--" Daichi began greeting you until he cut himself off. "You have two sisters?"

  "Yeah, she was sick and Y/N brought her because she didn't want to skip school." Shoyo explained.

  "Can't your mom take care of her." Tsukishima asked, sarcastically.

  You became instantly alert at the word 'mom', Shoyo's face became worried and instantly looked to you and Natsu.

  "Its fine, he didn't know." You mumbled to Shoyo.

  "He shouldn't mock you either way! He was making fun of you yesterday because you didn't watch me practice when you're clearly busy." Shoyo snapped, you flinched and took a step back.

  The team was staring at you three. You instantly got anxious.

  "Hinata-- erm, Shoyo. Why is she so jumpy and cautious?" Sugawara asked, concerned.

  "She's just protective of Natsu!" Shoyo made an excuse, as you swiftly nodded in agreement.

  You felt a pair on eyes on you and looked to see it was a short second year (though still taller then you). You tugged on Shoyo's sleeve.

  "Did Nishinoya-senpai hear your call from yesterday?" You asked, in a quiet tone.

  "I don't know, I hope not." Shoyo mumbled, turning to you.

  "Me too, it would be kinda awkward to explain." You lightly laughed.

  "Agreed, now I gotta practice. Take care of the tiny child." Shoyo joked then went to go argue with Kageyama about something pointless.

  "Big sister? Where are we?" Natsu said, whining from being woken up.

  "We're at big brother's practice, I didn't want to leave you home with our mother." You said, patting Natsu's head.

  "Its warm, I want cold." Natsu whined, clinging to you more from tiredness.

  "Alright, we can take off your sweater." You said, setting her down and taking off an unneeded jacket.

  Natsu made grabby hands at you and you picked her up again. She yawned and rested her head on your shoulder, tiredly.

  "Our underclassmen's twin so motherly like! How does she remain so gorgeous!" You heard Tanaka, disturbing you.

  You flinched at the word 'mother' but brusher it off. You made a shushing sound at him while you held your younger sister who was half asleep. Around half the team watched you and how well you took care of Natsu. Once she was asleep you looked up and got confused.

  "What? Did I do something?" You asked, confused.

  "How are you so good with kids?" Nishinoya asked, curious.

  You sputtered for a moment but found the excuse. "I used to work as a baby sitter and our mom works a lot so I take care of the house."

  "Yeah, Y/N makes the best food!" Shoyo added, happily.

  "Oh shush, you only say that." You said, rolling your eyes.

  "I don't but think what you want." Shoyo said, nonchalantly.

  "Just get to practice. Try not to send any balls flying our way." You tease.

  "Can do." Shoyo said, playfully saluting you.

  "Now go have fun and practice with your friends." You said, making a shoo motion with your hands.

  And of course, a while later a volleyball came flying towards you. You didn't notice it do to the fact you were watching Natsu. It hit the back of your head.

  "Are you okay, big sister!?" Natsu said, worried.

  You silently stood up and turned to the team, an overly cheerful expression.

  "Which one of you threw that?" You said, sickly cheerful voice.

  "It was Shoyo!" Tanaka said, sorta afraid of you.

  "Baby Shoyo, what did I tell you not to do?" You said, your cheerful expression melting into a protective one.

  "To keep flying balls away." Shoyo mumbled, terrified.

  "And what did you do?" You asked.

  "Hit you with a volleyball." Shoyo said, even more scared.

  "And what will we not do in the future?" You asked, fake smiling.

  "Send flying balls to you." Shoyo said.

  "Very good, now keep your head out of your ass before I poison you." You smiled and went back to Natsu.

  You moved your attention back to Natsu and gave her another snack and a juice box so she can stay hydrated.

  "Why did she threaten to poison you? Why wasn't she normal and threaten to hit you or something basic like that?" Kageyama asked, confused on why you didn't normally threaten your brother like most other siblings.

  You and Shoyo both flinched at the word 'hit'. Shoyo instantly covered Kageyama's mouth as you looked around with a worried expression.

  "Never say that word again." Shoyo said to Kageyama, sternly.

  "What word?" Kageyama asked, muffled by Shoyo's hand.

  "The word 'hit' triggers Y/N into a worried and protective state." Shoyo whispered. "Well... not just her." Shoyo mumbled very quietly near the end.

  Kageyama's eyes widened in concern and confused before dragging your brother outside with him.

POV swap - Hinata Shoyo

  I realized what I said, nearly exposing us.

  "Explain what you meant by that." Kageyama said, staring at me.

  "Its nothing, it just triggers her." I said, trying to make up an excuse.

  "Don't play innocent, explain." Kageyama crossed his arms.

  "I think its better if you get Y/N to tell you." I really didn't want to be the one to tell him.

  "Call her over then, you both are going to expla--" Kageyama started before looking at the ground with a silent gasp.

  I looked where he was looking and I saw my red string. I gasped upon realizing that it was attached to Kageyama's ring finger.

  We looked up and saw each other's eyes. I suddenly realized that Y/N knew my soulmate but didn't tell me it was part of the team.

  "Y/N YOU KNEW IT WAS KAGEYAMA AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" I yelled, bursting into the gym.

  Y/N flinched and turned to me.

  "So you saw your string?" Y/N said, smirking.

  "Yes! I saw the string, and you knew it was him!?" I yelled again.

  "Quiet down, big brother!" Natsu whined, shushing me.

  "What do you mean she knew?!" Kageyama asked, confused.

  There was a face of panic on Y/N and my face. Everyone looked at us confused.

  "I guess we should explain." Y/N sighed, crossing her arms.

(A/N: I am not proud of this chapter but I wanna post it. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Please tell me if there's mistakes.)

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