Fran Bow to Fandoms Crossover

By beebaluv1990

5.6K 130 46

The story of the universes, all conecting in un thought ways. Will they defeat the evil? Or will they suffer... More

New People, New Faces
What happened?
This can't be good
Flying a little (too?) high
Who are we?
New beginnings, and sad goodbyes.
Welcome Back
When things are good, then bad, then........what?
Getting Kidnapped Sucks
Powers and stuff........I guess
Never an easy decision
Chara is angry. Again.
Filling the Roster
Ready as I'll ever be
The final battle
Epilogue and Final words(of act 2)
Some words
Act 3, The beginning
Training week
And the world went blank
Not an Update, but still important
The ghostest with the mostest. Two ghosts lead the pack.
New story coming soon(later today)
Ghostcon(Every ghost welcome!)
Fixing the glitch
Not an Update but Holy Shit-
Ghost Boxes, rare and tricky
I'll give you something to cry about
Holy Shit-
All we do is live in fear of Tommyinnit
Chapter ?
Saying Goodbye, and Ranboo isn't the only one with memory problems now.
Even the villains are human
Not a chapter, but you should read it
Welcome, to motherfuckery cause my brain can't think of a good title
The quiet city
I can't remember
Final Words

Afton Household

238 6 2
By beebaluv1990

They all stood in wonder. The house looked good, not really run down, if but a bit smudgy on the windows. When they entered the door creaked loudly and echoed into the entryway. Far off within the house they heard another door. "Follow me." Chris whispered. They all ducked behind furniture and climbed up the stairs to the second floor. Below them they could hear movements. Doors opening and closing. They reached a door at the end of the hall and opened it quietly. It still creaked loudly. Below them once more they heard the noise stop, until shuffling footsteps began to ascend the stairs. "Quick!" They rushed into the room. It was normal, a young child's bedroom. It was dusty, untouched for many years. There were pictures of a family standing in front of a large building, the logo blocked by the group. The shuffling continued to close in on the door. Fran hid in the closet with Frisk. The rest of the group stood before the door. The footsteps stopped just before the door. The door knob turned, and in front of them stood, what was that!

It was humanoid. It had purplish skin and it was wearing clothes. The skin on its face sagged. It had a hat on, but they could tell it was bald. It's eyes were black with white pupils and what looked like oil had dried into tear tracks on its face. "Oh god..." Chris stepped forward. "What are you doing! It's dangerous!" Coraline fired. "What did they do to you Micheal..." He walked up and wiped some of the oil off its face. "Ccchhriss?" Chris began sobbing. "Yeah Mikey, it's me." The rest of the group stood in shock. "I'll be back." Chris left the room. He led Mike down the stairs to the basement, where dad's inventions sat. He looked around. And found one. A small black disk, about the size of a silver dollar. "Iiisss dddaaaaaatt-" he paused and his face shifted, perhaps in confusion. Chris pressed it. "Now Mikey, imagine what you want to look like, and feel like." He took the chip and put it in Mike's pocket. The air shimmered. Suddenly the teenage boy he had seen in his last visions was returned. "Chris...." Chris broke down into sobs. "Hey, hey, it's okay!"

Micheal didn't know what to do. His brother had returned from the dead and helped him find a way to go back to the way he had been. He wanted to apologize and cry too, but they had guests waiting. He picked up Chris, who looked up at him. His eyes were red. He smiled up at him. "You have no idea how much I've missed you!" He wrapped his arms around him. "Chris, I missed you too. And later I have a lot of talking to do with you." They got to the door. When they walked in, the group of kids seemed to be going over a battle plan, as if Chris had been kidnapped. "Sorry to interrupt whatever this is, but Chris is fine." Chris got down from his brother's arms. Chris chuckled at what he saw before him. The group, minus Fran who had gone to sleep again, were making a battle plan to come rescue him. They all sat down and woke Fran up. "Well Mikey, I made some friends finally."

After Mike was introduced, they all took turns telling who they were and how they had met each other. It started with the sleep girl, but apparently she had amnesia and a girl with a purple sweater told her story instead. Fran seemed to catch on as the stories were told. He was told the story of the Beldam from Coraline and Wybie, and then recounted the tales of purgatory from his very own brother. The whole power thing seemed strange. And he kinda wanted to try those pills if he could. Then it was his turn to tell his story. Oh boy was this gonna be a doozy.

"Well it all started 30 years ago. It was Chris's birthday. I had made friends that were bullies, and they convinced me to do something that ended up killing Chris." Chris looked grim at this part. Of course he forgave his brother, once the whole story had been told to him, but it still stung to hear about it. "After that, my father, consumed in his grief and wanting to find a way to bring Chris back, began making robots with the help of his business partner Henry, to trap and experiment on child souls, or remnant." The kids looked shocked. It seemed unbelievable. "But that idea backfired when On opening day of the pizzeria, my little sister Elizabeth was killed by said robots. The whole thing was covered up as a gas leak and the robots were sealed in an underground facility, where the child souls my father had were used and tortured." He paused, because now it was the worst part of the story. "My father had killed kids before and stuffed their bodies into the animatronic suits. The souls fused with the metal making them come to life, which is how he knew to try with remnant to bring Chris back. But one night, while dismantling the animatronics, he released the souls and hid in a springlock suit. It failed and killed him. He was trapped behind a wall for a while then moved to fazbear frights where I worked. I burnt the place down and he was released to the after life." He sighed and Chris put a hand on his shoulder. It must've been hard for Mike to tell this story, when he had lived it. "Then, in a quest to set all the souls free, I went to the underground facility. The robots acted strange. But all the robots did in my dad's restaurants. On the fifth night they tricked me and took me to the scooping room where......" he sighed again and looked around at the faces before him. They looked eager to hear. "Where they scooped out my internal organs and used me as a skin suit to escape to the surface unnoticed." That got some gasps out of the group. "I rotted until the robot left me an empty shell. I didn't die though. So I was left as what you saw me as earlier before Chris gave me the illusion disk." They all looked terrible. They felt bad for making this poor man tell the story.

"Well," Chris started, "We should eat and go to bed. Fran needs to get her memories back so she can go home." Chara nodded "I'm gonna go check in with Sans, be back soon." She faded. "What was that!?" Mike stood in shock. "Oh she's a ghost, she teleported home to tell our families that we are okay." Mike laughed. "She introduced herself as Princess Chara Dreemurr, why does the kingdom have a ghost princess?" Frisk giggled as well. "They have a prince who is a flower too." They all had a good laugh about that one. Fran had fallen asleep once more, so they ate the food they packed and went to bed. They still hadn't noticed what was wrong. As soon as they all fell asleep, and Mike had gone downstairs, Fran opened her eyes. "Why did you want me to fake sleep, Mr bunny?" One of her eyes turned purple. "Because I need something, and the others won't let me get it." Fran nodded. "That makes a lot of sense." Fran had seen the bunny as they were walking in, but no one else noticed. Then he started talking to her. "Fran, we need to find where William Afton is." Fran frowned. "Afton? Is he related to Chris?" She heard the sigh. "Yes, that is why we are going to wake him up." Fran skipped over and shook Chris. "H-Uh, what's up Fran?" He sat up. "We need to talk."

They walked downstairs. "So, what did you wanna talk about Fran?" That's when he saw it. Here in the light, one of her eyes was purple. He remembered what the voices had told him. Possession, murder, his father. All the memories flooded back. "Glitchtrap." he growled. The air next to Fran shimmered and a yellow rabbit stood there. He had his had on Fran's shoulder. "Why, if it isn't Chris. I am looking for your father." Chris took Frans hand and yanked her away. "He is locked away in Hell. You'll never find him!" The bunny man sighed. "Well I guess I'll just figure out another way. It's not like you two can get me down there." And with that, he was gone.

"Fran, are you ok?!" Chris asked. The girl nodded. "He said he needed help, and that people didn't like him so he needed me. I know how that feels." Chris sighed at the girl's dark expression. "Listen, I know that, but he is evil. He murdered 6 innocent kids, and who knows how many more. Only question is, why didn't he fully control you? It just doesn't make sense." Fran looked up. "Because he's guilty." Chris stopped. "What?" Fran's eyes glinted with tears. "He's guilty. Control is a two way street. He could see my thoughts and feelings, but I could see his. He's guilty. He wants to free your dad from the debt that isn't his to bear." They were both crying now. "You know Fran?" She wiped her eyes. "Huh?" Chris smiled at her. "You're pretty wise for an 11 year old." They laughed and sat there. They both told their stories. They fell asleep, sitting on the floor next to each other. Chris had never been close with his family, but this group of kids, they might be the closest he had gotten to it.

They woke up to the sound of rustling. They looked around. The others were awake. Mike seemed to be smiling whole heartedly. The sound of Coraline and the smell of food echoed from the kitchen. The two kids sat up. It was light outside. It was the first sleep many of them had gotten in the last few days. Chris hadn't slept in years. After they had eaten, they began to talk. "How far from here is Mt. Ebbot?" Frisk asked. They were sitting on the couch. Mike frowned. "You are on it right now. We are like, 5 miles from the summit." Frisk smiled. "Good, because that's where we need to be." They began packing. Who knew how long it would take them to get home, with all the portal's and magic. As they were about to leave the ground began to shake. Fran and Frisk looked to each other. "Brace yourselves. We are going off into adventure again."

When the light returned, they were left on the bronzy deck of a ship. Only problem with that was the ship was flying above the ocean.


Welcome to the part of the story we finally get PJO/HOO

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