We're Forever: A Sophitz Story

By happyperson081

42.6K 334 544

(Takes place after Flashback; Sophie isn't unmatchable) Fitz ruined his relationship with Sophie on a dare- b... More

Note :)
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 part one
chapter 12 part 2
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

chapter 21 (part 2)

1K 10 8
By happyperson081

Flori even made some starkflower stew, and Sophie and Fitz danced the night away.

Sophie's feet hurt, even in the sneakers, so she sat down with Tam and Biana to talk, while Fitz went to see her mom and dad. She hoped Grady didn't kill him or something.

"I can't believe we're sisters!" Biana shouted, once again managing to grab everyone's attention. Sophie smiled at them, and they all went back to dancing as she sat next to Biana and across from Tam.

"I can't believe how tired I am," I sighed, feeling my eyelids drop.

Biana laughed, "I remember how that was. Do you feel like you're married yet?"

"Not really," Sophie admitted, "this feels like one big party and I'll wake up at Havenfield tomorrow." 

"It'll get real tomorrow!" Biana said mysteriously.

"Oh, please!" Tam said, he looked at Sophie. "If you haven't already figured it out, Biana has something planned for you and Fitz tomorrow."

"Thanks Tam," Sophie said dryly.

"You have a history of being oblivious. I figured I'd speed the process along, since Biana wouldn't let me do it the first time."

"What first time?" Fitz asked, flashing a smile in Sophie's direction and refocusing on Tam.

Tam leaned back in his chair and really started to look like an old man.

Sophie looked up at Fitz, and explained how Tam was making sure she knew she was oblivious about Fitz liking her.

By the end, Keefe and Linh had also joined them, and they continued talking into the night. Finally, when Sophie couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, she and Fitz agreed to go to Sapphire Falls the next day, and for them to stay one last night at their parent's houses.

As soon as Sophie jumped into her canopied bed, with Sandor at the door, she forgot about the Neverseen, and being married, and basically everything when she fell into a dreamless sleep.


Beep Beep Beep 

Sophie groaned and answered the call, sincerely regretting it when Keefe started talking at lightning speed.

"Foster, you there?" Sophie had started to doze off again, not really hearing what Keefe was saying.

She sat up straighter and replied, "Sorry, you woke me up, what was that again?"

"The council said now that we're all married, they need to meet with us or something. Anyways, did you know Terigan danced? It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Too bad The Forlenater didn't show up for the party, maybe we would have seen who he really is..."

Sophie sat there patiently while Keefe talked about the 'amazing' parts of the reception, waiting until he was done.

"Keefe, is Linh up?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. But I wanted to tell you about the council thing. Anyways, bye!" Keefe hung up and Sophie crawled back under the covers, waking up later with terrible bed head.

She let Vertina help her get dressed and do her hair, and stepped out into the sunlight to meet Fitz at Sapphire Falls. She stepped into the warm light and leaped away.

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