Uncovering Blake

Por pink_nells

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Growing up in a middle class family was always enough for Emma. It was always just her , her brother Nate and... Más



237 10 0
Por pink_nells

With a heavy sigh I enter the house cautiously and looked around.

"Where's my mom. I don't want to talk to you David", I say bitterly dropping my bag on the floor beside me.

He doesn't deserve to be called Dad.

"Your mother's upstairs. I really need to talk to you. Let me explain why I left",he begged.
"I don't need you to explain anything to me. The fact that you just left without saying anything says enough. And nothing you say can change what happened in the past so just leave me alone", I say and stomped upstairs.
"I'm sorry Emma , I really am. I loved you and Nate , and I still do. I just want you to know that. I stop bothering you now ", he said and turned to leave.

That's when I burst.

"I waited for you , every day I wished you'd come back . Every year on my birthday I'd imagine you walking through the door with some bullcrap excuse that you were in witness protection and couldn't contact us or some shit like that. Last year , the year I finally accepted that you won't come back and prayed that wherever you are , you're safe. And low and behold , here you are with a family and all", I say furiously wiping my eyes getting rid of the tears.
"You moved away and started a new family. You completely forgot about your family you had abandoned. You went and had another child. And you know what the worst part is ", I asked rhetorically.
"Eli and I are the same age , so you didn't wait that long to go around and knocked up someone else. Did you leave her too huh , but I guess that doesn't matter now , because you and Eli are still together. So thank you for leaving us , we deserved to grow up in a loving home. And my mom provided that.
If you loved us back then you wouldn't have put us through that. So you can go back to wherever you came from", I say and run upstairs towards my room throwing my door close.

Fuck that , fuck him.
I'm not going cry anymore.
It's time to move forward and that's just what I'll do.
I'll move on , pretend I that I never met that man.
Sorry excuse of a father.
A few minutes later I heard and knock on my bedroom door.

"Emma , honey can I come in ", I heard my mom asked through the door.
"I'm not in the mood to talk mom ", I say wrapping the blankets tighter around my shoulders while I scrolled through Netflix looking for a movie to watch.

"Okay , should I make you a sandwich . You didn't eat anything", she asked.
"I'm not hungry mom ", I sighed.
"Well , okay then. I have to head back to work. Call me if you need anything okay honey", my mom said through the door.
"Okay", I said.
"I love you , and get something to eat", she said walking away.

I just turned and decided to finish my English essay instead.

My mom got home around eight and I still haven't moved from my spot on my bed.
My mom just sighed when she tried and failed to get me up and eat.
I just wasn't hungry and just wanted sleep.

Minutes later my phone rang.

I reached for it and saw Mia's name flashing.
No doubt my mom had called Mia told her.

I ignored her and managed to almost fall when my phone kept beeping.
I picked it up ready to chuck it against the wall when I saw Blake's name flashing across the screen.
I missed his call and he immediately called back.
I sighed and picked it up.

"Hey , I can't really talk now ", I say trying to make my voice somewhat normal.
"Emma , I know you're going through something and it might seem like it's the worst possible thing in the world , but it's okay. Don't punish yourself Emma. You're much better than whatever is going on ", Blake spoke so softly , like he wanted me to remember what he said.

"It's just , I can't. I don't know what todo Blake", I said sobbing softly.
"Come on babe. Don't cry when you I'm not there to comfort you. Please", Blake asked softly.
"I'm - I'm sorry. I just can't stop ", I said through tears.
"Well then keep crying. Just don't hang up okay. I'm right here Emma , you're not alone", Blake said as I continued to cry.

My cries finally stopped and I sniffled reaching for a tissue.

"Thank you Blake , for being there. And not judging me ", I say softly.
"It's all good Emma. I've been at a dark place in my life too. I didn't have anyone to help me through it and it almost destroyed me. I'll be damned of it happens to someone I care about",  Blake mumbled the last part but I heard it.
"You care about me ", I smiled blowing my nose.

God I must sound gross right now , but Blake haven't commented on it.

"That's all you got. Throughout my whole speech , damn babe ", Blake said huffing playfully.
"You still care about me ", I said in a sing-song voice.
"Of course I care about you . I'm sure it was obvious before", he grumbled but I just grinned.
"Have you eaten , I was going to head to get something to eat", Blake said after a brief silence.
"No , I haven't. But it's late Blake , I doubt my mom would allow me to go out on a weeknight", I say with a sigh.
"I really want to see you , but I guess that's okay. I'll just drop off some Chinese and we'll eat in two separate places with the same dish while talking on the phone ", he said I could see him grinning.
"That'd just stupid Blake ", I said laughing.
"Hey , I made you laugh. See , I don't see why you're rejecting my offer now ", Blake asked with a sigh.
"Well , we could grab Chinese tomorrow before school. If that makes you feel any better", I asked with a smile already feeling better.
"I guess ," he sighed dramatically.
"I'll just have to go to bed hungry then. I'll see you bright and early babe ", Blake said causing me to smile even bigger.
"Okay then , I'll see you then . Goodnight Blake", I smiled .
"Goodnight babe ", he said.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
I couldn't wait to see Blake in the morning.

The next morning I met my mom in the kitchen pouring herself some coffee.

"Morning mom", I smiled taking a seat at the table.
"Morning honey , can I fix you some breakfast", she asked with a small smile.
"No thanks. I'm meeting a friend for breakfast , he's on his way right now actually", I say glancing at my phone.
"A boy , is it one of those good looking boys that was here at your birthday dinner ", my mom asked with a bright smile.

"I like the funny one , what's his name Luke I think , although that Blake fella kept staring at you throughout the dinner. I think he likes you ", my mom said in a sing-song voice.
"Mom ", I said blushing.
"Blake and I are going on a date this Friday", I said blushing.
"Aww , that's so cute. My baby's first date. Where's he taking you , or is it a surprise", my mom asked excitedly.
"Calm down mom. He haven't told me yet but I'll ask him ", I say shaking my head.

Blake drove us to a cute café on the beach.

"How come I haven't seen this place yet", I asked when we arrived at the beach.

Mia and I always explore different food places and compare their tacos.
Weird , I know.

"It opened recently , I come here alot actually. You'll fall in love with the pancakes", Blake said excitedly.
"Oh yeah , well I'm starving so let's go ", I smiled walking towards the entrance.

I walked in and the waitress who stood by the door in her phone immediately looked up and her eyes widened.
She looked at Blake and quickly turned with a smile and tended to a couple who was waiting to order.

"What was that about", I asked Blake taking the window seat.

Blake sat opposite me with a shy smile.

"Well , I kinda own the this place so yeah ", he mumbled with a tinge of pink on his ears.
"What ", I asked confused not sure if I heard correctly.
"You mean you have shares here right", I asked again.
"No , I actually own this whole place ", Blake chuckled nervously.
"I'm confused ", I say in a whisper.
Blake rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Well ,let's order because I'm starving , and then I'll tell you all about it yeah ", Blake asked with a smile.
"Okay then. Let's order pancakes", I smiled and looked at the menu.

The waitress that stood by the door served us with a smile on her pretty face.

"We'll have the blue berry pancakes and a pot of coffee please ", Blake said not looking up.
"Coming right up sir ", she smiled and took out menus.
"A pot of coffee ", I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"They wouldn't know how to make my coffee properly", Blake shrugged.
Blake had his own restaurant , his parents probably bought it so whatever.

Our pancakes came and Blake made his coffee with creamer and two sugars.
I had my coffee with hot milk and three separate sugars.

The pancakes was awesome , I even had two servings.

"So , how do you own this place ", I asked as we finished eating.
"Well , when I turned eighteen a few months ago . I had money saved up and I heard that the old lady who owned this place wanted to sell and I bought it and changed things around a bit. Made it teenage friendly you know ", Blake shrugged. "I made enough money and decided to move out my parents house and got the apartment for myself ", he finished.
"Whoa seriously , how come I didn't know you have your own business ", I asked.
"Well , I don't really tell anyone my business , just because my parents are rich , people just assumed they got me the apartment. I bet you thought you so too huh ", Blake laughed reaching for his wallet to pay.
"You're paying and you're the boss. That's impressive. The bad boy has his own business", I smiled.
"Yeah , well. We should get to school", Blake said quickly.
"Does Luke and Axel know ", I asked when we got to the car.
"Yeah, they do but I made them promise not to tell anyone about it. I prefer to keep my business private", he said and opened the car door for me.
"Wow , you just keep suprising me ", I say laughing softly.

"I bet you're falling for me already huh", he winked closing the door.

I rolled my eyes controlling my blush.

"If I do happen to fall for you Blake , it'll be because of your personality . Not your money , although it'll be nice to have a boyfriend with money ", I say smiling.
"Oh please , you already fell for my charms ", he said quickly reaching over to pinch my cheeks.
"Shut up idiot", I say pushing his hand away.
"Where are we going on a date ", I asked changing the subject.
"Oh that's a surprise babe ", Blake winked.

I groaned and looked out the window.



So , another update my lovelies !

Don't forget to tap the 🌟 if you enjoyed this chapter.

Bye , until next time 🥰.

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