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The next morning I was rudely awoken by my older brother who attends the college just outside town but insists on always being at home.

Gosh he's so annoying.

I hated when someone woke me up before my alarm went off , but Nate knew that I couldn't stay mad at him for too long.

I slowly turned to face him , cracking one eye open.

"Happy birthday to the best sister in the whole world ", he said handing me a chocolate cupcake since it was my eighteenth birthday today.

I completely forgot about it , I never really cared for birthdays.

A year older and dumber. Not much changes really.

I was still stuck in this boring old town.
At least my best friend Mia made it less boring. She was just the life of any party. Although she could be a pain the ass at times , but I tolerate her , probably because she tolerates me and my boring self.

"Thanks Nate ", I smiled and leaned over to peck his cheek.

Nate smiled and sat beside me on the bed.

"Make a wish Princess ", he whispered holding the cupcake closer to my face.

I closed my eyes and wished that wherever my father was that he was safe and happy without us.


"Come on , let's half the cupcake , it looks delicious ", Nate said walking downstairs with me following with a small smile on my face.

The smell of bacon and strong coffee filled my nostrils causing me dash towards the kitchen.

My mum was there cooking over the stove. She never really cooks , only once in a while so we savour the moment when it happens.

"Happy birthday sweety . I made extra bacon for you ", my mother Lucy smiled kissing my forehead.

Everyone my obsession with bacon and let's not forget chicken nuggets.

The best!

"Thanks mom , it smells awesome ", I beamed and dug in.

My mum and I made small talk while Nate stuffed his mouth with food.

He grosses me out at times.

Soon we were off to school and Nate dropped me off since I didn't have a license yet.

Honestly , I didn't care for one since Mia or Nate drives me around.

"Alright be safe and focus on your school work , it's your senior year okay. Get great marks. We're counting on you", he smiled and pecked my cheek.
"Yeah , no pressure ", I mumbled.
"Love you ", Nate said and shook his head.

This was the same speech whenever he dropped me off. It kinda gets old.

I got out the car and took a deep breath.
Today was the first day of senior year and I was determined to do well and focus on myself and education.
The summer went by quicker than I expected , although all I did was stay home and the occasional beach trips Mia forced me on when she returned from her vacation in the Bahamas.

"Hey bestie , where's that sexy hunk of a brother you have ", Mia asked catching up to me.
I rolled my eyes and continued walking straight ahead.

Mia had a crush on Nate ever since middle school and wasn't afraid to let the world know.

"He just left , how was your break. We barely spoke ", I asked walking towards my locker.
"Oh it was awesome , I even bought the perfect gift for you", Mia beamed bouncing up and down.
"I told you not to get me anything Mia", I mumbled.

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