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"Soo , are you excited for your date , what are you wearing ", Mia asked me on our way to school.

Today was Friday and my mom kept going on and on about how happy she is that I finally had a boyfriend.

Like seriously , she makes as if me finding a boyfriend was near impossible.

Nate was a bit upset but he got over it and wished me good luck. What else could he do.

"I don't know what to wear but he said it's a surprise so ", I say shrugging.
"Ooh , maybe he's going to wisk you away on a private jet to Turkey ", Mia sighed dreamily.

She always wanted to go to Turkey.

" I'm sure he doesn't have a private jet Mia. Let's just get to school please", I say rolling my eyes.
"Oh you're no fun. A girl can only dream ", she mumbled.

School went quicker than usual , or maybe it was just me since I was freaking out about out the date.

"I hope you're ready for our date later babe , I'm looking forward to it", Blake had said during lunch.

When I asked what I should should wear.

"You'll look pretty in anything babe", came his reply.

So now I'm looking at my closet for something decent.
Mia wanted to help but it was her parents anniversary and she had to help her dad plan the surprise party for her mom.

"Okay , I'll just wear something cute , but comfy ", I whispered pulling out racks of clothes.

I decided on a light blue t-shirt with a denim skirt and white sneakers. I made my hair in a messy bun and applied mascara in my eye lashes.
That's all I knew how to do since I already had the perfect eyebrows as Mia like to call it.

I had thirty  minutes before Blake picks me up and I decided to start practicing what I would say when he picks me up.

I was so nervous it was pathetic.
My phone beeped with a text from Blake.

Blake Stien - be there in 5 babe.

I quickly typed a 'okay' and decide to wait on the porch.

Blake pulled up and I quickly stood to meet him.

"See, told you you'll look pretty in anything", he smiled handing me a single white Rose.
"Thank you ", I smiled taking the Rose.

Blake then whipped out his phone while I was smelling the Rose.

"What are you doing ", I asked feeling weird.

I hated people taking my photo.

"What , I have to show our grandkids how you looked on the first date before you become all wrinkly ", Blake smirked.
"Oh shut up Blake , let's just go ", I say trying to hide my smile.

Blake chuckled softly behind me.

We drive for about an hour that consisted of Blake asking me questions about myself and me of him.

I found out that Blake's parents were always away in business and left behind a huge house.
He then started working the last summer to save up because his dream was to own a string of restaurants.

We arrived just outside town and the sun was already setting.

"Oh my God , you brought me to a carnival ", I practically yelled.
"Yeah, I thought you'd like it ", he said scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh my word , I love it ", I said bouncing up and down buzzing with excitement.
"You're like a dog who haven't seen his owner all day ", Blake laughed when I couldn't stand still.

Uncovering BlakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon