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Dinner went suprising well.

Nate and Blake got along pretty well after their little chat and he even convinced my mom and Nate to let me go to New York with him.

I was shell shocked and confused , more excited though.

I was going to New York !

Even though the thought of meeting his parents made me slightly nervous , I couldn't to finally get out the city.

Blake and I are currently sitting on the porch at my house.

"So , what did Nate tell you before dinner ", I asked resting my head on his shoulder.

"Oh nothing , just boy talk ", he shrugged wrapping his arms around me.

"Boy talk huh ", I scoffed not believing him.

"Don't be such a sour puss babe ", Blake chuckled.
"I'm not being a sour puss ", I mumbled.

"I just like being kept in the loop that's all."

"It's nothing to worry your pretty head about ", Blake said and pecked my forehead.

"I have to go , chemistry homework got my name on it ", he sighs and gets up.

"But whyyy", I pout. "Stay a little longer please", I beg wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I would love to and you know that , it's just my Chem teacher has been on my ass lately ", he said resting his chin on my head.

"But we can hang out tomorrow after school. I have to do a few things for my parents if you want to tag along", he suggested smiling down at me.

"Yeah sure. I'll see you tomorrow morning yes", I say and quickly peck his chin.

"That's not the kind of kiss I was hoping for my girlfriend", Blake whispered moving down to my height.

"What did you have in mind", I asked wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh , I don't know , something like this", he said lightly brushing his lips against mine.

I placed my lips on his causing him him too smirk and kiss me back.
I always thought french kissing involves too much saliva , but not Blake's , no . He's is urgent and lots of tongue.
When Blake starts sucking on my lower lip causes my legs to buckle underneath me.

"Whoa babe ", Blake says wrapping his arms around my waist firmer.
"Too much huh ", Blake joked hugging me tightly and chuckling.
"Just shut up , I was just overwhelmed ", I say laughing softly.

"Okay , okay. Break it up love birds", Nate grumbled walking down the porch.
"Tomorrow is school and it's getting late ", Blake laughed kissing my cheeks softly.

"Goodnight Emma ", he whispered in my ear.
"Goodnight Blake , text me when you get home", I smiled straightening my dress.
With a final wave Blake leaves and I follow Nate inside where my mom engulfs me in a tight hug.
"He's great honey. I'm so happy that you found happiness , you deserve it , both of you. I'm just really grateful he's not a snob ", my mom whispered the last part quietly but I heard and shook my head.
"Okay , group hug ", Nate cheered and wrapped his arms around me and my mom's small frame.
"I love you guys so much ", my mom smiled and pecked both our cheeks.

I went upstairs to change before going to bed when my phone beeped with a text.

Blake - just got home. Goodnight love ♥️.
I typed a quick a response while blushing at the new nickname.

The next morning I woke up to the awful sound of my alarm .

I rolled out of bed and took a long hot shower.

Uncovering BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now