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The next morning I woke up to loud laughter coming from the kitchen.

I turned and saw Blake was no longer next to me but the blankets were firmly tuck around me.

I slowly got up and tied my hair into a messy bun on top of my head.

"Oh hey babe. I thought you'd still be asleep", I heard Blake say and walk over to place a kiss to my forehead.

"Why , what's the time", I asked confused.

"Just after eight ", Luke replied.

"What , oh no I need to go back to sleep", I say rubbing my eyes when I heard a throat behind me.

I turned to see a beautiful strawberries blond girl with freckles scattered over her rosy cheeks.

"Oh um hi ", I say waving awkwardly.

I mean , I was in my sleep wear and she was fully dress in a lose fitting skirt and t-shirt.

"Hello , I'm Calla Blake's cousin. You must be Emma , this idiot's girlfriend", she smiled nodding at Blake.

"Yes , I am. It's nice to meet you Calla ", I smiled.

She must be the cousin that Blake spoke about on the plane. I hope it's not the same one Luke had a fling with last summer.

I turned to look for Luke when I haven't seen him yet.

"Where's Luke ", I asked Mia who stuffed her face with pancakes.

"He hasn't woken up yet. I had to carry him to bed last night", Axel said sipping his coffee.

"Oh", I say and take a seat next to Blake.

"How'd you sleep babe", Blake asked and passed me some of his pancakes.

"Just one please ", he asked when I eyed the plate.

He knew I couldn't eat just after I've woken up.

"Fine ", I pouted.

"Look who the cat dragged in ", I heard Mia say from her place at the sink.

I looked to see Luke walking out in nothing but grey sweatpants.
Calla couldn't even hide the blush in her cheeks when he stretched.

"Jesus man. Put some clothes on ", Blake groaned beside me.

"Good morning Luke", Calla mumbled looking down.

"Calla , um hi. I didn't expect to see you so soon", he stammered.

So soon ?
Smooth Luke , real smooth.

"So soon ", Calla raised her eyebrow. "Why , so you coould think of a good excuse as to why you just left."

Luke stood open mouthed , not sure of what to say.
The tension in the air was thickening and I could see everyone was uncomfortable.

"Why don't we all go out and sight-seeing today ", I say breaking the silence.

"Yeah , that would be fun , it's New York after all", Mia exclaimed.
"Then maybe Luke and Calla can sort out whatever shit they got going on".

"Mia", I hiss glaring at her.

You can always count on Mia to always state things just like it is.

"She's right , I have a lot of apologizing todo", Luke sighed.

Calla scoffed and shook her head.

"I just came to say hi Blake. I best be on my merry way", she said and stood up.

"Calla please , just let me explain", Luke said rounding the table.

Calla looked at him for the longest time then finally gave in.

"Fine , whatever. I'll be back at twelve. I have a nail appointment right in at ten."

"That's great , thanks", Luke smiled.

"Well , it was really nice meeting you. I've heard so much about you", she said and stood up.
"I'll see ya later. Bye Mia ", she yelled when she got at the door.

"Bye", Mia yelled back.

I raised my eyebrow at Mia.
She never just speak to anyone , it normally takes a while.
Guess Calla is an exception.

"What , she's nice. I like her ", Mia shrugged.

I chuckled and continued eating the delicious pancakes.

Finally we were going sight-seeing and I was so excited , but I needed todo something first.

"Hey , Luke. Can I talk to you for a second", I asked knocking gently on his room door.

"Sure , come in ", he said while lifting a shirt over his head.

"I have a question ", I say rocking on my heels.

"Yes , Calla is the girl I fell in love with last summer. The one I told you about", he sighed sitting on his bed.

"Wow , okay. So what happened , you didn't really give me any details ", I asked softly sitting next to him on the bed.

"Well", he sighed.
"Things were going good , great actually , but I had to go and mess it up. She was to good for me. She was like a ray of sunshine , always smiling , always goofing around. She is literally an Angel I'm disguise. When the going gets tough , you can count her to have your back no matter what, but that's where the problem was. She was always there , always and that fucking upset me. We practically grew up together and she saw me with all my flaws , even when my parents split up , I called her Em. I loved her before I even knew it and still do ", he sighed.

"Then what happened Luke ", I asked.

You don't just give up on that kind of love , you just don't.

"Well , it's a bit complicated. The distance played a big role in it.
She lives in LA while we live in Colorado. It just wouldn't work , so I was a coward and left without saying goodbye", he shrugged.

"Well, that's not good and from what I saw she'll probably make you beg for your forgiveness. But I can also tell that she has real feelings for you ", I smiled.

"You really think so ", he asked hopeful.

"Of course Luke. She wouldn't get so upset if she didn't care ", I smile standing up to leave.

"Thanks Em. I needed that", he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh please , what are friends for", I smiled placing a quick kiss to his cheeks.

"Have fun Em. I'll catch up with you later ", he yelled from behind me.

"Good luck Luke ", I say and join the rest in the living room.



Another update my lovelies !

Don't forget to tap the 🌟 if you enjoyed this chapter 😊.

Bye , until next time 🥰.

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