From cero to a hundred

By thegaywoso

38.7K 608 29

After Jamies parents get a divorce, Jamie moves from Spain to Ireland, where she decides to go after her drea... More

Bus ride
A dream to chase
Not a place for you
Coming to say bye
Find your own happiness
First day of school
I like you
Christmas day
I'm sorry
First morning
Do you like her?
Last day
I miss us
Final whistle
How much can you lift?
Not losing


1.1K 25 1
By thegaywoso

"Flight number EY7936 to London Heathrow, now departing in gate number 335."

As I heard the speaker call out my flight, I stood up from my seat and headed to the gate they called, which was about 5 minutes away from where I was sat.

I took my luggage and walked through the airport dogging people right and left until I got to the gate, where I stood in the line to board.

Quick enough I was past the boarding gate and was looking for my seat in the plane. 'Number 20, A' I got there and put my bag on the top shelf before sitting down in my seat.

People passed by, one after another, until this couple stopped in front of me and put their luggage with mine. "Sorry, do you mind letting us pass by?" The man asked me politely.

"Oh no, of course not." I said getting out my seat to let them by.

"Thank you so much kid!" The man told me as I sat back down.

"No worries." I answered him before putting my earphones on and listening to music.

As the flight filled up and the pilot took off, I took my book out from beside me and started reading it. I was halfway through it, so I hoped to finish it by the time we had landed.

"Sorry to bother you again, but I've got to go to the toilet, do you mind letting me by?" The woman asked me, snapping me out of my book.

"Not at all, pass by." I told her as I got up.

"Thank you so much." She said before walking off to the toilet.

"Why are you heading to Londn in Easter? Family?" The man asked me.

"No, I've got football trials." I told him.

"Really? With what team?"

"Chelsea." I told him shily.

"Wow, you must be good then." He told me.

"Nah, it's not that big of a deal." I told him, playing it off.

"What's your name? I'm gonna keep an eye out for you in the future. I actually watch loads of women's football, my daughter loves it." He told me.

"I'm Jamie Lynch. How old is your daughter?" I asked him.

"She just turned 10." He told me.

"What team does she support?"

"She loves City actually, she's a striker and really likes Stanway." He kept telling me.

"My girl- my friend." I quickly corrected myself "is from Manchester actually. I'm a striker myself. Does she want to play football professionally?" I asked him.

"She actually does, any time someone asks her what she wants to be when she grows up, she always says 'I wanna be like Georgia Stanway'." He told me.

"Tell her to work hard and believe in herself. The road isn't easy, but she'll have to pick herself up over and over again. Just to look forward." I told him.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said before I turned back to my book.

I got off the plane and passed through security before going through these big doors which had a big crowd of people behind, waiting for their families.

I looked around until I found this man with my name on a white sheet of paper, I walked over to him. "Hi, I'm Jamie Lynch." I told him, shaking his hand.

"Great! I'm just gonna drive you to where you're staying. I've got two girls already waiting in the car, so let's go." He told me.

We walked out of the airport and into the car park. We walked through the multiple lines of cars until we got to the far right corner where this all black cab was at. He opened the back door and let me in, where two girls were already chatting away to each other.

"Hi." I told both of them, shaking their hands.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Alexandra, but you can call me Alex." One of the girls said.

"Hi I'm Sofia." The other girl told me right after.

"I'm Jamie." I told them.

"Where are you from?" Alex asked me.

"Galway, Ireland. What about you two?"

"I'm from Aberdeen, Scotland and Sofia is from Buenos Aire, Argentina."

"You've got good english, where did you learn it?" I asked Sofia.

"My father is from the US actually." She told me.

"That's dope."

We talked all the way to the hotel we were staying at, just getting to know each other. As the cab stopped and let us out we were greeted by another man.

"Hello girls! Welcome, I'll take you all to your room." He told us as we got our luggage out from the trunk of the car.

We followed the man into the front desk and gave our names as a lady looked through her computer, clicking some things. The man took 3 keys and hit the elevator, where the four of us got on.

He led us to our rooms. I was the first one to get to mine, which was empty, I sat down on my bed and took my phone out to text my family and a few of my friends and let them know I got there safely.


How was the flight? Hope
you got there in one piece.

Call me tonight if you can.

Just got to the hotel, all good.
I'll try and call you tonight, can't
promise you anything though,
love you.

I answered a few more texts before leaving my phone to the side and unpacking my bag.

Time went by and as I looked at the watch against the wall it marked 1.30 pm, I felt my stomach rumble a bit so I decided I should head downstairs and grab something to eat.

I went down and the place was practically empty which I didn't mind at all. I took a tray and served myself a side of lettuce, two pieces of tofu and a small portion of rice.

I silently ate my food, just observing the people that were around me.

There was this group of boys in one table, which I supposed also had a trial. They all seemed to know each other since they were laughing all the time.

Then there were these two girls who sat near the boys eavesdropping on their conversation, while once in a while they looked over at me.

The rest of the people around which consisted of a family of four, two older women and a group of 4 men in their 70s just sat and chatted with their groups, not drawing much attention.

When I finished my food I got up and grabbed an apple and a water bottle and headed upstairs. The man who took me to my room told me my roommate's flight wasn't landing until 4 am in the morning so I would be meeting her the next morning, meaning I had the room to myself for the rest of the afternoon.

"Hello there love." I told Shannon trying to imitate an English accent.

"You think you're so funny bro. Tell me how was the flight?" She asked me.

"It was great! I met this couple and I was talking to them, they had a daughter who was a City supporter and were asking me about football and stuff, it was great." I told her.

"Aww, that's cute." She said, causing me to blush a bit.

"Well how was your day, what have you been up to?" I asked her.

"Not much really, just missing you. I helped Liam slide into this girl's dm's and he's been out of the house with her for over 4 hours now." She told me as she eyed the watch.

"Ah, so you a match maker now? Can you set me up with somebody?" I asked her.

"Nah you're reserved for somebody if you don't find anybody beforehand." She told me.

"If it's who I'm thinking, I better get myself a girl because that girls crazy." I teased her.

"Shut up!"

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