Uncovering Blake

By pink_nells

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Growing up in a middle class family was always enough for Emma. It was always just her , her brother Nate and... More



258 9 0
By pink_nells

Friday came much quicker than I wanted it to.
I was stupidly nervous to go clubbing with Mia. It's not a secret that she can get pretty wild if given the opportunity.
I just hope tonight isn't one of those nights.
"So , how should I make my hair . Up or down", Mia asked standing infront of her body length mirror.

She was dressed in a tight red dress with a sweetheart neck line and black high hills.

"I don't think this is a good idea. The slit is too long ", I said biting my nails.
"Stop biting your nails Em. You look absolutely gorgeous , and Blake would think so too", she smirked.
"What", I asked confused snapping my head up to her.
"Oh don't be dense. He likes you everyone saw that at the table. He turned Beth down , and he flirted with you , it's kinda obvious", Mia shrugged. "Up or down", she asked again ignoring the glare I shot her.
"Whichever one is beautiful Mia", I said shaking my head.

I had my hair in a low messy french braid.
I don't wear makeup so I just decided on mascara.

"They're here , Axel just texted me ", Mia said looking at her phone.
"Okay let's do this ", I breathed.

We walked downstairs since her parents were away for the weekend.
Mia opened the door and smiled brightly when she came face to face with Axel.
"Don't just stand there , how do I look ", Mia said doing a twirl for the guys.
"You look beautiful Mia ", Axel breathed.

I walked out towards the door looking at my feet with a shy smile.
Why couldn't I just be as confident like Mia was.

"Emma ", I heard Blake say and i looked up with a small smile.

He lifted my chin up and looked me in my eyes.

"Keep your head up Emma , you look fucking beautiful ", he breathed smiling softly.

He kept looking at me with a intense look.

"Thank you ", I blushed looking down.
"I'm gonna have fight off the guys tonight ", he joked lighting up the mood .
"Oh please , I'd have to fight off the girls tonight . With your leather jacket looking like a bad boy and all ", I smiled back and walked towards the car.
"I thought you were never going to come , gosh ", Mia groaned then sent me a sly wink.

"Have you ever been to a club Mia", Axel asked from the front.
"Yeah , I went with my cousin last summer. It was fucking awesome", Mia said excitedly hopping in her seat.
"Who's designated driver tonight", I asked looking at Blake who sat beside me.
"Axel was the loser ", Blake smirked.

We pulled up to a club called Neon.

"Neon ", I read aloud.
"Yeah , it has Neon lights and stuff. It's really cool", Luke said and parked the car.
My palms started sweating as we stood in line.
"We can just go ahead. I texted my friend", Luke said and put his phone away.
"Your friend", I asked confused.
"Yeah , let's go ", Blake said held out his hand for me to take.
I smiled and took my hand in his.
I hope he didn't mind my hand sweating.
Blake squeezed my hand gently and pulled me along.

"Luke + four", Luke said and shows his phone.
"Go right through , enjoy your evening", the bouncer said.
We walked in and the lights nearly blinded me.
I stumbled back and Blake gripped my hand to steady me.
"You okay ", he asked looking at me.
"Yeah, just the lights shocked me that's all", I mumbled looking around.
"This is awesome ", Mia beamed bouncing around.
"Let's go upstairs , it's a bit more private", Luke said.

We followed Luke up while I looked around.
People were dancing and dry humping each other.
It looked like a club for youngsters.

"It's pretty nice here , how did you find this place", I asked with a smile.
"Well , it's my dad's friend's son club. He's new to the industry. I figured we could come here. It's pretty dope", Luke shrugged.
"Can we order , I'm dying over here", Blake grumbled and stood up.
"I'm going to dance ", Mia said and pulled Axel to stand with her.
"I'll go check out the girls ", Luke smirked.

I looked at Blake wondering if I could join him since Mia ditched me.
And I really didn't want to sit here alone. Who knew what pervets lurked around.
Blake got up and I gulped looking down. I'll just sit and wait here for everyone to come back then.
"You coming babe", Blake asked quirking a eyebrow.

I looked up and smiled at Blake.

"Really", I asked taking his hand.
"You think I'd just leave you here", he scoffed and pulled me up from my seat.

We walked back downstairs and I held Blake's hand tightly in mind.
A girl brushed past me causing me to stumble slightly.

"Sorry ", she said giggled and stumbled on forward.

She was clearly drunk or high on something.

"Come on ", Blake said and moved me to walk infront of him as he placed his hand on my waist.

We arrived at the bar and Blake ordered two shots and looked at me with a smirk.

"Um , I don't drink", I say looking down.
"Tonight you do ", he answered.
"Bottoms up ", he said and gulped his  down in one go.
"Your turn ", he smiled at me.
"Um okay ", I said and smelt it.

Gosh , it didn't smell all to bad.

"Just gulp it down babe", he sighed.

Why did he have to call me babe !

I gulped it down and it burned my throat.

"It burns ", I yelled slapping his chest.
Blake simple chuckled and shook his head.
"Another two", Blake said and pulled out a chair for me to sit.

Four shots later I was bouncing in my seat.

"Ooh , I want to dance now ", I squealed when the song shots came on.

"What , no way ", Blake chuckled shaking his head.
"Please , please ", I begged pouting.
"Don't fucking pout babe , I'll watch", he said and I blushed at the nickname.
"I like when you call me babe", I said and pecked his cheek before running off.

I turned and saw Blake looking at me with a smile and I immediately started dancing and moving my whole body while Blake looked at me and sipping his beer.

"Hey sweetness", I heard a whisper in my ear and someone wrapped their arm around my waist.

Before I could react Blake ripped me away from the guy and against his chest and glared at the guy.

"Fuck off dude ", he say and pulled me back towards the bar where I saw Mia and Axel laughing at something Luke said .
"Hey guys , I had shots with Blake ", I smiled happily.
"I want shots too ", Mia pouted.
"A round of shots dude", Luke yelled at the bartender and pulled out a chair to sit.
I looked at the row and saw that there was no chair for me to sit at unless I sit on the of the long table next to a old guy who gave me a creepy look.
I just stood aside and debated with myself if I should go sit there or not.
"Come here ", Blake sighed and pulled me to sit on his lap.

I blushed and sat awkwardly.

"Relax , I won't bite unless you want me to ", Blake whispered in my ear causing me to giggle and wiggle to get comfortable.
Is he seriously flirting with me right now.

The shots came and I immediately gulped my one down and turned to look at Blake.

"What ", he asked amused.

I was so wasted I wasn't sure I was seeing correctly.

I moved closer and pulled the neck of his shirt open.

"What are you doing ", Blake laughed putting his hands on my waist.

"You have a tattoo ", I asked excitedly.
"Yeah , I do ", he answered taking a sip of his beer.
"Can I see it ", I asked bouncing up and down on his lap.
"Don't move so much", Blake groaned gripping my waist.
"Sorry ", I smiled drunkenly.
"So , can I see it ", I asked excitedly.
"You'll see it tomorrow babe", he smirked.
"I like when you call me babe ", I said and felt my eyes close and I placed my head on Blake's chest.

"She's fucking adorable when she's wasted", I heard Luke say as Blake tightened his hold on me.

I felt myself being lifted and slightly opened my eyes , I felt a bit sober and when I realized that Blake had draped his jacket over me and was carrying me. I couldn't help the blush that appeared.
I snuggled closer to his warmth when we got outside.

"Um , I can walk it's okay", I mumbled and rubbed my aching head.
"You getting a headache huh ", Blake chuckled his chest vibrating on my cheeks.
"We're going to MacDonald's ", Mia exclaimed suddenly.

I groaned and buried my head further into Blake's chest.

"Yeah and then we'll drop you at home. Are you staying with Mia ", Blake asked and got in the car with me on his lap.
I just nodded and wanted to fall asleep again at how comfortable he was and he smelled good too.

"You smell good ", I mumbled inhaling his manly scent. No wonder Beth is so hung up on him.

We arrived at MacDonald's and I ordered a Chilli cheese burger and fries with a still water.

We took a seat at the booths and silently ate.
Never would I have pictured Mia and I sitting with the popular guys in the school and actually enjoying ourselves.

"Why didn't you girls ever invite us to go out with you , look at us having the best time", Luke said and stuffed his mouth with fries.
"Bad Lukey . Don't talk with you mouth full ", I slurred then straight after hiccupped.
"Sorry mom", Luke chuckled after swollowing causing me to smile.
"I guess we didn't think you guys would actually come ", Mia shrugged. "And Em doesn't really like to go it that much ", she said looking at me.

I smiled stupidly I'm return.
Gosh I was wasted.



Another chapter for you my lovelies !
This one's a bit short.
Oops , next one's a bit longer.
Don't forget to tap the 🌟 if you enjoyed this chapter.

Bye , until next time 🥰.

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