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נכתב על ידי FanFic_colby_Daddy

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Livia Dawn knew it was a bad idea to follow three guys, who were probably criminals, into the woods. Mistake... עוד

Authors note
Book two: Darling


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נכתב על ידי FanFic_colby_Daddy


I couldn't help myself. It hadn't even been a few minutes since the 4 pairs of footsteps had disappeared away from the van did I decide I needed to know what was happening.

What can I say, I was too stubborn and curious for my own good.

I crept out of the van and realized that we were just outside of town. There was no one in sight, but I could see the town which was miles away. We were near a woodsy area, tall tree's scattered all around. There were two cars parked a few meters away, both empty.

A small trail leading towards a more tree infested area spiked my interest, so I thought that was my best bet at finding them. I quietly crept through the trees until I ended up in an area much like the one I was captured and drugged from by the guys. Lots of vegetation, lots of places to hide.

I heard voices.


I quietly jogged over, ducking behind a bush and tree.

"I want the money first." That voice belonged to Colby.

I was too scared to look, in fear of being spotted, so instead, I just listened.

"I wasn't born yesterday Brock" huh... Colby Brock, "You give us the necklace, or we shoot hole's into y'all's bodies." There were a few clicks after the unknown voice had said that, and just as quickly 3 more clicks were heard from a little further away.

If this escalated.. it wouldn't end well. I didn't need to see to know that they all had a gun pointed at each other. If one was to pull? They'd all die..

"Don't even try it." Colby hissed, "You shoot, we shoot. And don't act like you don't have a daughter waiting for her dear dad at home."

Well shit.

"Hey, you shut the hell up! Your dirty mouth has no right to even speak of my daughter." The guy spat.

The tension was thick, the confidence radiating off of Colby was immense. I couldn't even see him, but I already knew the look he had on his face. He had a smug grin, eyes staring deep into his enemy's. No ounce of fear was detecting from anywhere on his body. His muscles flexed, he kept a stance that gave you the hint to not mess with him.

If I wasn't forced to be here, I wouldn't dare look his way for more than a second.

"Just give us the damn necklace." The guy was getting impatient.

I finally peek my head over the bush, letting my curiosity get the best of me once again.

Colbys shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "Don't have  it." He replied.


"Excuse me?" The guy hissed. I could now see 3 unfamiliar guys, all formed into a triangle shape. The main guy was tall, big, and dressed overly nice. He looked to be at least 45, his chin displaying a growing beard.

"It's in our van," Colby said.

The guy thought for a moment.

"There's also a girl in there, pretty thing, y'all can have her if you want." I'm sorry what?! He was just going to give me away? Are you fucking serious? I'd rather be with him than 40 years old men, they're even creepier.

I couldn't believe this. Did he seriously see me as a disposable object he could just give away?

It hurt, it was wicked, and most of all it was so inhumane.

The guy turned to whisper among his peers, turning his away from Colby and the guys. I was stood behind them. Same, Jake, and Corey looked at Colby like he had lost his mind. Which he did. I knew he was a dangerous jerk, but I didn't think he would just give away a human being like it was just another product to him. Sam especially looked confused, not knowing what was going on.

They didn't expect this.

I was about to run, bolt away from the area when, out of nowhere, Colby slickly looked past them and right at me. He winked, hiding a cheeky smile behind his hard exterior until they other guys.


I froze, confused.

He knew I was here?

I could tell by the look on his face he knew what he was doing. Of course, he did. It was clear he has been in this business for a while. He knew how to pull together a plan without anyone knowing, even his friends.

It was impressive, but terrifying all the same.

"Deal." The guy spoke up, bringing my attention back to him.

Of course, they would take the deal..

"Perfect. Leave the money and go collect y'all's prize." Colby instructed.

"I'll stay," The guy said, "Wanna make sure the necklace and girl are there first. I know your tricks, Brock." He said.

Highly doubt he does.

Colby didn't speak, nodding his head once. The guy gestures towards the tree's, instructing his friends to head that way to check on the van. Which they did. They left the two duffel bags to the main guy and ran away from the area and towards where the vehicles were parked.

Once they completely disappeared from view, Colby decided to look at me again.

He motioned with his eyes towards the guy, looking from me to his head. I was confused, but when he used his hands which were at his torso, to pretend to throw something; I figured it out.

I searched at my feet for a large rock, big enough to hurt him but not big enough to where I couldn't throw it at a fast enough speed.

When I found one, I aimed at the guy's head, extending my arm back as I coordinated when it would hit. It was the back of his skulls, so I knew it would cause damage.

Oh my god, it would cause damage..

Shit, he has a kid.

I couldn't take a father away from his child. I won't.

I set the rock down, Colby's eyes widening with confusion, and instead grabbed a smaller rock and a large stick from beside me. It was a hefty branch, a lot more dangerous but at the same time a lot safer.

I used the small rock, launching it completely past him and towards a different part of the area. He didn't see it but looked it's the way when it hit something and made a noise. Out of instinct, he pointed his gun it's way.

I took this as an opportunity to jump from my hiding spot and run towards him at a fast pace. And before he could turn around and possibly shoot me, I wacked his head, sending him straight to the ground to groan and moan in pain. He dropped the duffel bags and I grabbed them, tossing them to Corey who caught them with ease but with surprise.

I kicked his gun away and watched him squirm a bit before falling completely limp. His head was bleeding and immediately I thought the worst.

I bent down to his level, straining the wounds on my knees, and put two fingers to his neck, listening for a pulse.

When I found it, relief washed over me and I stood back up.

"Nice work darling," Colby said with an undeserving proud look.

I glare at him and hit his chest, "Jerk." I hiss.

He blinked a few times, confused, while I crossed my arms fumingly.

He was going to say something before he quickly changed his words and looked toward the way back towards the cars, "Let's go." He ordered, taking off in a sprint. We all followed him, even though I was angry at him, and when we made it back to the main road I realized we were completely away from the van and instead near their cars.

"What are-" I was cut off when Sam tossed Colby a pair of unfamiliar keys and I realized that we would be taking theirs.

Huh, smart.

As we ran, I looked behind me to see the other two guys chasing after us, shooting from behind. They were missing every shot, but that didn't stop me from being scared shitless.

Jake and Sam used their guns and shot back, missing, but doing it enough to where the other guys slowed their pace.

They were having a shootout when suddenly a felt a hand slip into my back pocket, making me squeak and slam my hand to my bottom to feel the hand already gone. I looked towards Colby, who was grinning cheekily, raising his hand to reveal the sapphire necklace dangling from his ring decorated fingers.

My lips parted in shock and before I could fully say, you fucker, a bullet shot right past us, making me gasp and pick up the pace once more.

"Sam!" Colby yelled.

"Right sorry!" He yelled back, flipping his backpack to the front of his body and searching for something while Jake continued to shoot. He pulled out a small device, pressing the button and throwing it behind him. When it landed on the ground, the guys stopped shooting and it went quiet for a second before a large explosion went off behind us, causing dirt to fly from all over.

I swatted my arms around my hair, protecting my head from any flying debris.

Was there seriously a bomb just sitting in that backpack this whole time?

We finally reached the car, "You! Passenger seat!" Colby yelled to me just as I was going to get in the back.

I didn't question it, I had no time to.

I ran around the car and into the passenger seat, not caring to put my seat belt in as the vehicle suddenly swerved from its spot and we were automatically on the road.

"Sam update," Colby demanded, driving the car fast down the paved road.

Sam looked through the back windshield, "They're taking the other car." He said.

"Well, this should be fun." He muttered to himself, slowing the car down ever so slightly.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, my hands gripped the side compartments out of fear.

"Trust me." He replied simply.

"Kinda hard when you almost gave me away to 3 other psychos!" I shoot back.

I was scared, confused, and pissed all at the same time. I couldn't give a rat's ass what I said to this guy right now.

"Shut up if you know what's good for you." He hissed back, making me huff, and leaned back into the seat. I wasn't finished with him yet, but we were in a do or die situation and I kinda didn't want to die.

"Child." He muttered, just as shots fired from behind once again. We all ducked our heads down as Colby began to swerve the car, giving the guys less a chance at actually hitting us.

"Jake, you have the best shot, wanna do the honors brother?" Colby said, not filling me in on what he meant. I sat there clueless, waiting for either our deaths or another explosion to mysteriously come from the backpack which was now sitting in Jake's lap.

Very safe.

Jake put his hand to his heart, "You really know me don't you." He said sweetly.

Colby pressed a button, causing the sunroof above us to open. Jake got to his feet, gun in hand, and stood up out of the opening. Colby's swerving caused his body to sway back and forth. "Dude! Chill with the reckless driving!" He hollered, "I just need one straight shot, okay?"

Colby didn't reply, he just began to count down.


His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.


I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for something to happen or for someone to die.


The car evened out within a second and a single shot rang from above us. There was screeching from behind us, and I opened my eyes, darting them towards the side view mirrors.

The car from behind us began swerving uncontrollably, the guy losing control of the vehicle. The front tire was popped, and in mere seconds this caused the van to swerve off the road and roll on the hard grass, slamming against a tree.

I gasped as the vehicle burst into flames, the engine probably catching fire from somewhere in the interior.

My hands flew to my mouth, a muffled scream coming from deep within me.

My eyes were locked on the flaming vehicle. Smoke and fire escaped through the shattered windows, the tree's suffering damage from beside them as well.

Holy fuck..

Those people are dead.. gone..

Burnt alive..

I felt the urge to throw up, imaging the agonizing pain and suffering they had just gone through before perishing into ash. And for what, a stupid necklace? Horrible. Terrible. Horrific..

"Ay ay ay!" Jake cheered, hopping back into the car and reclaiming his seat next to Sam. He smiled triumphantly, proud of himself.

The guys were also proud of him, praising him with a compliment as they high-fived him.

I couldn't believe they were celebrating this.

Even Colby was smiling, something he barely did.

It sickened me.

I brought my legs up to my chest, turning my body away from everyone as I stared out the windows and watched the flaming car and dead bodies slowly fade from view. I didn't want to talk to anyone, this wasn't anything to celebrate.

Yes, we almost died, but so did they. There's no good or bad in this business, just bad. It's evil vs. evil. No one wins, just loses.

"All hail the woman of the hour as well." Corey suddenly praised me, making my blood boil to 100 degrees.

They wait for a response from me, and when they didn't get it Colby spoke up, "Aw what's wrong darling?" He said in a false remorseful voice. I think he thought I was just joking around, but I wasn't. I was furious.

I didn't reply, just scoffed and turned my body further away from him.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Jake joked.

I rolled my eyes, "Actually it was the wrong side of the concrete ground." I hiss back, shutting him up instantly with the tone of my voice.

"Is this about the necklace in the back pocket thing?" Colby teases, "if you want a sorry I'll give you that."

Yeah right..

that was on the bottom of things I was angry about.

"Oh c'mon, lighten up a bit. We did a good thing today." He reassured me.

My glossed eyes looked towards his, "I don't see how two dead men are considered a good thing." I spoke coldly.

He rolled his eyes, "It was for a good cause." He replied.

I let my feet fall to the floor of the car and turn my body back towards him, fuming with rage, "Oh really? Please oh wise one, tell me how."

"We've got over $600,000 plus a beautiful necklace which could double the amount." He said proudly, "It's a win-win."

"A fucking win wi- what in the actual hell!" I bark speechless.

"Look Livia, this is our job. Whether you like it or not this is what we do and have been doing for years." He hissed back.

I scoffed "Oh really?"


I nod "Okay and is auctioning off girls also in the job description?" I ask, "hm?"

"Is that what you're seriously mad about?" He looked like he didn't believe me. How could he not! Does he know what it feels like to be looked at as an object!

I nod, "Yeah actually."

He shook his head, "Did you honestly think I was going to just give you away?"

"You took me away, I don't see why you wouldn't do the reverse." I glare, wishing it could kill.

"I had it under control." He seethed.

"Did you? Cause I looked pretty damn close to getting shot in the head when I slammed that branch against that guy's head. What, did you have that under control Brock?" I used the name the guy had given him.

He nodded "Yes I actually fucking did."


"Fight fire with fire. We had guns too, any one of my guys could have shot him before he laid a hand on you." He replied.

I shook my head, "Y'all wouldn't have been fast enough. He would have shot first, immediately killing me, and then y'all wouldn't have shot him. Admit it, you knew the risk."

He shook his head, "You doubt me, that's the problem here."

"Of course I fucking doubt you! I don't even know you! I didn't tag along like y'all keep insisting I did, I was taken against my will, that's the truth and y'all know it. You don't have the right to just put my life on the line, I didn't agree to this plan." I state.

"And I don't have to ask for your permission." He shot back.

"When it's my life, then yes. You do." I seethed through my teeth.

He had no right, no right. I would have gone against it, but I would have been aware of what was happening. I could have died or gotten taken by dudes who would probably do a lot worse to me than these guys would have. That thought is terrifying to even think about.

"Don't forget your place here." Colby reminded me.

I could tell he was holding back all this pent up anger, anger I created. I don't know why, but at this point, I want to see a reaction from him. I need to know he's aware of the mistake he made, whether he's sorry or not.

I let out a single breathy laugh, "Trust me, I haven't."

I turned my body away from them again.

Well mainly just from Colby.

I hadn't looked behind me yet, but I could imagine their faces while I was arguing with this psycho. Probably shocked and worried.
I couldn't blame them for this. I knew they had nothing to do with Colby's sick plan, it was on him and not them.

I witnessed two men die today, and all at once, it hit me.

The thought of being taken away.. again.

Attacking a man, no, a father with a branch and nearly killing him.

Running as bullets are shot at us.

Witnessing two men crash and burn for something as stupid as money.

And let's not forget the whole diner ordeal.

It made my stomach hurt to see all of these things only a day into being with my captors.

A day with being with Colby.

If I was never going to escape, who knows what may happen in the future..

I began to shake, holding back sobs as tears trickled from my grey eyes. I dug my nails into my arms, squeezing to stop myself from letting out a gross wail. I didn't want any more attention on me, I just wanted to be left alone. The large lump in my throat hurt, making me squeeze more.

The dirt from the explosion plus the sweat made my face dirty, so, I took off the already dirty white shirt that covered the tight-fitting black long-sleeve and wiped my face with it. The shirt absorbed the dirt and my tears.

I Could feel the guy's eyes on me, maybe even Colby's.

I didn't care though. I stayed in a curled up position, staring out the window looking at the clouds. I tried making shapes out of them, attempting to distract myself from today's trauma. But it was no use, my mind kept replaying the explosion and my reaction to the possibility of being given away.


That's a word that shouldn't be used to refer to a human being.

The drive was long, me not talking the entire time. Colby eventually turned on the radio to block out the nonexistent noise, which I didn't mind. I didn't like the silence either, but I didn't want to speak.

Eventually, the night rolled around and we got to a hotel. I fixed myself up without being told to, not to cause suspicion, and just went with whatever the guys told me to do.

I was so done.

They had picked up some fast food place and I got a burger with fries and a drink. I ate it pretty quickly, practically starving. My stomach hurt after, but I didn't care. I needed the food.

I shared a hotel room with sam, per my request. I didn't want to be anywhere near Colby, and they all understood that, even him. Though I could tell he was hesitant by the look on his face. Same reassured him he would take care of me, and Colby gave in and said okay.

Sam and I got our own room, two beds of course, and the other guys shared one to themselves.

When sam snoozed off into a deep sleep, I was still awake. It was a restless night, to say the least. I didn't sleep all that much. I had to turn on the restroom light so I didn't get more anxious than I already was. Sam understood and allowed it.

At the moment, I liked him more than anyone here.

But, It didn't erase the fact that he was still my kidnapper.

They all were.

And the worse part was, after today, I had already accepted the fact that I was stuck with them whether I wanted to-

or not...

המשך קריאה

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