Close Encounters of the Monst...

Od ThePuppetMaster01

154K 1.7K 697

A collection of one-shots based on the MGE. It will have lemons. Viac

Arachnophobia (Arachne)
Creature of the Night, Blight of the Light (Night Gaunt)
BirdBrain (Harpy)
It's Not Easy Being Green (Mucus Toad)
Riddle Me This (Sphinx)
An Ace Up Her Sleeve (Trumpart)
Toxic Love (Oomukade)
Flight of Madness (JubJub)
Fins to the Left, Fins to the Right (Mershark)
Fallen From Grace (Dark Angel)
Untameable (Hellhound)
Her Little Guinea Pig (Lich)
Spooky Scary (Skeleton)
Pack Animal (Werewolf)
Trick or Treat (Jack O Lantern)
Double Trouble (Bicorn/Jabberwock)
Just a Sip (Red Oni)
Split (Chimaera)
A Real Treasure (Mimic)
Wanna Play? (Living Doll)
Don't Go For The Head (Dullahan)
Temptation (Devil)
The Will of the Waves (Umi Osho)
It's Cold Outside (Yuki-Onna)
Silent Night (Weresheep)
So Be Good, For Goodness Sake! (Krampus)
Christmas at the Castle
For Your Amusement (Otohime)
Symbiotic Relationship (Slime Carrier)
Her Servant (Vampire)
Be Afraid of the Stumbling Deceased (Zombie)
Must've Been the Wind (Sylph)
"Don't Feed Them After Midnight" doesn't make any sense. (Gremlin)
A Delicate Little Flower (Troll)
The Game Begins
Eliminated? This Early? (Goblin)
Cubin' It Up (Gelatinous Cube)
Rough Love (Drow)
Sweet Memories (Mind Flayer)
Dungeons and... Dragons? (Dracolich)

Elementary, My Dear (Mad Hatter/Wonderworm)

1.8K 20 2
Od ThePuppetMaster01

Zachary looked over the quarantined area, dressed in a hazmat suit. They weren't entirely sure what caused this sort of 'Zombie Apocalypse,' but it seemed relatively... tame, so to speak. Of course he wasn't going out there without this stupid suit though, what if he got infected or something... but he doubted he even needed it.

Hordes of the dead were walking down the streets holding hands with men. Each man had about three to seven undead each, and they seemed pretty happy. Still, this shit was unnatural, and it freaked Zachary out.

Zachary worked for the FBI, which had been assigned to this because I don't know if you realized, but a Zombie Apocalypse could be a fucking serious problem.

He tried getting several of the dead to speak to him, but they seemed uninterested in him, and he could barely hold their attention for a second.

He sighed, and turned around, about to give up.

"Hm... so the signs of the attack came from... this direction?" A voice murmured, "but which way is that?"

"It's East, Ms. Bowler..." another, more laid-back voiced drawled.

"East, then."

Zachary stared at the two women in front of him.

One of them was lean and about a few inches taller than him. She wore a comical detective hat and a blue and green suit. She held a magnifying glass to the ground as she crawled on all fours.

The other woman was a head shorter than the first one, wearing a pretty casual blue and black hoodie and sweatpants. She smoked on a pipe as she watched the other woman patiently.

They were both rather voluptuous, but the shorter one was definitely thiccer than the taller one.

"Excuse me, but what are you two-"

They looked up at him.

"Ah, a local! Perfect!" The tall one said, stars shining in her eyes. She raced towards him and held her hand out, "Hello, I am Detective Beret von Bowler, and I've been assigned by the Demo-"

The shorter one covered the tall one's mouth, and muttered something into her ear.

"Ahem," Beret said after she was let go, "let's try again. I'm Detective Beret von Bowler. I have been hired by a highly respected individual to solve this here mystery. And this here is my assistant Lara." She gestured to the shorter woman.

Lara nodded towards him, sucking on her pipe.

Zachary wasn't sure what protocol was for a situation like this. A zombie apocalypse happens and then these two random women show up, managing to pass by everyone on the scene without being noticed. Should he take them in? Probably. Maybe they could answer his questions.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to come with-"

The two detectives were now on their hands and knees, staring at the ground. Lara, the shorter one ran her finger along a wet spot on the ground and sniffed it, before sticking it in her mouth.

"What is it, Lara?" Bowler asked.

"Mana..." Lara said.

"Oh? Let me see." Bowler then did the same thing. "Mmm..."

"Uh... did you guys hear me?" Zachary said, thoroughly confused.

"Hm? Oh, of course, we'll come with you. A fine man such as yourself would naturally be the perfect mate for detectives such as us."

"Alright... wait, what?" Zachary said, staring at her.

Bowler and Lara wrapped their arms around his. "Shall we?" Bowler said happily.

Time Skip

The two women were currently being interviewed back at the base. They had completely refused to speak unless Zachary was the one interviewing them, so the higher ups reluctantly allowed him to speak to them.

As soon as Zachary entered the room, the two of them lightened up.

"Ah, there he is!" Bowler said happily, "the man of the hour!" She took her hat off her head and began rummaging through it, looking for something.

"Okay..." Zachary said, "now we just have a few questions- what are you doing?"

Bowler pulled out a large plate with a teapot and three cups out from her hat and set it on the table.

"Now, Lara my dear, did you bring the sweets like I asked?"

Lara nodded slowly, before turning and grabbing something behind her chair and brought out a basket of sweets.

"What- how-"

Bowler waved her hand, "what and how do not matter, my darling." She gently grabbed the teapot and began pouring tea into the cups as Lara pulled out sweets from the basket and began placing them on the plate, but not after munching on one herself.

"Your human tea is odd, I must admit," Bowler said, "I definitely prefer uppercase tea over this, but I assume you humans would rather drink their own kind, my darling."

"Can you please stop calling me that?"

"But I'm not calling you that. I'm calling you darling." She said, with a completely straight face.

"Can we please just get to the questions?"

"Oh, I love this game!" Bowler began clapping excitedly, before turning to Lara, "do you want to ask first, or me?"

"Uh, I'm the one who should be asking the questions." Zachary pointed out.

"Do you want to go first then?" Bowler asked him.

Zachary decided to just play along. If something went wrong, surely the higher-ups would be able to pull him out of here.

"Fine. What were you doing in the quarantined area?" Zachary said.

"Aw... that question isn't any fun..." Bowler said, looking down at the floor sadly.

"Just please answer it," Zachary felt exhausted already.

"Fine... we were hired by an individual of high power and esteem to figure out where the horde of the Undead came from. Now, my question!" She sat up excitedly.

"I don't think you understand how this works."

"What do you like to do for fun?" Bowler asked him.

Lara and Bowler stared expectantly at him. Zachary assumed he might as well answer it, cause this wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon otherwise.

"Well, I suppose I enjoy going out for a jog every so often, as well as watching movies." Zachary said.

"That answer wasn't satisfactory." Bowler said, looking sad again, "you clearly enjoy doing more than that."

"Can we just move on?" Zachary asked her.

"Fine... Lara, you go next."

Lara took out her pipe sighed, a pink cloud of smoke escaping her lips, before looking up at him. "Do you have any personal preferences when it comes to a desired partner?" She said, with each word another puff of smoke slowly wafted through the air.

Bowler's eyes lit up again as she leaned forward.

"Uh, I guess I don't really have any personal preferences-"

Bowler banged her hands on the table. "You're just dodging the questions!" She whined, "it's not fair!" She grabbed a cup of tea and sipped from it, looking at Zachary with big, teary puppy-dog eyes that seemed to contain all the sadness in the world.

Who's interrogating who again? Zachary thought to himself.

"Have some tea. Trust me, it'll help." Lara advised him. She gave her pipe another puff and sat back in her chair, letting out a loud sigh.

Zachary grabbed the tea and took a sip out of it.

Huh, it tasted pretty good. Weird, despite it clearly being standard black tea, it had a strangely unique flavor that really embellished the taste.

"Now it's your turn." Lara said, looking up at the roof.

Oh right, he was still doing the whole interrogation thing.

"Okay... so can you tell me who this person who hired you is?"

They both shook their heads.

"Have you discovered any new developments that we haven't found yet?"

"Hang on," Bowler said, "that was two questions!"

Zachary banged his head on the table. He didn't want to sit through any more of these really personal questions the two of them were asking.

"Please just humor me on this one..." he muttered.

"Okay, but only for you, darling." Bowler replied, "we have already deduced how this small Zombie Apocalypse happened, but we were currently in the process of deducting where it had came from before you had arrived."

"So, can you tell us how it happened?"

"Now, you see that is a third question." Bowler said, waggling her finger at him, "it's my turn now. Do you desire me more, or Lara?"

Zachary stared at the two of them. Lara was now sitting attentively in her chair, her pipe drooping out of her mouth as she stared at him.

"I currently don't desire either of you."

Bowler tilted her head and smiled mischievously. "My darling loves to dodge my questions, doesn't he? Are you suggesting we're not beautiful?" She leaned forward, staring into his eyes. He looked at her, and had to admit she was quite beautiful- no! This is work.

"Can you quit with the games and just answer my questions?"

"Why, I most certainly could, but I don't know if I should." Bowler said, smiling.

"Just answer them."

"Fine..." Bowler muttered dejectedly.

"Okay. So, what do you know about the Zombies?"

Bowler began to tell him some insane story about an alternate universe filled with monster girls and he cut her off.

"I'll ask again. What do you know about the Zombies? Is it a viral disease, or a fungal one? Why does it only effect women? Where did it come from? Who created it?"

"Many, many questions to be answered." Bowler said, before reaching into her pockets and pulling out a clock, "and so little time! Me and Laura have much work to do on this case, and as much as I've enjoyed this tea time together, we can't stay much longer."

"If you answer my questions this will be over faster."

"Hmmm. So we can't leave without your say-so, is that correct, darling?" Bowler said, checking her watch again.


"Very well then." She jumped up and grabbed his arm.

"Wait what're you-"

"Lara, we must be off this instant!" She said to her partner, who was currently looking at the two of them lazily.

Bowler threw her hat onto the table and hopped onto it, dragging Zachary up with her.

Lara slowly crawled up the table, and the door bust down, several agents entering the room with their guns drawn.

Lara quickly dove headfirst into Bowler's hat, disappearing.

"Pardon me, but me and my darling must be off!" Bowler said to the agents before jumping into her hat, pulling Zachary down with her.

The agents got close to the hat and poked at it, but it seemed just like an ordinary hat to them, with no trace of whatever that woman used to warp them out of there.

Zachary found himself back in the quarantined zone, filled with Zombies staggering in the streets. Lara and Bowler were already there, one again investigating the area.

"You know, you can't just kidnap a federal agent!" Zachary said.

"Of course we know that. But you aren't just some federal agent, you're our hubby!" Bowler said happily, hugging him. She then turned to Lara "you can take off that ridiculous human disguise now, if you wish."

Lara sighed with relief as pink smoke surrounded her, and she grew taller and taller until she was several heads taller than Bowler. She now spotted the lower half of a large, blue caterpillar, and she looked down at it approvingly.

"I felt so cramped..." she murmured, stretching her lower body out, "what a relief to get rid of that disguise..."

Zachary stepped back, "just what are you two?"

"Monsters, silly." Bowler said gleefully, "isn't that obvious?"

Zachary was beginning to freak out, but Lara leaned down and blew smoke directly into his face.

As he inhaled it, he felt himself relaxing, calming down. A warm, fuzzy feeling spread throughout him as his mind became sleepy.

"There, nice and calm for us now?" Bowler asked, "there is no reason to freak out darling."

"No reason..." Zachary said groggily, no... reason..." he stumbled forward, and Lara caught him with her many legs.

"Mm, you want me to carry you?" Lara asked him lazily, to which Zachary nodded sleepily. Lara gently picked him up and held him in her arms, the two of them wreathed in her pink smoke.

"Aw, that's so adorable..." Bowler cooed, "Lara, take care of our hubby while I figure out where this mess came from."

"Lara..." Zachary said slowly, and she looked down at him.

"Yes, dearie?" She asked him sweetly.

"You're very beautiful..." Zachary murmured.

"Thank you, dear."

"Your body's so soft... and you've got huge boobs..." Zachary actually reached up and began playing with them as he spoke, eliciting a moan from Lara.

"Mm... what else do you like about me?" She asked him playfully.

"I like how cute you are..." he murmured, while squeezing her tits, "and how squishy these are, and how good they feel to touch..."

"Mmhm, you must really enjoy my breasts..." Lara whispered to him softly.

"Guys, I found something!" Bowler's loud voice made Lara and Zachary flinch.

She raced over to them, and froze in front of Lara.

Fire burned in the caterpillar's eyes, a sudden primal rage at Bowler's interference. How dare she interrupt their moment!

Bowler looked up at the Wonderworm in fear. Never before had she seen an emotion other than lazy indifference in the caterpillar monster's eyes. She must've done something serious...

She then noticed Zachary groping her, and realized what she had just walked in on.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." Bowler said nervously.

Lara continued to glare at her until Bowler finally spoke again.

"Well, I found that on the trail heading east, there's supposedly a large cavern down the path. Perhaps that is where the Zombies not created in the cemetery came from. Shall we investigate? If you're... preoccupied, I understand."

Lara thought for a second, then nodded, and the three of them set off.

Upon reaching the cavern, Bowler hid behind a rock. Lara carried Zachary towards a tree and hid behind there.

"I can sense something powerful in that cavern..." Bowler said, and Lara nodded. She could sense it to.

"I think we've got our culprit."

Lara nodded again.

"So our job is done."

Lara nodded once more.

The two of them then turned to Zachary, and smiled.

"Then we can have some fun."

Time Skip

Bowler and Lara reported to the Demon Lord on the cavern's location through a magic cell phone she stored in her hat, and then they returned to their realm, dragging Zachary along with them.

Once they arrived back in Wonderland, the two detectives couldn't help but pin Zachary down then and there.

Being completely intoxicated by the smoke coming from Lara, Zachary put up no resistance as they tore off his clothing.

The two monsters removed their own clothes, ready to get down to business.

Bowler put her hands to her lips and blew strange spores into Zachary's face as he stared at their bodies, and he felt a heightened sense of awareness overtake him.

Bowler bowed towards Lara extravagantly, and Lara smiled.

"I'll start with these, since you love them so much..." Lara jiggled her tits for him, smiling at his expression.

She wrapped his dick in between her breasts and squished them together, titfucking him at a shockingly fast pace for someone who behaves so lazily.

Bowler watched with interest, fingering herself.

The soft, squishiness of her boobs made Zachary moan in pleasure, and he felt himself reaching his limit rather early.

Lara noticed and smiled, before shoving his cock down her throat, sucking on it eagerly.

Her throat squeezed him, milking him for all he was worth as he shot his load straight into her stomach.

Zachary thought she would move on after that, but she continued deep throating him after he finished cumming. He kept blowing more and more loads into her, but she refused to quit draining him dry. Her hunger truly was unquenchable.

Eventually it got to the point where Bowler had to physically remove Lara from him, telling her that she had sucked almost all of the cum out of him, and it was her turn now.

Lara gulped down the rest of the semen and allowed her partner to go next.

Bowler smiled at Zachary.

"Unfortunately I'm afraid we don't have the time for foreplay, as Lara here's quite the glutton for your seed, it would seem." She smirked, "but we'll increase your capacity and stamina later... I just want to take your actual virginity first..."

She positioned her passage over him and gently eased her hips down, moaning softly.

"Oh... that's nice..." she began moving her hips soon afterwards, hugging Zachary close.

Her passage squeezed him gently, massaging his length as he plunged deeper into her depths.

"Mmmmmm..." Bowler murmured, groping her chest as she rode him.

Lara watched the two of them hungrily. Without her pipe she seemed to get far more active and hungrier than usual.

Bowler rode him for what felt like hours of paradise before Zachary came into her depths, spurting his seed into her womb.

"Ah, quite thrilling!" Bowler said, looking down at Zachary lovingly, "wanna go again?"

But Zachary was spent, and his world slowly grew hazy, and darkness overcame him.

Time Skip

He woke up in the arms of his new beloveds, who were ecstatic when he awoke, and showered him with love and sex for the following day. They spent the rest of their lives in Wonderland, increasing his stamina as well as having luxurious tea parties with the Queen of Hearts herself, and they lived together happily ever after.


A squad of FBI agents approached the cavern, weapons drawn at the ready. Nodding nervously to each other, the entered.

Their superiors watched as they entered the darkness, before they shined a flashlight down in the tunnel, illuminating a weird device on the ground.

Upon an agent investigating it, a purple light shone in its center, and the feed suddenly cut out.

They sent more troops into the cave, but the agents were gone. No trace to be seen.


"The contestants are arriving." A voice said politely, bowing to the hooded figure at the end of the table. "We're going to be live in a few minutes. Shall I begin the preparations?"

"Of course my dear," the hooded figure said, absentmindedly rolling her dice.

"Very well." The other person left the room.

"Now then..." the hooded figure turned to a large array of screens, show casing hundreds of humans who had fallen into this trap across the globe, as well as monsters hidden all over the area.

"Let the game begin."

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