The Game Begins

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It was just an average day at New York City. People walked on the streets, wearing face masks of course, we aren't heathens after all.

I'm only kidding. Not about the importance of wearing face masks, though. That's pretty important. This earth is set several decades or so into the future, in case people don't know the whole lore behind my cringey MGE stuff.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. People walked down the streets of NYC before every single screen in the entire city suddenly went black. Most people didn't notice it at first cause this was New York and all, but they all did notice when the screen flickered on to show a rather unusual sight.

A hooded woman showed up on screen at the end of a table. On the table were several small figurines, a few books, and several full sets of dice.

"Good afternoon," the woman began politely.

Everyone around the world stopped to stare at what was happening. This event was happening worldwide, the TV through some magic means translating what the woman was saying so everyone could understand her.

Shutting off the screens was impossible, as people tried accessing the TVs, computers, and smart phones around the world, but to no avail.

Through some unknown means, this person has hijacked the screens of the whole world.

"Now that I have your attention..." the woman cleared her throat, "allow me to introduce myself. I am the Dungeon Master, and this," the camera slowly zoomed out to show a massive map of a vast labyrinth that appeared to be under the earth's surface. How was this accomplished, you may ask. No fucking clue, but the plot must happen.

"This is my dungeon." The camera zoomed back in onto the hooded figure. "Now, a lot of you must be curious about the incidents where men went missing mysteriously around the world. I must admit, I am responsible for that as well."

The crowd began murmuring again.

Governments all over the world were trying to track where this was coming from, but they couldn't find anything. Whatever this person was using to access the world's screens, it was too far advanced for anyone to figure out, even with the latest tech.

Wow, that kinda sounds like a lazy way to explain why this wasn't shut down immedia-


Anyway, as stated earlier, the world had no idea what the fuck was going on.

"Now you are probably all confused..." the woman said, "so allow me to explain it to you. The men I captured are being held inside this colossal dungeon under the earth's surface. Here they will face many challenges that will threaten their very way of life. But if they can make it to the center... riches and rewards far beyond what they could ever dream of await them. But only one can claim their prize. Of course, I shall be streaming this event live to anyone who wishes to view it on our own little platform. To view it, all one must do I recite a little incantation in front of their TV screen." A message appeared on the screen. Some people wrote it down, assuming most likely that it was the incantation.

"You may be asking, 'why am I doing this?' Very simple, really. I'm here to prove the existence of monsters to each and every one of you, live!"

A woman in the crowd spat out her coffee, staring up at the screen. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and began dialing furiously.

"We hope to see you all there!" And then the screen went dark.


The Demon Lord sighed, laying back in her chair. She just got done speaking to those detectives, and it didn't look like she was gonna make it to the family vacation she promised her husband. All she wanted was to strip off her clothes and skinny dip with her dearly beloved in a tropical island far from civilization. Is that so much to ask?

Her pocket began vibrating, and she pulled out her phone.

"Mom?" A voice said on the other end, "we've got a problem."


The Dungeon Master absentmindedly rolled her dice as a Demon flew in.

"The contestants have each been assigned their class." The Demon reported.

"Good," the Dungeon Master stood up, stretching, "what class did he pick, if you don't mind me asking."


The DM smiled, "of course. He always was fond of that class."

"I don't understand why you just didn't kidnap him alone." The Demon replied, "why go to all this trouble of creating an elaborate dungeon contest?"

"I have my reasons." The DM replied, turning around, "are the traps all functioning?"

"Yes, we've checked them five times already..." the Demon sighed, "the monsters are getting restless, though. How long until it starts?"

"An hour should suffice." The DM turned around, "that'll give her enough time to get here."

She smiled at her screen of contestants, running a finger along the cheek of one in particular.

"Let the game begin..." she murmured.

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