Elementary, My Dear (Mad Hatter/Wonderworm)

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Zachary looked over the quarantined area, dressed in a hazmat suit. They weren't entirely sure what caused this sort of 'Zombie Apocalypse,' but it seemed relatively... tame, so to speak. Of course he wasn't going out there without this stupid suit though, what if he got infected or something... but he doubted he even needed it.

Hordes of the dead were walking down the streets holding hands with men. Each man had about three to seven undead each, and they seemed pretty happy. Still, this shit was unnatural, and it freaked Zachary out.

Zachary worked for the FBI, which had been assigned to this because I don't know if you realized, but a Zombie Apocalypse could be a fucking serious problem.

He tried getting several of the dead to speak to him, but they seemed uninterested in him, and he could barely hold their attention for a second.

He sighed, and turned around, about to give up.

"Hm... so the signs of the attack came from... this direction?" A voice murmured, "but which way is that?"

"It's East, Ms. Bowler..." another, more laid-back voiced drawled.

"East, then."

Zachary stared at the two women in front of him.

One of them was lean and about a few inches taller than him. She wore a comical detective hat and a blue and green suit. She held a magnifying glass to the ground as she crawled on all fours.

The other woman was a head shorter than the first one, wearing a pretty casual blue and black hoodie and sweatpants. She smoked on a pipe as she watched the other woman patiently.

They were both rather voluptuous, but the shorter one was definitely thiccer than the taller one.

"Excuse me, but what are you two-"

They looked up at him.

"Ah, a local! Perfect!" The tall one said, stars shining in her eyes. She raced towards him and held her hand out, "Hello, I am Detective Beret von Bowler, and I've been assigned by the Demo-"

The shorter one covered the tall one's mouth, and muttered something into her ear.

"Ahem," Beret said after she was let go, "let's try again. I'm Detective Beret von Bowler. I have been hired by a highly respected individual to solve this here mystery. And this here is my assistant Lara." She gestured to the shorter woman.

Lara nodded towards him, sucking on her pipe.

Zachary wasn't sure what protocol was for a situation like this. A zombie apocalypse happens and then these two random women show up, managing to pass by everyone on the scene without being noticed. Should he take them in? Probably. Maybe they could answer his questions.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to come with-"

The two detectives were now on their hands and knees, staring at the ground. Lara, the shorter one ran her finger along a wet spot on the ground and sniffed it, before sticking it in her mouth.

"What is it, Lara?" Bowler asked.

"Mana..." Lara said.

"Oh? Let me see." Bowler then did the same thing. "Mmm..."

"Uh... did you guys hear me?" Zachary said, thoroughly confused.

"Hm? Oh, of course, we'll come with you. A fine man such as yourself would naturally be the perfect mate for detectives such as us."

"Alright... wait, what?" Zachary said, staring at her.

Bowler and Lara wrapped their arms around his. "Shall we?" Bowler said happily.

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