Just One Look

By karlij201

3.3K 128 55

When countless attacks are enacted within the city of Gotham, there is no answer. No one knows who this crimi... More

Just One Look
Boom Boom Pow
Cold Sweat
The Run
Chapter 10: Help
The Batman
Hold On
"Back from the Dead."
Horse and Pony Show
Witch Doctor
Love and Stuff
Jokers Plan
And Here We Go
Total Paranoia
World of War
Intruder Alert
The Sum of It
Hal Jordan
Arkham Asylum

Damsel in Distress

123 3 0
By karlij201

"Wear this." Joker demanded, handing me a costume. It was purple, and tiny. Really tiny. It was a bikini with a flowy skirt kind of thing attached to the bottoms. I took it and looked down at myself. Was he expecting me to wear this? This tiny purple bikini? I took it off the hanger and fit it to my body. I put it on and wrapped a robe around my waist. The costume showed my whole body, other than my boobs and my crotch. The flowy soft fabric tickled my legs, I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was pinned away from my face, but I knew if there was going to be any action tonight that it wouldn't be this pretty for very long. I looked around the bathroom, it was tiny and had all but one entrance. I put my hand on the knob and turned, when I pulled the door open, Joker stood before me. His painted face and colored hair newly done, his custom suit cleaned and tailored to his body. Maybe if he wasn't a psychopathic serial killer, he might be a nice guy? His eyes traveled up and down my body and I felt the goosebumps rise. He was freaking creepy. I was surprised that I hadn't been raped and or murdered yet. But wasn't I worth the world to him or something? Was I actually worth money? I must be, because Bruce was willing to pay my ransom. Joker smiled at me and took my hand, twirling me around in a circle. The purple flow of my dress wrapped around my legs and caused me to trip. Joker caught my waist and I was in a dip. His breathing was shallow on my neck and I stumbled to stand back up.

"Don't touch me." I hissed, he was hurt. But I didn't care, he was a monster. I did not pity him at all, he was a bad man.

"Let's get a move on, people." Joker yelled through the house. I was then restrained, bound and gagged. I struggled, but not as much as I would. I knew there was a chance for me to escape, but I couldn't take it yet. I was put inside a van, and I sat there alone in the back for at least three hours before we started to move. By that time, the sky was dark and I was tired. We drove to downtown Gotham, I could tell because I could hear the train and we were waiting at a lot of stoplights. Or at least what I figured were stoplights. Before I was dragged out of the car, I was blindfolded and my rope ties were replaced with handcuffs. They dragged me out of the car and carried me somewhere. I don't know where, but I was placed on a pole. I could feel the cold metal down my spine. I heard Joker laugh, and the blindfold was ripped from my face.

"Hello, Kitty." Greeted the clown, smirking at me. We were in a room that was facing downtown Gotham. One wall was all windows and the others were white and bare. "You know, I have a twisted mind." He started, starting to pace the floor. I could hear the honking of horns in the streets below. "I have..." He paused coming closer to me, his face inching forward so I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. "Fantasies." His eyes flashed to my lips. "I always saw myself as the hero, in those scenarios." He brought his hand up to my face, took his finger and outlined my jaw. "But, I know that in this one. I am the villain, and the true hero will only come to rescue his damsel in distress if the damsel is in distress." With his other hand, he stabbed the wall next to my head. I jumped, and he smiled, showing his yellow teeth. The room was dark, only illuminated by the street lights outside."Don't be scared, just be..." He stopped and thought for a moment. "thrilled, that you're here to experience this first hand." He took the knife out of the wall, and traced the right side of my face. The scar was still fresh on my cheek and he slowly reopened it. I screamed on the inside and I started to cry. He had continued to reopen my healing wound in order to ensure that there would be a scar. I tried to kick him away but he only plunged the knife deeper into my skin. Behind the Joker I saw a sudden flash of movement. He stopped cutting me and turned around slowly. "I'm so glad you received my invitation, Batman." He clicked the knife closed and dropped it in his pocket. The caped crusader stood, frozen in place fifteen feet away from Joker. He didn't say anything, his dark eyes surveyed the room, landing on me.

"What do you want with her?" The Bat asked, his voice dark and deep. Warm blood oozed down the side of my face.

"It's not what I want, or desire with her. It's you." He paused, not seeming to be intimidated by the creature. "Our nightmares define us, Batman. You of all people should know that." I watched the back of the Joker, he made a fast move and pulled out a gun. "Move, and she dies." He threatened pointing the gun at my head. He loaded the chamber and put his finger on the trigger. He turned to me, keeping one eye on the dark knight. "I'm guessing, that you're wondering who I am." Joker was talking to me, he waited for my answer. I slowly nodded my head even though I already knew who Joker was on the inside. "I am, your worst nightmare. I will be there when you go to bed, I will be in your mind when you wake up, I will be there twenty-four-seven." He turned to Batman, keeping the gun pressed to my forehead. "You're a hyperactive person, aren't you?" He asked the bat. Batman stood and didn't say anything. "Hyperactive, nocturnal, stupid." He said, pulling the trigger. I squeezed my eyes closed, waiting for the bullet to enter my brain. Instead, the building across the street blew up, blowing out the windows behind us. Joker was swept away, and knocked off his feet. He fell to the floor while Batman took the chance to free me. He smashed the handcuffs chain and whispered in my ear.


I took his advice and darted out of the room, before the Joker let me go he grabbed onto my skirt and yanked me back. I fell to my knees and he had his knife to my neck.

"Bad idea, Kitty."

"No." Batman said, Joker got up and dragged me with him. The sharp blade was digging into my skin, my heart was beating a million miles a minute. I was terrified. I was facing Batman, and I saw Harley Quinn enter quietly through the door. A big, round frying pan in her hands. I opened my mouth to say something but Jokers hand found its way around my neck.

"Oh, Batsy!" Harley called, Batman turned around and nearly missed the flying frying pan but was smacked right in the face. He crumpled to the ground and a little sound came out of his mouth. He laid unconscious on the ground. Joker let me go and jumped with joy over to the knight. He straddled the caped crusader and put his knife to his mask. I looked down and the gun was at my feet and I quickly scooped it up and aimed it at Harley Quinn who was coming at me now with the pan. I pulled the trigger and an actual bullet flew through the air and shot her in the arm. I aimed again, lower this time and shot her in the knee. Immobilizing her. Joker paid no attention to this while he tried to carefully saw away the plastic mask the creature was wearing. I found it odd that the Joker would care so much for the cleanliness of this victim's face. Considering my own bloody face.

"Drop the knife and you live." I threatened, Joker laughed and looked at me.

"You won't pull the trigger. You don't have the guts." He spat, I stepped towards his and aimed the gun at his head.

"Try me."

"You know, Kitty. There's some fight in you. I like it, but not enough to let you get in the way of my plan."

"What's your plan?" I questioned, his attention was on me. I saw Batmans eyes pop open and refocus.

"Do I really look like a guy with a plan?" He questioned, "I get asked that question a lot, you know. What's your plan?" He started to chuckle, then to laugh like a hyena. He stood up and approached me, not even hesitating when my finger tensed on the trigger. "I never have a plan, I just like to play the game."

"What game is that." I asked flatly, watching Batman sit up slowly. He looked around, Joker turned to look back and I poked him with the barrel of the gun, bringing his attention back to me. "What game are you playing?"

"I want to watch the world burn, that's all. Not a big thing." He said nonchalantly. "I play whatever game that will get me there." He paused, still stepping closer to me. The gun was pressing into his chest now, and his breath was hot on my face. "No matter how, batty." He said, giggling. He tried to control his laughter but failed and backed away holding his stomach. Batman stood up and tackled Joker to the ground, near Harley who was crying  and clutching her leg. Batman got Joker in a hold and held him until he was unconscious. Batman got up from the ground and came for me. I backed away, and tried to run. I was scared for my life, I wanted to trust this caped crusader. But something inside me told me to run. The black creature reached out for my arm and grabbed it. He didn't grip it as if he was going to hurt me, but as to save me from harm.

"Catrina." He said, his crackling voice catching my attention. The way he said my name was hypnotising. I struggled to get away, fearing that he was worse than Joker. But didn't Joker want to lure the hero in? To save the damsel? "Catrina." He said again, I stopped struggling and looked up. His dark eyes intoxicated me, I was suddenly attracted to him. He took me by the waist and lead me towards the door. He and I made our way to the elevator shaft. We entered the elevator and took it to the top.

"Can I trust you?" I asked, once we were on the roof.

"I can leave you here, if you don't trust me."

"That wasn't my question, can I trust you?" I repeated.

"If you trust me, you'll live. If you don't, you'll live."

"What if I want to trust you, but I'm too afraid to come with you."

"Then you don't trust me." He concluded, I could hear police sirens below. The wind whipped the purple skirt around my bare legs.

"Are they here for you?" I asked, he nodded. "Are they here for me?" Again, he nodded. "I think, I can trust you. If you save me again." I said, backing away from him. He nodded and took something off of his utility belt. I watched him disappear into the Gotham night high on the rooftops of the city. I went back inside, and started to go down the stairs. The S.W.A.T. team was just coming through when I reached the floor that I had originated on. Joker and Harley were gone, I didn't know if they had been found, or if they escaped. Either way, I knew, when I returned to school, if I did. I would steer clear of Jared and his friends. They were the enemy.

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