โœจ ๐•Š๐•ฅ๐•’๐•ฃ ๐•”๐•™๐•š๐•๐•• โœจ (jjba...

By Trinity22005

46.6K 1.3K 791

๐šˆ๐š˜๐šž๐š› ๐šŠ ๐š–๐š˜๐šœ๐š๐š•๐šข ๐šŠ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š›๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ ๐š‹๐šž๐š ๐šœ๐š๐š˜๐š’๐šŒ ๐š๐šŽ๐šŽ๐š— ๐š ๐š‘๐š˜ ๐š๐šŽ๐š๐šœ ๐šœ๐šŽ๐š—๐š ๐š‹๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š” ๐š’๐š— ๐š๏ฟฝ... More

Y/n and stand info
F/n and stand info
Y/n's journal of adventures
๊ง sidestories ๊ง‚
Origins of a young assassin
Run in with other assassins
A new fathers plight
Brothers from another mother
Y/n's first friend
The Blues of the soul
๊ง sidestories ๊ง‚
โ“ช. it all began on a (jojo) Friday
โ‘ . time travel is a bitch but so is grandpa Dio
โ‘ก. jinkies looks like we got a mystery on our hands (not really)
โ‘ข. looks like this is a story about vampires now
โ‘ฃ. still a better love story than twilight plus jack the ripper appeared
โ‘ค. teaching grandpa Dio japanese and learning to be a brando
โ‘ฅ. what do you have?, a sword!, no!!!
โ‘ฆ. changing fate like its my aesthtic
โ‘จ. bittersweet goodbye's and the promise to meet again
Partโ‘  incorrect quotes
โ‘ โ“ช. cant get shit in new york
โ‘ โ‘ . #stonemaskChallenge gone wrong
โ‘ โ‘ก. oh hey its the naz- german soldiers
โ‘ โ‘ข. ahem...."HE'S INSIDE ME!...no homo tho"
โ‘ โ‘ฃ. bubbles is my favourite powerpuff girl...Caesar agree's
โ‘ โ‘ค. why is that man using a frog as a phone...ah shit to soon!
โ‘ โ‘ฅ. im on a highway- shit i mean pillar~ to hell
โ‘ โ‘ฆ. Esidisi! Does dirty deeds...wait why is his name like the band AC/DC?
โ‘ โ‘ง. invasion of the body snatchers but everyone is a reference to music
โ‘ โ‘จ. running in the 8...30's
โ‘กโ“ช. The eternal seal in my soul

โ‘ง. its the final battle! Dododod dodododo

609 27 14
By Trinity22005

🗡🥀~𝓟𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓶 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭~🥀🗡

You'd think by now the others would get here but no you were still waiting for Jonathan and the others while your stand refused to let you simply defeat Dio already. Sure it wasn't all that bad considering Dio was nice to you and even sure you were comfortable here......but it's still Dio we're talking about. Yeah you've already had to save multiple people from dying tonight cause of his vampiric appetite and him just kinda being a giant ass. Not to mention you also had to deal with his minions and creepy chimera's that reminded you wayyyy to much of Nina and Alexander.

"I'm getting thirsty....do you want something to drink as well?" Dio asked looking over to you as his servant went to get his next meal (that you would stop him from eating) as an idea came to your mind. Putting down the book you were reading you replied "cactus juice" with no further explanation making Dio's eyebrows furrow. He's never heard a drink like that before and it certainly didn't help when he noticed you smirking as his confusion. "Whats cactus juice?" He asked still confused as your smirk got worse, "you don't know cactus juice?, it's the quenchiest" you replied holding back a few giggles as Dio then deadpanned.

"Your referencing something I dont know aren't you?" He sighed looking at you a bit annoyed before you answered "why would you think that?" Just before the servant who left earlier arrived with a girl. Your smirk disappeared as she was dropped harshly to the floor, she looked afraid though you could see anger coursing through her. Now looking at her you could see similarities with her and the boy you met earlier....you think his name was poco but it's been a few hours so you could properly remember if you were correct.

"Hey....um I think I met your brother earlier tonight. He's in good hands so don't worry to much um miss" you said a bit awkwardly as she stared t you confused, "why did you say?, aren't you with him?" She asked pointing to Dio who was still oddly quiet. "No he kidnapped me cause I'm his grandkid and I guess he want me to be evil. It's a long story" you explained now getting up from your seat while momentarily glancing up at the ceiling, beside one of Dio's goons hanging from above was your stand who was motioning you to go near the girl.

"Im y/n by the way, whats your name?" You asked now by her side as Dio still stayed silent, "its Anna" she introduced making you crack a small smile. "Well Anna hang on" you exclaimed suddenly grabbing her just as your outfit changed to Jonathan's, you jumped back a few feet still holding her while the sword of pluck was held in you other hand. Looking through a window in the ceiling Jonathan, your uncles, poco, Baron, speedwagon and a few others you didn't recognize appeared.

"About time you guys got here. I've spent hours waiting and having to stop Dio from turning people into juice boxes" you said before tossing Anna up towards the ceiling window thing, she was caught by one of the new men you haven't met yet and was then hugged by Poco. Jonathan jumped down and landed beside you in a super hero landing esc pose, "sorry for the wait" Jonathan said to you before turning to the still silent Dio and exclaiming "your more quiet than usual Dio, are you afraid that you'll finally get retribution for your actions?".

After saying this Dio stayed silent for a few more moments but then answered "no, I'm just annoyed you still have to ruin everything for me jojo. But I won't have to worry much about you anymore". Jonathan's face hardened at Dio's statement but he didn't have much time to reply with a comeback since you (somehow) pushed Jonathan out the way of an attack yelling "to your left!". The servant from the ceiling you saw near starboy was the one whom attacked, he was definitely...odd looking since he had a sack over his head that soon ripped open to reveal his face and scalp had snakes fused to it.

"Wow never thought I'd be fighting a Medusa knock off" you mumbled taking in a deep breath letting hamon build up while Jonathan did the same, now both beside on another and surging with hamon energy the goon tried to attack. The snake heads lunged towards Jonathan who caught them all, this temporarily stunned the goon giving you the chance to slash at him with your sword that quickly made work of him. "Yeah stab him!!, they grow up so fast" Majima yelled whipping a fake tear away from his one eye as Kiryu gave you an encouraging thumbs up.

Jonathan quickly then kneed the zombie in the face and took ahold of its face, "I'll use hamon to turn these snakes against their master" he explained sending hamon into the snakes who then began biting the zombie. With the hamon attacks from you and now being attacked by its own snakes filled with hamon the zombie melted into mush quickly. With the threat now eliminated Everyone but poco and his sister jumped down into the area. "Head home, we'll deal with Dio." Baron yelled up too the two siblings who nodded but not before both of them called out "thank you all!!".

"Oh hey, who are the-" you tried to ask looking at the 3 new men in the group before you were tackled by Majima in a hug before he bonked you on the head with the handle of his knife. "Ow!, what the hell was that for?!" You yelled while Kiryu patted your head gently, "that's for worrying us!." Majima exclaimed. "It's not even my fault!, I was literally kidnapped!" You deadpanned making your eye patch wearing uncle say "yeah yeah.....but seriously you worried us you little shit", from his time you could see he was actually concerned making you sigh. "Alright aright just don't use violence as a way to show your worry next time." You insisted making Majima do his signature laugh.

"No" he giggled making you deadpan once again before looking up to Kiryu who smiled. "Sorry to ruin anything but before we go defeat Dio, we should probably introduce you to mr tonpetty, Straizo and Dire" Baron said making you turn to him and the 3 other hamon users. "They already know about you and your...relation to Dio and situation but don't worry." Baron added as the 3 users nodded, "I'm Straizo, the one to my left is Tompetty and the other is Dire. We're good friends of Baron" the one with long hair introduced making you nod. "I see...I guess you all already know about me so it would kinda be useless to introduce myself, huh?" You mumbled scratching your head.

"Since that's done let's go kill Dio!" Baron yelled making everyone nod (albeit a bit awkwardly for you), "I've spent the last few hours here so I know the place pretty well. I know where he probably is" you explained already leading the way for everyone. It didn't take long to arrive where Dio was hiding especially since there weren't any zombies or those flan creepy ass chimera's on the way there. Jonathan was the first to enter where Dio was as everyone followed in behind him. "I'm surprised your still alive jojo and that my grandkid didn't join my side" Dio said with a bit of huffy annoyance seeping into the last part which made you deadpan. You've literally told him over and over again you weren't joining him yet he's still surprised when you say no again....jeez.

"Well since you already defeated Tarkus and Bruford I'm sure you won't mind handling a few more zombie knights" the vampire said before a few more of his servants appeared behind him menacingly, the knights made comments about killing Jonathan but Dio waved them aside ordering "no this one is for me, he falls by my hand alone. Also you all must still follow my orders retaining to my grandkid and their uncles". "Don't misunderstand me jojo, this is something that gives me no pleasure. We were raised in the same house and the prospect of turning you into an undead things is not a happy own for me. That's why I wanted you to be quickly dispatched by my knights though it seems in the end I underestimated you. Seeing you here alive brings me to the realization that as an emperor is was being far to soft. But now I'll put you to death without a moments thought!"  Dio evily monologued dramatically.

"I can say the same!, I will feel no hint of guilt for your death!." Jonathan yelled getting ready to attack as Dio taunted "come jojo!". You readied your sword as Jonathan did as well but both of you were stopped by Dire placing a hand on Jojo's shoulder and saying "both of you step aside. I'll do it" making Jonathan protest saying "wait dire!, listen to me! Dio has hidden abilities for which your not prepared!". "He's right Dire!, leave it to jojo!" Baron yelled though his long time friend ignored it. He began walking towards fire using a hamon ability you've never seen and then float? In the air doing a slow motion kick towards Dio.

"Why is he doin that matrix slow motion fight move against a vampire?" Majima who was somehow now right beside you mumbled making you shrug, "final fight thing I guess" you responded back making his eye wisen as a smile crept up his face. "Final fight eh?" He smirked looking towards Kiryu who nodded before you three turned back to see Dire exclaimed "you fell for it fool!, THUNDER CROSS SPLIT ATTACK!!". The attack didn't work and before anyone could do anything Dire was frozen and then quickly killed by Dio. Dire's head landed in a nearby basket of roses as your eyes widened, "Umm I don't think starboy can fix that!" You yelled before turning to your stand who nodded.

"He has no body so I can't reattach his head. There is sadly nothing I can do for him" it explained a bit solemnly before disappearing in thin air. "Holy fuck he became a damn popsicle" Majima mumbled as Dio began mocking Jonathan when suddenly a hamon filled rose hit the blond vampire's face. Somehow Dire's head was still conscious as he glared up towards Dio with a smirk, "those hamon filled roses sting a bit don't they?. I'm fine with this death as long as you all kill h-" the head said before being cut off by his head exploding into chunks of ice which froze the roses as well.

"Dire!!" Jonathan, Baron and the other hamon users yelled out in grief while Dio snarled and insulted the now dead man. You were still somewhat shell shocked to this whole ordeal, you were still a mostly regular teen but now you just watched a man's severed head talk before exploding into chunks of ice. "Speedwagon my sword!, y/n pull out yours as well to help me!" Jonathan ordered making you momentarily snap out of your shock and nod, speedwagon did as Jonathan said throwing the sword over to him.

Jonathan began monologuing to Dio about dire and basically explained his plan as he charged his sword up with hamon, you weren't sure why he was basically giving away his plan to deafest Dio but you followed along charging up your sword as well. Dio jumped back towards the balcony of the castle holding his still somewhat injured face, he complained about "filthy humans dared to touch him" now completely enraged at Jonathan and the other hamon users.

Zombies began appearing and surrounding the others making tompetty and Straizo surrounded your uncles before seeing the two suddenly rip off their jackets (plus shirt in Kiryu's case) and begin to attack the birds of zombies. Both were take down the small hordes rather quickly gaining Dio's attention....but then that attention changed for other reasons. The anger he felt before soon melted away as a blush invaded his cheeks at seeing the two ripped yakuza men begin to beat down his hordes of zombies. He watched with his blush becoming even worse when the one who he remembered was named Majima caught him staring winked with his one eye and flexed a bit.

"What happening? Also why are they shirtless?" Jonathan whispered confused at seeing Dio suddenly change from furious to flustered, "he's having a bisexual panic over my uncles. Also my uncles have this whole kinda tradition of being shirtless for the final battle. It's happened multiple times so they kinda just made it a thing now" you explained matching forwards to the still flustered Dio snapping him from his bisexual panic.

"Die monster, you don't belong in this world" you exclaimed internally patting yourself on the back for making a castlevania reference, Dio clapped his hands together leading to Jonathan taking a menacing step forwards, both waited a moment till Dio jumped up in the air. Both spat an insult at one another just before Jonathan threw roses at Dio making him momentarily be distracted and claw all the roses away. Jonathan circled to Dio's right side where he was somewhat blinded while you went for the left, you quickly lunged towards him aiming for his side while Jonathan did the same but on his right.

In seeing you attack Dio moved a bit to his right giving Jonathan to cut his arm off, he'd rather not be hurt by you so he decided to just let Jonathan get the hit on him instead. He yelled out in pain when seeing his arm fly off and then yelled again when Jonathan's sword went clean through the middle of his face splitting him in two. As this went on he noticed you evert your eyes away from the scene along with what seemed to be some tears threaten to fall. Even though you were against him you still cared for him which hurt him more than you just simply hating him if he was honest.

"I'm not dead yet!" He exclaimed as everyone now noticed Jonathan's arms were frozen along with his sword. Dio's fingers plunged into Jonathan's neck pulling out jojo's carotid which he played with, "take a step further and I'll cut it" he warned looking to you with a somewhat hurt expression, he then stomped on Jonathan's foot making it begin to freeze to the stone ground of the balcony. "Muda, muda. Just give up jojo!" Dio exclaimed as more waves of zombies began appearing meaning it was now only up to you and Jonathan to somehow stop Dio.

Suddenly Jonathan gave a small laugh making you and Dio confused till you spotted his sword in the flames, the metal blade was conducting the heat slowly thawing Jonathan faster than Dio could freeze it. Jonathan now freed from Dio's grasp yelled "sunlight yellow overdrive!!" While giving Dio a punch full of hamon. It sent Dio flying back but Jonathan's arm was frozen once again but with him now freed it gave you the chance to begin trying to slash at Dio who avoided your attacks. "Just go down" you grumbled narrowly missing hitting the vampire as tendrils came out his severed arm and reattached his cut off limb.

He then fully reattached his sliced into half head making you cringe at the sight, just as you plunged yourself towards him he suddenly jumped up into the air towards Jonathan. Jonathan changed hamon into his fist before sticking it into the flames of a nearby fire, he then joined both his hands together spreading the flames and hamon. When hitting Dio the vampire tried to block it but his punch broke through making Dio fly back. Dio's body began to disintegrate while falling down towards the ground below.

As this happened you down towards him with tears going down your face that you didn't notice. Despite him being evil you couldn't help but be sad, he was still your grandfather despite you telling him he wasn't. He showed you nothing but kindness despite you helping Jonathan and trying to kill him. Hell you got to know him better than Jonathan.

"It's over for now...." You heard Barron say placing a hand on your shoulder as your tuned to look at him still crying, "he might come back later in the 1980's as you explained awhile ago but for now it's over" he added making you nod.

The fight was over for now. Everyone knew Dio would come back years later but at least for now everyone could rest easy.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Pov: you wake up in the middle of the night to find the nightmare fuel that is your dad's stand at the foot of your bed because it wants you to play ABBA on your phone again at 3 am

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