Deep end

By Wintershadowassassin

126K 11.4K 2.8K

Jimin is an upcoming solo singer with a passion for the sea. When his Grandfather goes missing when a storm h... More



4K 298 105
By Wintershadowassassin

Author POV

Jimin decended the roughly worn out stairs of the house. He headed to the North beach, 'Shelly beach' as he had referred to it when he was younger. Purely because you found the most (and the best) shells on that stretch of beach. Jimin would make jewellery and collages with them.

He even made a necklace for his Grandma who wore it every day and called it her lucky charm.

He had left his shoes at the house and the sand felt hot underfoot. It had just passed mid day the hottest part of the day. With the sun shining Jimin used his hands to shade his eyes as he walked. The light was blinding and blocking his view of the path ahead, not that he needed to see he knew the safe paths by heart.

He could see the glistening water before him. But something was there. Jimin frowned, he still couldn't see properly so he walked further down the beach.

It appeared to be a person, laying face down in the sand. Jimin began to run, worried for them. How long had they been there? Were they washed up in the storm? Were they hurt? If so how badly? All these thoughts filled his mind as he ran across the beach, kicking sand up behind him as he went.

He got to the person's side. And froze in his tracks. The person wasn't a person. Because last time he checked humans didn't have tails.

He wasn't entire sure what to call it. But it appeared to be male. Long hair that ran down his back to just past his shoulders. His face was turn away from him. But he could see the signs of an injury on his side. Like he had been impaled. Only the blood wasn't red, it was blue.

Jimin was internally freaking out at the sight before him. But he steeled himself. Even if he didn't entirely know what it was he could at least try and help, hoping it wasn't dangerous.

He rounded the creature so he was on the side where its face was. Its eyes were shut, but he could see the blue blood better now. And he seemed to have an idea where it was coming from.

He didn't want to risk moving the creature less he hurt it further. He reached out to see how dry the blood was, his Grandma had been a nurse. She taught him tips and tricks if he were to accidentally get injured on his own when he was exploring the island.

He tried to look at the wound from an awkward angle. The creature must have sensed his presence or picked up on his movements because its eyes opened.

Pitch black eyes stared at him. Before it lunged. A row of teeth with sharp canines bared at him. A harsh raspy clicking sound emitted from its throat. A warning even Jimin could tell.

Jimin jumped back, stumbling over some of the rocks and landing on his butt. The creature looked at him curiously, its tail began to move. His eyes stayed on Jimin as he shifted over onto his back, and from his place Jimin could see some wood protruding from the merman's side.

It let out a click and then a hiss of some sort, Jimin assumed it must be from pain. It went to pull it out.

"No!" Yelled at him.

The merman hissed at him, it was loud and offensive. It yanked the wood out without much thought. Immediately blue blood surged from the wound, spilling in thick rivets down its side. The merman attempted to cover it with its slightly webbed hands.

Scales glittering in the midday sun. Jimin without hesitation took off his shirt he approached the merman again. This time he ignored the snapping of sharp teeth and moved the webbed hands out of the way so he could press the white, now red t-shirt to the flowing wound.

"Hold" he tried to communicate. The merman wasn't focused on what he was trying to say. He lent closer and nuzzled Jimin's cheek. He let out what Jimin assumed was a happy sound.

Jimin took the hands and made the merman press down on the wound. He tried to instruct him with a 'hold' again but soon gave up when he noticed the merman still didn't understand him.

He then ran along the beach with the intention of getting the medical kit to try and help bind the wound, the t-shirt could only do so much. Plus the merman didn't seem to understand his instructions so he needed to move fast before it lost to much blood.

The merman shreeked, it was a loud high pitch whistle of sorts. Jimin once again assumed it was in pain. But this was a different type of pain. The pain of your mate running from you.

The sun felt scorching on Jimin's back, since he hadn't put any suncream on he feared he would probably have a mild case of sunburn tomorrow. He shielded his eyes as he ran up the dune path. Bits of sand and rock flying out from beneath his bare feet.

The screeches could be heard all the way up the path. The merman definitely had a strong set of lungs on him. But it reassured Jimin in a way, because as long as he was screeching he was alive. But it also reminded Jimin of the pain he was in, that made him quicken his pace.

He ran inside the house, up the creaking stairs, the door was still open from his last exit. He rushed into the kitchen and checked under the kitchen sink, the medical kit was still there. He grabbed it opening it making sure everything he needed was there, not much point returning to the beach not having what he needed.

He stopped, the screeching had stopped entirely. Jimin took off running again, being careful not to trip on his descent. Only when he got to the beach, the merman was gone.


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