Two Reunions, One Me - Dramio...

Av ladyvirgoofslytherin

2.2K 68 1

Sequel to New World. After Bellatrix and Skylar were defeated, everything got back to normal. At least that's... Mer

Where We Left Of
Reunion On The Horizon
Love Will Come To You
Back Home Again
Preparations And Decoratioms
Christmas Chaos
Love Is Complicated
Game Night
The Crazy Night Continues
And The Craziness Starts Again
A Day Just For The Two Of Us
Family Day
Here We Go Again
Old Acquaintances Will Do That To You
How That Happened
Astoria Grasshopper
Getting To Know Mrs Malfoy
Shopping Day
How To Get The Girl 101
Long Time No See
Family vs. Family
Temporary Truce
One Last Try
The Secret Is Out
Story Time
Golfing With Grangers
Goodbyes And Hellos
The Boss Bitch
Mending Our Hearts
All Cards On The Table
Craziness Everywhere
Till Death Do Us Part
Epilogue: 6 months later

One Crazy New Years

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Av ladyvirgoofslytherin

That day has come. The annual Malfoy New Years Party. The party of the year. The ultimate day to reunite all Hogwarts graduates of all generations. Everyone was invited - Andromeda, Teddy Lupin, Notts, Zabinis, Weasleys, Mr and Mrs Granger, Longbottoms, Finnegans, Thomases etc. Hermione Malfoy was once again shouting orders around the house. She had started with preparations a week in advance, but knowing her everything had to be perfect.
"Boys make sure music is good and can be heard from everywhere - the garden, the dinnig room, the living room, even the bathroom! Rosalie get Bradley and Lia and watch out on the two of them! Lyria and Bri kitchen! The food is ready, but help Ditty with decorating the plates. Draco, get Tom. He isn't an ordinary guest anymore. Take Blaise too. Knowing him he is too bored, and go get the fireworks!"
Everyone was working what they were told to do. There was a little time left until the guests started arriving.
An hour before the party was about to start, Angela came with the dresses she and Bri had designed for this occasion. Briangelic Fashions was the top lable in the UK and Europe and was becoming even more popular in the States. The two best friends had an eye for design. They each designed the dresses for their family and since Bri knew her mum would make her help around the house, she had Angela get the dresses for the Malfoy girls.
Rosalie had a beautiful long mermaid shaped golden gown that went perfectly with her platinum blonde hair and her tanned complexion. It was her wish to show off her Hufflepuff pride. Bri designed for herself a purple dress that went all down to her knees, but the back part was longer and reached the floor. It was like a cape witch was Brianna's symbol. Her curly brown hair was let down to fall over her shoulders and she looked like her mother did when she was that age. Lyria had a royal blue dress that went down to the floor. The part under her waist was tule and it fell down her body perfectly. She was indeed a Ravenclaw princess. The dress went perfectly with her greyish blue eyes and long platinum blonde hair. But Bri was the proudest of the dress she designed for her mother, the lady of the house. The dress was dirty pink with frills. It went down to the floor. It was inspired by her Yule ball dress in a Briangelic style.
The party had started and the people were showing up in their best evening gowns, robes and tuxedos. Everything was going smoothly. People were having fun.
Lyria went to use the bathroom upstairs to get away from the noise. The bathroom was located to look down on the small part of the garden that was all in the dark. When she heard noises comig from that particular part of the garden where no one was supposed to be, she looked out of the window and saw three figures. She went down to check it out and tell the potential imposters to get off their property. She could recognize the voices of three girls. When she came closer, she saw her sisters and Angela half drunk laughing and spilling the champagne they stole from the bar.
"Brianna! Rosalie! What is this?! You're drunk!"
"Ly, came to join us?" drunk Brianna spoke.
"Really Bri, Rosalie is still a kid. She can't drink."
"Excuse me, but I'm not a kid. I'm 17"
"Exactly my point. And you Angela. I thought you were smarter than that."
"Chill Ly. It is not like we've killed the girl. We're just having fun the Slytherin style."
"Great. Mum is going to be so pissed."
"You don't have to tell her, Ly!" Brianna called after her sister who started walking away. Lyria stopped and turned around to face them.
"No, I don't, but she'll see. And once she notices this, I will enjoy it. It will be the highlight of the night." and she walked away.
"Damn! What now?" Rosalie asked.
"We just have to avoid our mothers for the rest of the evening. Our dads will be drunk either way or they won't care so with them it's easier." Angela explained.
Over at the bar, the three best friends were sitting and talking. They weren't even drinking whitch was unusual and got Hermione's attention.
" So, Theo, you're going to be a father. Finally. Nice one man! "Blaise patted his friend's back.
" It was great news you and Lav told us on christmas."Draco added.
" Mates, I don't know how you do it. I love Lav a lot. We got married and I'm Niel and Rose's stepdad and it is great. But being a stepdad is a lot easier than being a father."Theo worried.
" Believe me, it is not as hard as you think. The first couple of months you won't sleep and changing the diapers is the worst, but you'll get a hang of it"Blaise assured his mate.
"And once they get older, it's a piece of cake. They can do so much things on their own." Draco added.
"But the worst part is..." Blaise started and looked over at Draco when they said at the same time "pregnancy".
"She will be very needy. She'll eat constantly, maybe even throw up and she'll be hormonal so prepare for the mood swings, crying, shouting..." Draco kept explaining when his wife came over to the three amigos.
"Hi honey, what's going on here?" she asked.
"Nothing. Just talking."
"No drinks?" she asked suspisciously.
"We don't have to be drinking every time you see the three of us together, Hermione" Blaise said.
"Right" she said sarcasticaly. "What are you talking about that is so important you don't even drink?"
"Lav's pregnancy" Theo said.
"Oh, Theo. Don't worry about it. You are a great stepdad and I know you'll be a great dad. That kid will love you always no matter what. Just trust yourself and be good to Lav. If I even hear you raised your voice at her, I'll find you and..."
Draco cut her off and said:" He doesn't have to know what you'll do to him honey, because he isn't Ron. "
" I know that. Just saying. You'll do great Theo. Just trust in yourself. "She kissed her husband and left the guys talking.
" Honestly, you two, how do you handle your wives? Pansy is a bomb waiting to explode and Hermione scares me. And you had 6 kids with her."
"There's always a way. When you know how to calm them down and how to get them to do something for you..." Blaise was saying but Draco cut him off and said: "Just love her. Simple as that"
It was midnight soon. People gathered in the garden and started counting down the seconds to midnight.
When the clock struck midnight, fireworks went off. The couples started kissing and hugging their friends to wish them a happy New year. The three drunk girls were standing in the background hiding from their mothers. Niel noticed them laughing there behind the crowds, gathered all his courage and went towards them. He came straight to Brianna and put his lips onto hers. She was stunned. It took her a moment to notice what was going on and then she pulled away and started shouting. Poor Niel just stood there while everyone else turned around to see what's going on. Lyria even though she wanted her mother to scold Bri and Rosie, she took Bri by her hand and guided her inside. Once they were alone, she sat Bri on the sofa near by and started talking.
"Bri, I know you probably won't remember this talk tomorrow, but I'm going to say this to you anyway. Do you understand what you have done?"
Bri had a blank look on her face. She looked at her older sister and moved her head to say she has no idea what is going on.
" Niel is a wonderful boy and he is in love with you. He took all the courage to show you that and you shout at him? "
"He kissed me" Bri was defending herself now.
"He kissed you because you were stupid not to notice what he was telling you on christmas."
"He didn't tell me anything"
"He did but you didn't liste, as always." She looked again at her clueless sister. "Bri, he is head over hills in love with you. Give him a chance or you'll never have someone to love. Acting like this won't get you anywhere. Get that in your head for once in your life." With those words Lyria left still confused and drunk Brianna alone in the house and went outside to find her daughter.
Outside she could her music and laughter. Everything went back to normal, but as she stepped outside her furious mother passed her with Pansy. Each of them was holding one of the drunk girls by their wrist and dragging them inside.
"Great. Another drama" Lyria thought to herself and went outside.
Inside Hermione and Pansy were yelling at their daughters.
"Rosalie,you are still a minor! What was in that head of yours to get drunk like that?"
"I was having fun mother" Rosalie responded.
" That isn't fun. You could've got yourself hurt." Hermione stopped yelling at her daughter. She looked at her and she knew Rosalie was still young and it was sooner than later that she would do that. She just didn't expect it from her Rosalie who was always responsible and mature. On the other hand Pansy explode.
"Angela Calista Zabini! I get it you are irresponsible, but getting a minor drunk? That's a new low, even for you. Have I not taught you better?! Out of all your siblings, you gave me the most headache. Even Ben isn't as immature as you are!"
Angela started crying. Something you don't see everyday.
" Pansy, she is still young and inexperienced. She doesn't know what it's like to be a mother and be scared for your child" Hermione tried to calm her friend down.
"But she is 26. She is a grown woman. Your Lyria has a kid at that age and Angela here is still partying, getting drunk. I don't know what to do with her anymore"
"Just leave her be. Lyria is Lyria. She is like me. Always perfect. But Angela here is like my Bri. Nobady is perfect. I bet Bri is drunk. She just managed to escape before I get her."
"Why are you always right?"
"Because I'm the brightest witch of our age. And I tend to have 6 kids out of which only 2 are normal" she smilled at Pansy and they left their drunk daughters inside to rest. The party was still ongoing and the two women wanted to have fun for once and just let go.

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