One-shots [Reqs: 5]

By psycho-chair

49.6K 1.7K 1.2K

[Cover is mine!] Welcome to The Chair's Library! Requests are CLOSED until I finish the current ones I have... More

RULES [updated Apr.9.23]
Sweet Melodies(Ew old)
*villager noise*(EW OLD)
For Him(ew old)
Moss Park
Very Original Roommates Story
Day 1&2(RMS)
Day 3,4,&5 (RMS)
Day 6&7(RMS)
Day 8 (RMS)
Day 9(RMS)
Day 10&11(RMS)
Toxic(Kinda old)
Check up(Rat)
"No homo, right?"..."Very homo."
demon sandwich, but with a twist
Birthday and Storytime!(Rat P2)
What Happened?
Get up
He's alright...right?
Sticks and Stones
Just look
Oh, okay then.
That one.
Guys I'm rewriting Celebrity
How Disgusting(Bad Snas Poly)
A Lovely Day
New faces (Rat)
Larger than Life
I'm sorry, WHAT?!
A Date
Hello, what the fuck
Mister Dream's Visit
Books(That One pt2)
Home...???(ALT ENDING)
Contemplate the Consequences
Shitposts/Drabbles UwU
A Lifetime Of This
M y D e a r...
Untitled part 102
Kitchen Fork
A Child.
Goodbye Letter
Sick Minds
No Requests? Okay. Requests Closed.
Drabbles 2
A Party? Yes. Gay Skeletons? Yes.
Food Fight(Rat)
Lazy Day
New Challenge!
Nightmares (Rat)
Song of The Lost
Drabbles 4
Drabbles 5
Best Friends
Discarded Oreo
waIT NO-
Ha Ha Ha
crescent headcanons
Ohmygod! W O W!
headcanons: ecto bodies
Intense Uno
Killer Queen(s)
Funny words
Guard Dog
Insults(That One p3)
face reveal
It's A Bumpy Road
Uno Champion
The Courtyard (SM)
Oh, Boy
Oh, Jeez
Nap Time
Treehouse - Princess
Oh, Boy - Shut Up
Sweet Dreams
Oh, Boy - Ink, Please Stop
CrissCross - Part 2
In A Bottle
Dress Up
Treehouse - Horror
Welcome Back
First, Last
First, Last - Memory or Dream?
Important Message [A/N]
Welcome Back - Protectors
Midnight Snacks
Unfinished Stories
Oh, Jeez - 2
First, Last - Melodies From Before
Can U Get Pregante?
First, Last - Growing Up, Sometimes
Treehouse - School
Cross's Sleeping Problems
Cats :]
First, Last - Wake Up
Short/s From Tumblr
[In A Bottle] Meeting The Fam
Short/s From Tumblr - 2
Pirates - 2
Stepping Up [Rat]
Can U Get Pregante - 2
Short/s From Tumblr - 3
Oh Jeez - 3
Note From Alex
Treehouse - Home
First, Last - False Memories
[Leviathantale Short from Tumblr] part 2
Pirates - 3
Treehouse - First Day
Can U Get Pregante - 3
i swear to god he's smarter than this
ur awful, i love u
what now [Rat}
weeping on a friday night god me too
taking your time and making it mine
stupid little puppy
A snack or two
there's a doozy
Can U Get Pregante - 4
A little sip of metaphorical hot chocolate
untitled leviathantale crossmare fic
Oh, Boy - To Be Human
Stray - 2
we're something more than friends and we aren't shy about it
Pirates - 4

Drabbles 3

251 9 9
By psycho-chair

Part two of yesterday!

Today's list:

-dweamy makes a big fucky wucky

-cross finds a fox!

-ccino checking out library books then he starts checking out nightmare

-Shopping~ Killer is buying condoms, and Blue is at the counter. very very awkward eye contact.

Let us begin!


fucky wucky, go!


"Oh.. Oh dear."

Nightmare met Dream's stare challengingly, waiting for him to say something while Killer stared at him with flushed cheeks. Dream felt his own cheeks beginning to burn, his gaze quickly darting away. "I'm just gonna.."

"Close the door behind you." Dream, his face on fire, silently stepped back, twisting the handle's lock as he went. He pulled the door closed. He stood there for a few moments, stunned and embarrassed with the image he'd just seen fresh on his mind.

Cross was waiting back in their shared room, pacing anxiously as he waited for Dream. He perked up as the door opened, rushing over to check on his small lover. He froze mid-step at Dream's stricken expression, blinking at the bright blush that covered every inch of Dream's face. "Dream?" The blushing guardian covered his mouth, a weak laugh slipping free. He held up a hand, clearing his throat and stating in a tight voice, "I need some bleach. Or holy water."


Dinner was silent. Dream completely avoided even looking in Nightmare or Killer's direction, keeping his gaze on his plate as he fiddled with his fork. Cross sat beside him, occasionally breaking into quiet laughter, which he'd been doing ever since Dream told him what happened.

Nightmare, it seemed, after so long, grew impatient. "Cross, mind sharing what's so funny." Cross snorted, slapping a hand over his mouth as his shoulder's scrunched up. His face had gone purple with amusement. Dream pouted to himself, aggressively stabbing at the broccoli. Nightmare repeated himself more sternly, and Cross was finally able to answer. "Well," he dragged out the l, "Dream here was just telling me about something."

Killer twitched, and Cross could tell that he knew what he was talking about. Nightmare's tendrils lashed in the air behind him. "He told you??" Cross snickered, popping the steamed stem of broccoli into his mouth, humming instead of answering. Dream shrank as Nightmare glared at him, quietly squeaking.

In a moment of panic, he tried to throw the attention elsewhere, stammering to Killer, "S-so, I didn't know you could fit seven tentacles-" He didn't let himself finish, his hands flying up to his mouth, his eyes wide with horror. Cross choked on his broccoli. Dream's face started heating, his chest feeling like it would burst. Why the hell did he say that?????

He hesitantly looked at his brother, glancing at Killer. Nightmare's tentacles had dropped limply, his jaw hanging open with cyan flush covering his face. Killer had his own red blush hidden behind his hands, his shoulders shaking with restrained laughter. Dream averted his gaze as Nightmare growled at him. He cursed under his breath, lightly slapping himself as he muttered. He quickly stood up, taking Cross's arm and bowing, urging Cross towards the doors.

Dream was mortified, flopping onto Cross's bed with shoving his skull underneath a pillow to scream out his embarrassment. Cross was still struggling to recover by the door. "Holy crap, Dream, Nightmare's going to be so pissed-!" Dream flung the pillow at him, hissing, "I know! I fucked up, now be quiet so I can wallow in my shame!" Cross chuckled, tossing the pillow back. "Wow, you cursed? You must be pretty embarrassed." Dream dropped back onto the pillows, covering his face with a groan.


oh, poor dream. cross is never going to let him live it down. neither is killer.


Fox! Crossy boy finds a fox!


It wasn't often that the gang ran missions on surface AUs. According to Nightmare, it was much easier when everything was in the Underground. Thinking about it now, while running through the streets with a car hot on his tail, Cross couldn't help but agree. The Underground didn't have cars, nor did it have racist humans who owned said cars, much less murderous humans.

The mission had gone fine at the start. They'd split up in teams of two, leaving Nightmare in a warehouse to watch over the portal. Dust was supposed to be with Cross, but he'd ditched the guard as soon as Killer and Horror ran off. If he were to guess, Dust was probably going on an XP collecting spree. Cross huffed, his breath hot behind his mask. It left the inside of it feeling damp and gross.

That was the other thing that was currently bothering him. The stupid humans were having problems and Nightmare had forced them all to wear masks to avoid getting the disease that was allegedly floating around. He doubted it was serious though if so many people weren't wearing masks. In the fifteen minutes he'd been sprinting, he'd spotted almost a hundred people without masks. This disease is clearly not a threat if so few people cared to wear protection against it.

Then again, Cross thought as he leapt past a street blockade, he'd believed the same thing the first time he'd explored social media. It was a mess that he didn't feel like revisiting. He still couldn't believe how many people were against those vaccines. Nightmare set him straight then, and at this moment, it served to reinforce the idea that maybe he should keep the mask on.

But god, it was annoying. He tugged at the straps, the Velcro on his skull making him itchy. He groaned as the sound of tires stayed behind him. Persistent bastards.

"Need a hand?" Cross glanced to the side, his gaze narrowing once he met Killer's. Horror waved over Killer's shoulder, grinning wide as he held onto a bone. Dust didn't even spare him a look, focused on keeping the blaster summoned. The trio was crouched on the flying weapon, all three of them latched onto multiple bones that stuck up from the giant skull.

Cross huffed, gritting his teeth as he shifted slightly to face them. "It's about time." Killer shrugged, offering Cross a hand, which the other took aggressively. He didn't bother grabbing any of the bones, instead taking his sword and stabbing the blaster to use as his own hold. He groaned as his body relaxed, slumping over a bit. Horror glanced back at him, asking in an amused tone how long Cross had been chased. "Around twenty minutes. Someone decided to ditch me." Dust was silent. Cross scoffed and turned away to peer over the side of the blaster. They were getting close to the rendezvous.

He sighed. "Did anyone get anything good?" When the others all avoided his stare, Cross gaped at them, incredulous. "Are you serious?! Was I the only one to actually get anything!" Horror sheepishly held up a candy bar. "Does this count any?" Cross facepalmed, breathing out harshly. "Boss is gonna blame me for this, I can guarantee it. The fact that I got a few bags of supplies isn't going to do anything, either." He rubbed his face tiredly, tugging at the mask's straps. It came off after a few good yanks, the black straps flapping wildly in the wind.

He shoved it into his pocket, looking up as the blaster started to slow. They were at the warehouse. Cross dissipated his blade, hopping down with a grunt, wincing as Horror stumbled past him. He snagged the cannibal's hoodie, pulling him back and keeping him from face-planting. "Just stay behind me," he grumbled and let him go, trudging by with a heavy sigh. "Let's get this over with.."

As expected, Nightmare was not pleased with him. "You have nothing?! What about you three, huh? Surely, you got something." Horror held up five bags, like Killer and Dust did, and Nightmare sighed. "It's something. Fine, you pass." Horror grinned, striding proudly into the portal. Dust gave Cross a sharp look as he followed Horror, which Cross blatantly ignored. Killer said nothing, following behind the other two. Nightmare glared at Cross, scowling as he began to curse him. "How useless can you get! Every time, Cross- Every time we go on raids, you always come back empty-handed! I don't care how well you fight, if this keeps up, I'm going to throw you back to where you came from, do you understand?"

"Yes, Boss." He flinched at Nightmare's hiss, keeping his head down as the darker stomped into the portal. He let out a harsh breath once the other was gone, his shoulders slumping. Cross stared down at the dirty concrete floor, rubbing his face tiredly before collecting himself and starting towards the portal. He'd been late once before, and it hadn't ended well. He stepped through the portal, absently waving his hand to close it as he walked away.

He'd made it to the kitchen when he finally noticed the clicking. He glanced back, his eyes going wide at the sight of a furry fox. It blinked at him curiously, whiskers twitching as he turned to face it. "Oh my stars." He looking around nervously and slowly dropped down onto one knee, holding his hand out to the animal. "Hey there.."

For a wild animal, the fox was oddly docile, sniffing his hand like a dog would and licking his thumb. "Uh." Cross stood up, opening the fridge to pull out one of Horror's snacks. Hesitantly, he offered it to the fox. He relaxed as it delicately took the meaty bone. He stayed crouched there for a while, quietly entertaining himself with his new buddy.

"Whatcha got there?" Startled, Cross shot up, taking the fox in his arms. It sniffed his jaw, poking its tongue out to lick it, completely unaware that Cross was panicking. "Killer! What are you doing here!" Killer snorted, strolling in with a smug simper, motioning to the other's hoodie. "Calm down, himbo. Your fur's practically on its end." He stalked closer, eyeing the fox Cross held. "Who's your friend?" Cross stammered, "W-well, I don't really know, it was here when I came in, I don't even know where it came from-"

Killer clicked his tongue, shaking his head and butting in. "I ain't tellin' the boss." Cross blinked, opening and closing his mouth, unsure how to respond. "I- uh, why? I mean-"

"Well." Killer hummed as he stroked the fox's ear. "You're always covering our asses, which is pretty stupid since Boss'll probably lose his patience and toss ya. Dunno 'bout the guys, but I'm not about to snitch. So, whatcha gonna name her?"

Cross sputtered, "I-I don't know, she followed me into the portal and now I don't know what to do."

".....That's a long name."


He ended up naming her Stalk. Also, Killer's been telling Noot Noot what Cross does, so Nightmare lets Cross keep Stalk. (He did the thing where he says he hates her and wishes he didn't let her stay and then he's the one giving her the most attention and stuff. typical dadmare.)


Checking out nightmar- I mean books.


It had been a slow day for Ccino, but that sorta came with working at a library. Most days, he manned the front desk, stamping books and collecting fees. On occasion, though, he'd get to shelve new books, and it always took a long time.

He often complained about the strange order that the owner insisted the books be put in, but today...

"I need some help."

Today was a good day for bad organization. Ccino stared at this new person, his mouth gaping and eyes wide with awe. He'd literally found the elusive 'tall, dark, and handsome' that some of his coworkers sometimes gushed about.


Ccino, to his mortification, turned his head away and began to cough violently into his hand. Then, as if he hadn't done a thing, he turned back to them with a tight smile. "Hi, yes, I'm Ccino, how can I help you?"

"There's no one at the front desk, and I need to check these out." They held up a heap of books, looking at Ccino intensely. The worker flushed, face lighting up with pink. "O-oh! I can help with that. If you'll give me a moment, I'll be there soon. I just have to finish these last few books." He patted the cart at his side, which held about four books. The other stared at him, glancing at the books with a sour expression.

To Ccino's surprise, they grabbed the cart(a bit roughly) and stomped off with it. Ccino stood, baffled, and hurried after them, protesting as they shelved the books with better accuracy than Ccino could ever hope to have. In less than ten minutes, the two were at the front desk. "These are a lot of books," Ccino murmured as he began to run them through. A scoff had him looking up, the person glaring at him. Once again, he blushed. "I-I mean, that's cool! A lot of books! I've never sent off so many at once!" They rolled their eye, muttering as they tucked the books into a bag one by one.

"Um.. What's your name?" They glared at him, scowling. "Nightmare." Ccino gave them a quick glance-over, his face warming as he mumbled the phrase from earlier. Tall, dark, and handsome, indeed. A quick scan turned into a stare, the worker admiring Nightmare's form. "You done?" He snapped to attention, turning away with a cough to scan the last few books. "Y-yeah, just need to see your card." Nightmare, who Ccino now knew was a dude, dug out his wallet and stiffly handed him a library card.

Ccino quietly entered the card, his face burning as Nightmare grinned. He felt like he was going to swoon. "Five years? How have I never seen you?" Nightmare shrugged, taking his card back and cramming it back in his wallet. "Dunno." He put his wallet away, waving to Ccino and leaving the other to sigh like a love-struck girl.


haha, nightmare starts coming back just to mess with ccino.


shopping time!


Killer had heard stories about moments like these. He'd heard from many people how awkward it was, how strange it felt. Most of them claimed they'd never forget the first time it happened. Now, being the one to do it, he could finally understand why they'd spoken about it the way they had.

The Walmart employee, his nametag reading 'Blue', looked around anxiously as he rang up the box of condoms. The two men avoided eye contact, neither of them acknowledging each other. Then, Blue made a mistake that would haunt him. "Chocolate flavored, huh?" Killer burst into a coughing fit, his face bright red. Blue's own face turned to his namesake, his teeth clicking as he snapped his mouth shut.

Killer hightailed it out of the store with his hood on, half-sprinting to his car where Dream waited. He hurled the box into the golden boy's lap, cursing and punching the car wheel. "Next time, I'm not doing this! Cross can buy his own fucking condoms, I ain't doing it anymore! You're his boyfriend, why didn't you do it?!" Dream giggled nervously, his face dusted with a golden sheen. "Ahaha- did you meet Blue?" Killer face-planted on the car wheel, screeching as Dream chuckled. "Cross did, too. Blue read it aloud without thinking, and now he refuses to go inside Walmart."

Killer snarled as Dream patted his back, "You have no idea how awful that was."

"Actually, I do. It's why I sent Cross." Dream snickered at the memories. "Good times." Killer slapped his hand away, turning the car on and speeding out of the parking lot.


Haha, these were so much fun to write.

I think I'm going to start taking requests now again.

No Smut, any pairing, any scenario.

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