(Completed) Dreams / Yoonmin


11.5K 520 79

(Editing) Yoongi is a rogue who was outcasted, a burn mark on his face and back to prove it. Every night when... More

Authors note
1. Moon
2. Awake
3. People
4. Hey
5. Okay
Not a chapter
6. Stay
7. Sister
8. Forgive
9. Free
11. Mate
12. Hurt
13. Run
14. New
15. Visitor
16. Know
17. Jimin
18. Breakdown
19. Information
20. Sorry
21. Hunt
22. Pretty
23. Cold
24. Pretend
25. Love
26. End

10. Parents

350 19 1

Jungkook's Pov

(Around the time Jaewa died/ Yoongi's sister)

"Fuck. She was a literal angel. Who would want to kill her? It just doesn't make sense." I watched as the others argued, staying silent as I felt confused.
Jaewa was like a sister to me, more so to everyone in the pack. She was kind and sweet, never raising her voice. She was also the most understanding.
I balled my fists up, hating how tears were forming in my eyes. Do not show weakness. I looked up, my eyes finding Taehyung's who looked guilty.

"Why do you look like that Tae?" The others stopped arguing, and looked towards Taehyung who now had his head down. "I have a theory."
A theory? We all gave him confused looks, and this was the first time that I've seen Taehyung look, nervous.
"This is probably wrong, and I also feel guilty for even thinking of this." Namjoon let out his pheromones, trying to calm Taehyung down a little bit for him to speak.

"But, what if Yoongi did it? I mean we trust him, but we never did a background check on him either."
My blood boiled at the sound of Yoongi's name, possibilities of Yoongi potentially killing her in my mind.
"Yeah well that's because Yoongi's my mate, and I wouldn't be mated to a killer." I scoffed at Jimin's analogy, deeming it stupid.

"You can't be sure of that Jimin. Anyways, we didn't do a background check on him, and when he first got here he expressed how much he hated Jaewa.
I don't know why, but when he saw her face he went hysterical." My eyes started to glow red, and I felt my claws start to come out. Stupid bitch.
He thinks he can take away another human being like it's nothing- A hand grabs mine, and I look up to see Namjoon's eyes boring into mine, telling me to submit.

I want to go against him, but he's too strong. Instead, I grit my teeth in shame and lower my head, my eyes turning back to brown and my claws going back to their original size. "Don't lose control."
I huff at Namjoon's words, not liking the way he was treating me. "Fine. But Yoongi literally took his sisters life and we're standing around like it never happened-" Namjoon growled at me.
"What happened to your parents is fucked up Jungkook, but don't compare that to Yoongi." I felt anger as Namjoon dismissed where I was getting at.

I wanted to hit him, but I couldn't. "Just because he's a rogue doesn't mean-" I couldn't take it anymore.
"It was him!! It was Yoongi and I know it! I've seen it with my own eyes, and I know it was him!!"
Namjoon got up, and I felt slightly scared as the room felt colder. "Jungkook, stand down!!" I felt my neck burn, and I growled as I fell to the floor, holding neck as if it were precious diamonds.

The burning feeling went away quickly, but I stayed on my knees. I felt blood on my fingertips, and the wound on my neck already closed up as if nothing happened. I felt betrayed, but I knew it was my fault in the first place.
"I understand Jungkook, but you were a child. You can't assume it was Yoongi because he wouldn't look the same from years ago as well. Now,
thank you for the information Taehyung, but we'll have to look into this before making a decision because we can't only lock him up for a superstition."

The others nodded. "Now, I want some alone time in my office. Don't let the news out that Jaewa has died yet either."
After that, the others and I cleared out the room. I ignored Taehyung's calls of my name, feeling too full of anger to care about anything.
I was walking down to my room, stopping in an open entryway that allowed me to see the front of the pack house.

Yoongi was outside, playing with all the little kids. He had a smile on his face, and I balled my fist up.
I didn't have that, because the same man that was playing with those children happily, was the same man who brutally murderer my parents.
I felt disgusted, my hand coming in contact with his skin on multiple occasions. I felt as if I was betraying my parents, not honoring their sad death by associating with their killer.

As I watched him more and more, I felt something unknown bloom in my chest. Instantly recognizing the feeling, I run to my room, puking in the toilet as soon as I got to the bathroom.
Tears welled up in my eyes, and my bottom lip wobbled tremendously. Taehyung walked in, seeing my state and immediately grabbing my shoulders.
He hugged me while no words could be said, and he laid there on the cold bathroom floor with me as I cried my eyes out.

I think I have a crush on him.


We were all gathered in Namjoons office again. The atmosphere was not pretty. It was hard and cold, something that made me slightly uncomfortable.
Jin and Namjoon held the same expression. Hatred. "We just found out some shocking information about Yoongi." My shoulders tensed, and I looked down.
"Yoongi, killed off the entirety of his old pack over a stupid reason. Along with that, I got my hands on a recording of Jaewa confessing that her brother wants to kill her, because of a fire incident that happened in the past. The incident was not specified.

I felt my eyes widen, and my whole body froze. Was Yoongi, capable of doing that? Did he really do that? "How do you know that's true Namjoon?"
Namjoon sighed, the eye bags under his clear as day. "Jaewa sent me this voice recording of her from her account the day before she was murdered.
About the killing, that information was provided to me from a lone survivor, who was hospitalized for two months because of Yoongi's actions. His name is Min Woyoung, Yoongi's brother."

My hatred came back, and my fists balled up. Yoongi, that bastard.


A little backstory about how Yoongi was locked up.



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