A Sky Full of Stars (Izuku Mi...

By hichi135

326K 11.3K 10.5K

(Y/n) is a foreigner and it's their first day at UA. They meet new people, including Midoriya Izuku, who will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Izuku's Birthday (Filler Chapter)
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Hey Guys
What if.......

Chapter 49

3.1K 106 85
By hichi135

(Y/N)'S POV:

The third day of the camp had officially started. Though upon awakening and heading over to the field, you soon found out you would be subjected to the same tortuous training as yesterday.

And so you once again made your way to your specific area and started the repetition of degrading your body and rebuilding it over and over and over again. This time though, you were a lot more fatigued than yesterday.

The past two day have been filled with nothing but breaking down your body bit by bit until you could barely hold yourself up anymore, so continuing was literal torture at this point. You had to wonder if it was even legal for a school to do this to children.

Even though your body was becoming more worn out by the second, your mind sure wasn't.

The events of last night continuously played through your head. You could still recall almost every word uttered between you and Mido-..... Izuku. The comfort, the slight awkwardness, and the feelings you were experiencing.

It was so weird, the feeling you had was so incredible, yet so nerve wracking and you couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

Admiration? Care? Comfort? Excitement? Hopefulness? Fear? It honestly felt like all of that and so much more.

You have felt that around Izuku before, but only on miniscule levels, last night was much more than that. It completely fogged your brain and made your heart pump faster.

You knew you needed to figure this out. Afterall, it was consuming your mind at this point and almost getting you distracted.

You thought about what you can do to assist you in understanding it and ultimately decided to confront your friends on the issue.

Though on second thought... maybe it would be best if you just asked Shoto first and then if you needed more help, go to your other friends.

You had the urge to go and talk to your best friend now, but refrained. You and him still got this day to get through, so you made a mental note to talk to him later.

Suddenly your thoughts got interrupted by the booming voice of Pixie Bob. "By the way everyone, tonight we will be having a test of courage as a fun activity and both classes will be pitted against each other!"

So they're still doing normal school trip activities, huh? You smiled to yourself, thinking about how interesting a test of courage will be.


With the announcement of the test of courage ringing throughout the field,  I continued my training. Alternating between my fire and ice was definitely putting a strain on my body, but it wasn't like I haven't gone through this training with my father before, so it was bearable.

After a few more hours of this repeated cycle, everyone was finally told that the training for today was over and we would be able to prepare food for ourselves once again.

I took a second to recover from the intensity my body was put through and then made my way to the dining hall of the camp. Once again we were put up to the task of making curry for the students.

I did my best to help by setting fires and preparing whatever food I could and soon enough, everyone had finished and we were able to start eating.

I grabbed a plate of food and made my way to the table with all of mine and (Y/n)'s friends. Though before I could reach said table, I felt a light tug on my sleeve. I looked to my side to see (Y/n) and have her a questioning look.

"Hey Sho, I need to ask you something. Let's sit somewhere else." Was all she told me. Nonetheless I nodded since she has a habit of doing this type of thing.

She started walking and I followed behind her. She ended up leading me to a rock a bit away from the rest of the students and sat down. I proceeded to take a deer next to her.

I looked over to her. "What do you want to tell me?"

She took a deep breath and I knew I was in for a long talk. "Okay so..." She then continued to rant to me about the night before and how she spent it with Midoriya on the roof. She reenacted the conversation she had with him in full detail. "And then, everything was just silent and I looked at him and he looked at me, and something just felt really weird. Like a sudden burst of infatuation for Izuku and everything slowed except for my heart that was skipping beats. I just don't understand it. I know you're not the best with human emotion Shoto, but I just was wondering if you had an opinion on the matter because I really can't seem to wrap my head around it."

Once she finished, I began to ponder what she said. She was obviously very fixated on what was going on with her and Midoriya and honestly, it seemed that this conversation is quite familiar to me. It sounds similar to the time Midoriya confronted me and our friends on the feeling he has around (Y/n).

The idea that they had mutual feelings for each other had always crossed my mind. Afterall Midoriya had seemed to already come to terms with his feelings, and (Y/n) had always acted a bit differently when it came to Midoriya.

Could it be possible that (Y/n) is starting to finally realize her feelings for the boy?

Well if that is true then, I should support her in any way I can... and I think the best way to do that for now is by letting her figure this out by herself.

And so I faced my dearest friend and put on a reassuring smile on my face. "Maybe it's best if you analyze and interpret these feelings you're having on your own. Let me know when you come to understand them."

(A/N): I tried to get this chapter out on Christmas, but obviously that didn't work out, so I decided to settle on New Years. By the way, Happy New Years!!! I hope you are all doing well in these tough times and as always, thanks for reading!

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