The Troll Kingdoms (Remake)

By TheWingedUnicornGirl

4.5K 60 46

After the events of Trolls World Tour, all the tribes are all together in a town called Trollstopia. However... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (final chapter)

Chapter 10

169 2 2
By TheWingedUnicornGirl

~Later that night...~

There was a huge crowd from all the different tribes. Everyone was excited and they danced around during DJ Suki's and Trollex's DJ off as they waited for the main event. Everyone was cheering on for for them. DJ was perfectly and concentrating on her music while she looks at Trollex who was just having fun and danced around in the air.

Trollex: One more time

Music's got me feeling so free

We're gonna celebrate
Celebrate and dance so free

Every danced around and cheered for Trollex.

Trollex looked up at DJ Suki.
"Looks like I'm gettingas good as you!"😄

Poppy came over to them.
"Nice job with the music guys. Now keep it up! You guys work really well together."

"We do?" DJ and Trollex both asked.

"Of course!" Poppy said. "Anyway, you both are expected to be back stage in a bit but in the mean time, keep this up."😊

Poppy went to the stage. Trollex and DJ looked at each other while Trollex smiled widely.

~Meanwhile with Barb~

"Okay Barb," Poppy said to Barb with her check board. "Your squad is up first. So get those rock voices ready!"

"You got it, Popcorn!" Barb exclaimed. 

Poppy left and Barb was checking in with Carol and Riff one final time before they have to go on stage.

"Okay my rock people," Barb announced. "We are the first ones so we gotta give the audience something good to start off the night. Carol, on the electric keyboard!"

Carol got her keyboard in one hand and and her cheese can in the other.

"Riff, on drums!" Barb pointed at Riff.

Riff did a solo on the drums and banged his head on the drum.

"Me!" Barb pointed at herself. "On the electric guitar!!!"

Barb realized that she didn't have her guitar with her. Barb looked around for it but she couldn't find it.

  "Where the heck is my guitar?" Barb asked.

Carol and Riff looked away from Barb and Riff awkwardly whistled to himself.

"What's with the whistling bro?" Carol asked.

Riff played with his fingers nervously.
"I uh, all I did was just borrowed it and I, I sorta misplaced it."

Barb's eyes twitched.
"You what?!?!" 😡

"I'm sorry," Riff said as he was scratching the back of his neck.

Barb punched the wall.
"Holy mother of all things punky! You lost my guitar dude?"

"I said I was sorry," Riff said.

"Sorry isn't going to bring back my guitar, Riff!" Barb screamed as she grabs Riff.

"Well neither is getting angry so calm yourself," Trollzart appeared next to her.

"Aahh!" Barb exclaimed. "Okay, how does a quite little glitter blob like you keep making me jump!"

"Seriously Barb, put the temper down," Trollzart said.

Barb is silent as she punches Riff in the arm to let it out.

"Ouch!" Riff fell to the floor.

"Sorry man," Barb helped him up. "So what's cool classical dude?"

"Well because of your screaming, I see that you are in need of a stringed instrument in your band," Trollzart said.

Barb crossed her arms.
"Your point?"

"My point is, maybe this might me the time where you finally let me intervene?"

"I don't know," Barb said. "How would even classical and rock music even mix?"

Trollzart smirked and reached in his hair and grabbed his baton. He clears his throat and a random music stand rises up from the ground. Carol, Riff, and Barb raised an eye brow not knowing what's going on. Trollzart taps his baton on the music stand and his symphony of trolls suddenly appear. Trollzart conducted them and blasted out playing Syphony No. 5 really loudly. The whole stage shook and made Barb and her gang fly to a wall and crashed into it leaving a crack their.

Riff's beanie fell off.
"Oh no! The liiiight!"

He squinted his eyes and got his beanie back and put it over his head.

Carol got back up and Riff helped Barb up.

"Not bad," Barb complimented the classical trolls. "But if your gonna help us out, you're gonna need to follow my amazing song with your okay music."

She handed them her sheet music for her song. Trollzart saw the song and the lyrics to it. Barb realized that he was reading the lyrics and snatched it away.

   I meant the music notes, dude," Barb yelled. "Not the words."

"So this is it?" Trollzart asked. "The song that will prove that you and your tribe isn't as bad as the rest of the tribes do?"

Barb crossed her arms.
"I just...I want this to be good. Rock trolls have a soft spot to you know."

"Hey," Trollzart flew to her. "Maybe my gentle music can show that when we all get up there to show that you can be just that."

Barb thought to herself and saw Poppy again. She went up to her and tapped on her shoulder.

"Hey, Poppy?" She asked.

Poppy spun back.
"Yeah Barb?"

"We're aloud to work with other members of the tribe right?" Barb asked.

Poppy was about to speak until Barb continued talking.
"I mean not that I care or anything but like I sorta need to since we are missing a stringed instrument in my group and the classical trolls might help out with that."

Poppy tried speaking again.
"Well actually th-"

Barb blurted out again.
"I mean like, teamwork right? Because we rock trolls care about stuff too along with how we feel about our messed up discrimination even though I understand it's my fault for it but I can change that."

Poppy spoke again.
"I underst-"

Barb continued.
"Its not just for me but for my squad you know?"

"Barb!" Poppy blurted out. "I say go for it."

The snack pack over heard and tried to mouthed the words "remember the thing" to her.

Poppy sees them doing that.

"Thanks for that Popsqueak," Barb ruffled Poppy's hair. "You are nailing this girl."

Poppy internally panicked.
"Wait actually you can do that under one condition?"

Barb raised an eyebrow.
"Dang, I didn't know that you drive a hard bargain. So what's the condition?"

~Cuts to the next scene~

Barb, her gang, and the classical trolls all wore the shinyest outfits that Poppy had earlier as her plan to make the powers hidden. Barb pouted at her outfit.

"Why do I look like we look like your Diamond friend and his son?" Barb asked.

"At least it's in your style," Poppy said. "Now go on! The show is starting."

Poppy made a fake smile as they left to the main stage. Branch came up to her.
"Are you nervous?"

Poppy laughed.
"Haha what? Of course not! I am absolutely terrified."

Satin and Chanille came up to her.
"You still owe us for those outfits though."

Poppy reached into her hair and got out some candy for them. They happily took it and went away.

Poppy took a deep breath and went up stage to start the show. She grabbed the mic and spoke.
"Thank you all for coming over tonight every troll."

Everyone cheered.

"It was so much fun listening and being around trolls of other tribes and seeing how different yet awesome they all are," Poppy said. "Hopefully this concert can make you all see that too. Our first tribe is the rock troll tribes with the members Queen Barb, her friends Carol and Riff, while also featuring the memebers of the classical tribe!"

Barb and her gang, along with the classical trolls, walked on stage while Barb and her sunglasses on and slid them down and winked at the crowd and made the rock sign with her hands.

"Let's rock on!" She shouted.

Everything clapped and cheered.

Poppy went back stage with Branch and she sighed.

"So what's the plan if the powers are  unleashed?" Branch asked.

"I'll take care of it," Poppy said.

"Don't scrapbook the powers to hide them," 😑Branch said.

"Pfft, that wasn't my plan," Poppy said back. Now shhh, the concert is starting."

Barb was infront of the microphone. She stomped her foot to the beat. Everyone joined along while clapping along to the beat. Carol and Riff played on their instruments. Trollzart conducted his syphony and they all got out their violins and began to play.

Barb: I followed my heart into the fire

She patted her heart with her fist to the beat.

Got burned, got broken down by desire
I tried, I tried but the smoke in my eyes
Left me blurry, blurry and blind

She threw he sunglasses to the crowd and a random troll grabbed it and snuggled with it.

I picked all the pieces up off the ground
I've burned all my fingers but that's gone now
Got the glue in my hands, I'm stickin' to the plan
Stickin' to the plan that says I can do anything at all
I can do anything at all

Trollzart raised his baton higher signaling to his symphony to play louder.

Poppy was amazed by the sight of classical and rock trolls working together and thought that they were doing so well. She almost forgot about the whole magic power stuff and looked at the crowd smiling more knowing that they loved their music too.

Barb: This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing's keeping me down
Gonna let it all out
Come on and say right now, right now, right now

The crowd started singing along. Barb and Trollzart smiled and looked at each other. They both did the rock signal together.

Barb: This is my big hello
Cause I'm here and never letting go
I can finally see it's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free

You set it all free!

Barb and Trollzart, along with their groups, started glowing and forming the same energy that Poppy and the snack pack had. Only this time, Barb and the rock trolls had multicolored lightning bolts coming from them while Trollzart and the classical trolls had multicolored music notes coming from them.

Poppy saw this happening and she quickly ran to action. She grabbed her little ukulele and got the guitar pick. She played a few cords behind some back curtains of the stage where no one can see or hear her.

"They are showing their powers!" Branch panicked.

"What do we do?" Biggie held Mr. Dinkles close to him.

"Mew," Mr. Dinkles squeaked.

Poppy kept playing until this red energy came from the ukelele. Then, the rainbow energy from the Rock and Classical groups slowly faded into the ukulele.

"That should do it," Poppy said.

Barb: This is my kiss goodbye
You can stand alone and watch me fly
Cause nothing's keeping me down
Gonna let it all out
Come on and say right now, right now, right now

Poppy ran back to the snack pack and continued to cheer on for Barb, Trollzart, and their trolls.

"How did you get rid of their rainbow energy?" Branch whispered to her.

"Let's just say I have my ways," Poppy responded while holding the guitar pick behind her back.

Barb: This is my big hello
Cause I'm here and never letting go
I can finally see it's not just a dream
When you set it all free, all free, all free

You set it all free!

Everyone cheered and clapped for the trolls. They all bowed down and Barb felt so happy about her performance. She gave Trollzart a big high five. Poppy and the snack pack all clapped for the awesome performance and Poppu cheered the loudest of all for Barb and Trollzart.

"You guys did amazing!" Poppy complimented.

"Thanks Popsqueak," Barb said.

"It was a pleasure being a part of such a performance," Trollzart said.

Both him and Barb fist bump.

Riff came over to Barb.
"Hey, hehe, turns out your guitar was under my benie."

"Wait, how did you manage to do that?" Branch asked.

"Don't question it, Poppy's boyfriend," Barb asked.

"I have a name!" Barb yelled as he stomped his foot.

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