Chapter 17

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~The few days later...~

Everyone was back to there original homes. They were all devestated.

Delta was holding the flower Hickory gave to her and held it to her heart.

Dickory tried to comfort a depressed Hickory.

Trollzart tried to recreate the music he created with Barb.

Trollex lost the inspiration to DJ.

The funk family tried to do their duties at funk city while missing Cooper who went back to Pop Village.

And Barb was the most upset of all.
"Uuuuuhhhhhhh!" Barb groaned on her couch. "I still can't believe it!"

"Neither can I," Riff looked at his watch. "I never seen you this upset for this amount of time. And I seen you upset many times before."

"Since when did you get a watch bro?" Carol asked.

"Oh I just found this on the ground and I was like finders keepers," Riff said.

"She would lie to us about this and to top it all off she stole my guitar pick to do that?!" Barb crushed an empty soda can on her head. "Where the heck is the trust of a friend?!"

"Well, your friend did at least try to bring everyone together," Carol said. She even made us befriend the classical trolls. She made not only you but everyone else open their eyes even if she screwed up a bit. And to think she did all of this for her friends and her entire kind."

Barb calmed down and her angry expression went half away.

"But what do I know," Carol said. "All I've ever known about is good cheese."

Carol sprayed cheese in her mouth.

Barb thought about what Carol said and just looked at the ground while sitting on her couch peacefully. Debbie flew over onto Barb's lap.

She pets her.
"It's fine Debbie. I'm calm so you won't have to hear me rampage for now."

~At Poppy's pod...~

Poppy was scrap booking to try and cheer herself up. She cut a few pieces of paper and put them together in her scrapbook. She made a page of all the tribes coming together in unison, like she wished they were.

She sighs remembering the look on Barb's face when she said that everyone must be sent back

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She sighs remembering the look on Barb's face when she said that everyone must be sent back. She bot up and stared at her picture and broke into a song.

Poppy: Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years we could live in harmony
To go over everything
They say that love's supposed to heal ya
But there ain't done much healing

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