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By stronggirlsclub

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In The Strong Girls club book, we tell a lot of stories about our lives and open up about things we go throug... More

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Tips for making friends when you have social anxiety

146 23 2
By stronggirlsclub

You want to meet people, make friends, and share yourself with the world, but social interactions can be especially intimidating for people who struggle with social anxiety. We understand its hard and that's why we are here to help. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when making new friends

Friendships have a huge impact on your mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, and prevent loneliness and isolation. Developing close friendships can also have a powerful impact on your physical health.

But close friendships don't just happen. Many of us struggle to meet people and develop quality connections. Whatever your age or circumstances, though, it's never too late to make new friends, reconnect with old ones, and greatly improve your social life, emotional health, and overall well-being.

The benefits of friendships

v Improve your mood. Spending time with happy and positive friends can elevate your mood and boost your outlook.

v Help you to reach your goals. Whether you're trying to get fit, or otherwise improve your life, encouragement from a friend can really boost your willpower and increase your chances of success.

v Reduce your stress and depression. Having an active social life can bolster your immune system and help reduce isolation, a major contributing factor to depression.

v Support you through tough times. Even if it's just having someone to share your problems with, friends can help you cope with serious illness, the loved one, the breakup of a relationship, or any other challenges in life.

These are the reason why having friends in life are important. But lets take a look at exactly how to make friends

Make eye contact with a stranger

Making eye contact can be tricky, especially if you are shy, or nervous, but good eye-contact is important for building trust and making friends. Think of how you would look at a painting or great view -- you are not focusing intently on their eye but instead looking at them gently. Hold your eyes in this position and resist darting them around. Relax your gaze by breathing slowly as you make eye-contact and nodding occasionally while you listen.

Smile at someone you don't know

It's said that you can tell a lot about someone from their smile. Smiles are used to convey a wide range of positive emotions. It goes without saying that your smile is incredibly important in your daily interactions.

Introduce yourself to someone new If you're confused or nervous about introducing yourself to others, you're not alone! Whether it's introducing yourself in class, to a group of new friends at school, or to a stranger at a party. Always remember to smile, keep eye contact and be positive. Offer a handshake or other culturally appropriate greeting.

Ask someone you just met a question (One that starts conversations)

Starting a conversation with someone can be hard at times, but the best way to start one is to talk about common interests; perhaps you share the same hobbies or taste in music. You can ask them also depending on what you see, maybe they are wearing a T-shirt that says 'I love animals' you can ask what animals they like.

Give someone new a compliment

Everyone loves a nice compliment, but giving one is easier said than done. You have to get the tone just right, or else someone might take your compliment the wrong way. The key? Say something you honestly believe to be true, and then deliver your compliment in a sincere tone of voice. Your genuine warmth will not go unnoticed, and you just might make someone's day.

Remember: Always be kind and never judge someone because of the way they look or because they are different from you. You'll miss out on a lot of wonderful friendships if you don't give people a chance.

If they don't think of you as close as you think of them, try to ease off a little. Don't force them into liking you.

It's natural to feel self-conscious, nervous, or shy in front of others at times. Most people get through these moments when they need to. But for some, the anxiety that goes with feeling shy or self-conscious can be extreme.

Self-care is essential for everyone, but especially for people with anxiety.

Remember to be kind to yourself and know your limits, and try not to push yourself past your breaking point. Get sufficient sleep and eat regular, healthy meals.

Just always know that you're amazing and making friends take time, have faith in yourselves, smile and stay positive and you will make friends in no time.

~ Amy, _Amyzing

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