Hidden In Plain Sight (MxM)✔

By DarkSparx

540K 40.6K 9.7K

In a world where Vampires rule and humans are considered extinct, Luke must disguise himself as one of the un... More

Chapter 1 - The World Is A Dangerous Place
Chapter 2 - Making a Friend
Chapter 3 - Getting Close
Chapter 4 - A Not So Pleasant Outing
Chapter 5 - Regret
Chapter 6 - The Intruder
Chapter 7 - A Private Conversation
Chapter 8 - Grounded
Chapter 9 - The Article
Chapter 10 - Fun Facts About Humans
Chapter 11 - Outing
Chapter 12 - Questions
Chapter 13 - The Rebellious Phase
Chapter 14 - Invited
Chapter 15 - The Party
Chapter 16 - Waiting Too Long
Chapter 17 - Supply And Demand
Chapter 18 - Just a Talk
Chapter 19 - The Sewers
Chapter 20 - What a Mess
Chapter 21 - Trauma
Chapter 22 - The Plan
Chapter 23 - The Emperor
Chapter 24 - Letters
Chapter 25 - Waiting
Chapter 26 - Pain
Chapter 27 - How Strange
Chapter 28 - Escape
Chapter 29 - The Search
Chapter 31- Aftermath
Author's Notes / Upcoming Stories

Chapter 30 - Confrontation

12.4K 1K 168
By DarkSparx

The first thing that hit him was the smell. It was strong and intoxicating, drawing him further into the room as his stomach growled hungrily. It was just like back at the tavern, only this time it was much more powerful.

He had made it to the bottom of the stairs by the time he realized that scent was the blood of these poor victims. Ashamed, he quickly covered his nose to block it out before he did anything foolish.

Most of the captives took notice of their visitor. Their cloths were thin and stained from roughly bandaged wounds. Many of them huddled together in their cages, others pressed against the bars, and some just sat with their eyes averted, accepting their fate.

    The last time someone cowered before him, Luke was able to pop out his fangs and flash a disarming smile. Not this time though. This time they were right. He was a monster, and as much as he hated it, his mouth watered at the scent of their blood.

Luke's new fangs extended, making it difficult to close his mouth properly, so he used his palm to hide them better. There was no use in scaring these poor victims any more than they already were.

    He wandered the chamber, searching for keys and praying he'd get lucky again. Whenever he passed by one of the cages, the humans would scramble away. He tried not to let it get to him and he continued his search until he'd gone through every nook and cranny. Realizing the keys weren't here, Luke decided to try and simply break the doors open instead.

    Approaching the nearest cage, he was startled when one of the humans tossed a pillow at him. The bars blocked it from actually hitting him, but it still startled the man. Luke noticed the woman who threw it was particularly young, maybe about fifteen, and was glaring at him defiantly.

    "It's okay!" Luke lisped, still adjusting to the new fangs. "I'm not going to hurt you!"

The human did not look convinced and stood to shield the other two from him. Luke knew words would never be enough, so he proceeded to yank the door open, successfully breaking the locking mechanism.

Now with no bars between them, the human captives all backed up, pressing against the back of the cage nervously with the woman looking less confident. He could see that they were on the verge of panic, but he didn't have time to worry about it. Carefully he climbed into the cage and made his way closer to them. The human on the left, a young man of about thirteen with a wild, dark mop of hair, began whimpering fearfully.

    The woman hurried between them. Every one of them had shackles binding their arms and legs, with a short chain between them. Luke decided she was the one he had to win over, so he inched closer to her, then reached for her ankle shackles and yanked until the chain link shattered.

She was still sporting a thick metal ankle bracelet, but without the chain she would be able to walk and run freely. Finally the human seemed to understand his intention. Luke then held out his hand, and she slowly brought her hands over so he could shatter the chains on those as well.

    There was a round of skeptic looks as the other two hesitated, but eventually they crawled closer, allowing him to do the same for them.

After crawling out of the cage, the defiant woman glanced at the exit, then back at Luke before making a run for it. When he didn't stop her, the other two followed.

The other nearby humans witnessed the display and stopped cowering. Instead, they watched Luke eagerly as he began to make his rounds, breaking open each cage, shattering their chains, and setting them free.

    There were ten cages in total, with several people hung up on the walls. When he was done with the cages, he made his way cautiously towards the more severely injured ones.

    These ones would be harder, because these ones had fresh wounds on them and the scent was almost overpowering. The closer he got to them, he more his mouth watered.

Luke did his best to stave it off as he ripped apart the chains that were binding the first human. As soon as he did, they immediately dropped on him, too weak to stand on their own two legs. Luke stumbled back and readjusted the man's body so it'd be easier to carry.

    This poor victim was practically draped over his shoulder.

One little bite...Just a taste....

    "I'll take him." A man offered, startling Luke.

A handful of humans had decided to stay behind to help the injured ones out.

    At first Luke resisted the offer, wanting to keep that delicious smell close. It was warm and comforting, drawing him in....

    Biting his lip, Luke reluctantly handed the victim over and watched as the volunteer escorted him up the stairs. Then he returned his attention to the rest, making his way to the back of the room where that cursed table was located.

    After freeing the last of the humans, he paused to examine just what exactly this was. The dissection table had a few stains on it, with the side counter full of knives, clamps, wires, and other strange assorted tools. A couple jugs of oil were set beside the sink, which he assumed were for fueling the torches. Beside the counter were some tubes leading into empty vats that were far too large for a blood withdrawal. Filling just one of those would kill a human.

    There was an urgent murmur among the remaining humans, but Luke didn't turn to see what they were suddenly concerned about. Instead, he became focused on the small bit of blood he had gotten on his hands from removing the injured people down from the walls.

    His senses became zeroed in on the small bit of crimson coating his palm. Luke was unable to hear, see or smell anything beyond that intoxicating liquid.

    One taste wouldn't hurt, right?

    He had heard that human blood was prized among all others and had an addicting quality, but did it really taste that good? The cow's blood he had tried earlier was pretty satisfying, so what would human blood taste like compared to that?

    Luke couldn't deny that he was curious as he drew his fingers in close. Just one lick wouldn't hurt anyone. The blood was already on his hands anyways.

    "Go ahead."

    Right. There was no harm in testing it.

    "Taste it."

    If not now, then he may never know what all the hubbub was about. After everything he'd been through, Luke deserved to know!

    A hand on his shoulder snapped him out of his trance just before his tongue touched his finger, and Luke whipped around to find none other than the Emperor.

This was why the remaining humans had become upset. Luke had become so intoxicated by the blood that he hadn't even noticed the bastard walk in. Only, the Emperor was far from his usual intimidating self.

Half of the Vampire's face looked like it had been clawed off, with blood flowing out onto his shoulder, staining his noble attire. The man's cape was ripped in half and tattered, and his hair was sticking up in every direction. His arms seemed to likewise be covered in various lacerations, and his chest had one large claw mark right across the middle, exposing his flesh.

The Emperor was not in good condition to say the least. These wounds were visibly healing, but not very fast, and he was slumped over, unable to keep a straight posture.

    "Wh-wh-where's Nicholas?" Luke asked, backing up against the table. Even if he was injured, this was still the most powerful Vampire in the world, and he was not someone to be underestimated.

    The Emperor chuckled darkly, the sinews of his cheeks tightening against his exposed gums. "I was wondering where he had gotten his power boost from, and here's my answer."

    "A-An-Answer me!" He stuttered in fear, unable to make the demand as confidently as he'd like.

    The Emperor tilted his head, somewhat impressed by Luke's display and unfazed by his seemingly fatal injuries. "Oh? You're not curious how this is possible?" He gestured towards the ex-human. "How you're now one of us?"

    "Where's Nicholas?"

    "Does it really not bother you to know that your precious Archduke fed on you?"

"...What do you mean, 'he fed on me'?"

"That's how it works. You feed on a human, then have that human feed on you."

    "You're saying Nicholas did this to me?"

    "Who else?" The Emperor shrugged, flinching at the effort but quickly trying to cover it up to keep his appearance intimidating. "But it's not all bad. I can see you have more promise than he does." The Vampire nodded towards Luke's palms. "Go ahead, taste it. When you do, you'll see exactly why humans make the best cattle. One small sip will restore your health, and a mouthful will double your strength."

    Luke stared, dumbfounded at what was happening. The Emperor was actually trying to bribe him with human blood, but for what? He was far from powerful, so he wouldn't be of much use even if he switched sides, unless that was what the Emperor wanted?

Weak subjects were easier to control.

Once more Luke felt insulted. He was getting sick of being treated like a weakling. Then something dawned on him. The reason why the Emperor was here and not outside, fighting Nicholas.

"You ran away...?"

    The Emperor's grin faded instantly. "I did not."

    "You did. If Nicholas fed on me, then that means he's even more powerful than you now, and that's why you're here. You ran from the fight so you could feed on your prisoners to recover!" Luke felt more enraged the more he spoke. "Look at you! You're standing on your last leg, acting all high and mighty even after getting your butt kicked! It's..." Luke let out his own dark chuckle. "Laughable."

    It probably wasn't the smartest idea to goad on the most powerful Vampire in the world, but that didn't stop Luke until the bastard's hand shot out, grabbing him by the throat.

    "What a shame. I thought it'd be fun to turn you over to my side as a sort of trophy, but it seems you were better off as cattle." The Emperor snarled.

Luke choked as he struggled to get enough air into his lungs and vaguely wondered if it was even possible for him to suffocate now that he was a Vampire. As this thought crossed his mind, he noticed movement in the back.

With a great amount of effort, he raised his right hand and extended his claws. "And...you...are better off....Dead!" Luke wheezed just in time for one of the humans to dump oil over the Emperor's head, distracting him long enough for Luke to drive his hand through the Vampire's chest.

The Emperor's eyes flew wide as his grip loosened and Luke tumbled backwards, sputtering to clear his nearly crushed throat.

    Blood dribbled from the Vampire's mouth as he stared down at his new wound. After a moment of comprehension, he smiled. "You think this is enough to get your revenge on me?"

    Luke clenched his fists and glared back. "No. Because that revenge isn't mine to take."

Suddenly one of the humans tossed a wall torch at the man, hitting him on the shoulder and setting him ablaze.

    The flames licked at the Emperor's cloths, climbing up and burning his skin. The Vampire instantly began swatted at the fire, but the oil made it impossible to put out and no amount of regeneration could help him now.

A pained scream escaped the once intimidating figure as he clawed at his face. The humans then stood in a row, blocking the exit from the panicked Emperor so they could watch him burn alive.

    With all the noise, Luke barely noticed the sounds coming from above until he felt the ground quake. Then, all at once, the ceiling behind him caved in and down came Nicholas in a billow of dust.

    The Archduke stood, fangs bared and claws at the ready. He too sported some injuries of his own, though none as severe as what the Emperor had.

    He took a step forward, prepared to finish what he'd started, then froze at the sight before him.

    Disbelief was all over his face as he took in everything, then his eyes finally stopped at Luke, alive and well, standing to the side. Luke didn't wait for Nicholas to collect his thoughts as he dove into the Vampire's arms.

    Stunned, Nicholas slowly raised his hands before giving in and fully embracing Luke. "I...I thought you were dead."

"Honestly, so did I." Luke admitted as the heard a thump, and he turned back to see that the Emperor had collapsed.

"I apparently missed a lot." Nicholas murmured, tracing a thumb along Luke's cheek.

"Yeah. Kind of." He sighed, and all his strength suddenly drained from him now that his ordeal was over. Though it was an uneasy feeling, because now Luke had committed murder, even if it had been in self defense, and he was going to have to live with that.

He buried his face in Nicholas's chest, glad he at least had one thing to look forward to. Then he popped his head back up and scowled. "You turned me into a Vampire!"

A few of the remaining humans overheard him and watched their interaction curiously. Nicholas just sighed. "I didn't know what else to do. You were dying. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I wasn't even sure if it'd work, but I was desperate."

Luke squinted accusingly at the man. Given the situation, it wasn't like Nicholas could have shaken him awake to get permission. Plus, being a Vampire did come with some advantages, such as no longer being the bottom of the food chain. After thinking it over, he decided he could forgive the Vampire just this once.

The Archduke helped escort Luke and the remaining humans out, explaining that after the Emperor ran, Greer showed up looking for them. Nicholas hadn't believed him initially when he was told that Luke was alive, and had burst through the ground in a rush after stopping one of the escaping humans to learn that the Emperor was hiding underground. 

Now that he was dead, Luke, Maximillia, Greer and Nicholas stood amidst the rubble, surrounded by humans, deciding what to do. 

"It feels a bit anti-climactic." Greer complained as another loud explosion went off in the city. The Emperor's men were still trying to subjugate the people, not knowing their Master was now gone.

Maximilia remained at attention while Nicholas rubbed his chin in thought. "This isn't going to die down anytime soon. I'll have to gather my men to stop the commotion in the city for now before even thinking about the other territories."

"My men can help with that." Greer offered. "They should be at the border now."

"That was fast."

"We've been waiting for this day a long time."

"I know. You must be thrilled to finally get your way for once." Nicholas remarked, and Greer looked down, ashamed.

"Nick, I never meant that-"

"It's fine." Nicholas held a hand up. "This was bound to happen I suppose."

Luke nudged against the Vampire's free hand, which he moved to wrap around the ex-human's shoulder. "I guess this means you're the new Emperor?" Luke asked in a small voice. 

"I don't know about that. I'll still need people to recognize me as such before I have any authority." 

"Well you have me and my men." Greer quickly stepped forward. 

"And me." Maximilia chimed in. 

Nicholas grinned. "Haven't I always had you two on my side?"

"Of course. And don't you forget it!" 

The two chuckled before the Archduke glanced down at Luke. "Well? Are you ready to witness a new world order?"

It was quite a bold statement, but true. What happened today had changed the course of history, and Luke had been a part of it. 

Proud of this accomplishment, he nodded.


This story is Copyrighted ©Darksparx via Wattpad. Do not translate, post, or publish on any other platforms without the author's express permission.

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