Live your Dream (Kuroko no Ba...

By MusicFreak8800

255K 8.5K 1K

Yuzuki is Tetsuya Kuroko's little sister, and like him, she shares the same passion for basketball. But for s... More

Kuroko's little Sister
First Day at School
Lunch Time
Long Time, no see
My fault
Our Relationship
It's okay not to be the Best
Shinaka Academy
We like her
I don't care if it kills You
Yuzuki's true Feelings
Don't mess with her
Study or die
I don't like sweets
Yuzuki's basketball
What's your secret?
I'll make you regret it!
The zero players zone
My Necklace, My Secret, My Love
Live your Dream part 1
Live your Dream part 2

Today's lucky Item

10.2K 343 54
By MusicFreak8800

This is the 8th chapter, and as you can hear on the chapter's name, it's about Midorima and something about a lucky item, and it's also about how he and Yuzuki became good friends. Maybe Midorima is Yuzuki interest? Find out and I hope you enjoy reading it :)


Midorima put a coin into the vending machine, and out came a can with of some kind of drink. He walked back to the bicycle, and sat behind Takao.

"What is it you drinking?" Takao asked.

"Canned coffee" he answered, and took a sip of it.

"I didn't know you drank coffee."

"It's the lucky drink today."

Takao sighed heavy.

"Have there been once were you didn't like what your horoscope said?"


Takao looked surprised on him.

"Really! When?!"

"Just start driving, okay?" he said cold.

"Why does it have to be me who drive?!"

"You lost, and I won. It's that simple."

"Come on, it was in rock, paper, scissors. Can you just do it just one time?!"

"We’re gonna be late, if you keep talking."


Takao began to drive annoyed, and Midorima looked at the sky, and thought on one word. Crab. 


4 years earlier 

Midorima and Kise were walking home together, and while Midorima was hearing his horoscope.

"Why are you always following your horoscope?"

"I do it so I don't miss my shots, and don't go through mysterious things."

"I don't think, listening to a horoscope, really does any difference."

Suddenly Midorima stops and Kise looked questioning on him.

"Something the matter?" Kise asked.

Midorima's face was purple, and a sentence kept echoing in his head, that the voice from the horoscope had said.

"Today's most lucky item is something with crab."

"Come on, what's the matter?"

"We have to go past the convenience store" he said, and walked faster.

"Hey just wait a minute!"


They walked inside the store, and looked around the store.

"What are we looking for?" Kise asked not knowing what they were doing.

"We looking for something with crab in it" he answered cold.

They found a bag of crab chips, paid for it, and went outside. Kise looked confused on Midorima, who looked like he was busy.

"Seriously, what's the matter?" Kise asked once again.

Midorima didn't answer and took one of the chips up, and ate it. He suddenly ran into a corner, and acted like he was going to die.


He ran over to him, and panicked.

"What the heck is the matter with you??!!!"

"I hate everything with....crabs" he said like he had become 20 years older.

"Then why are you eating it???!!!"

"It's today's lucky item."

Kise face looked weird on him, and sighed.

"What are you guys doing?"

They jumped to the side and saw Kuroko standing behind them.

"W-W-Where did you come from??!!!" they shouted surprised.

"I just came out of the store" he answered, and held a plastic bag up, filled with stuff.

"It's the first time I've seen you go shopping, Kurokocchi" Kise said surprised.

"I promised Yuzuki, that I would pick some stuff up for dinner tonight."

"Is she a good cook?"

"She's pretty good, and she's an expert in hiding tastes of something you don't like."

"Can she also do that....with crab?" Midorima asked.

"I think so. I'm sure she can cook for you, if you want to."

He nodded fast, and Kise looked weird on him, like he was insane or something like that.


They walked inside the house, and looked around. It was the first time they ever had been home at Kuroko's, and it looked just like any other house.

"Big brother, is that you?"

Yuzuki came out of the living room, and saw Midorima and Kise.

"Oh hey, Midorima- and Kise-senpai. What brings you here?" she asked questioning.

"I heard you were good at cooking, and hiding tastes."

She nodded.

"Can you do that with....crab?"

"I can try. If we have some crabs, I can make some for you."

He nodded, and she smiled to him. They walked into the kitchen, and Yuzuki looked into the refrigerator, and found a whole crab.

"We're lucky. There was just one crab back."

"When did we get that?" Kuroko asked.

"Dad got some from a colleague, but I thought we already had eaten them all."

She took it out and began to prepare it.

"Midorima-senpai, why is it you want to eat crabs?" she asked, while still breaking pieces off the crab.

"It's today's lucky item" he said, trying not to sound impatient.


"Midorimacchi believes strongly about horoscopes, and zodiac stuff, and todays lucky item is something with crab" Kise answered.

"I see."

She started to put different stuff into a pot and turned up for the heat.

"It just has to cook for some time, and it's done" she said with a smile across her face. She took the bag that Kuroko had brought home, and started preparing some more food.

"Why are you making so much food?" Kise asked.

"Mom and dad, usually come home late from work, so I just want to make sure there's enough food for them too."

They kept quiet, and looked at her. She looked just like a mom who was taking care of her kids, even though she was the youngest of them all. Kuroko stood up, and invited them into the living room. They got surprised when they saw a piano in the corner of the room.

"I didn't know you played piano, Kuroko" Midorima said surprised.

"I don't, but Yuzuki does. She usually play when she's home alone, so I actually almost never heard her play."

They looked surprised at her, as she tasted the crab soup, and put some more stuff in it. She smiled, and hummed something. They couldn't hear it clearly, but they could sense it was a soft voice, that could make anyone soft and relaxed.

"The soup is ready" she called.

She put some of it into, some bowls and put it on the table, and they took a place, and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Wow! It looks great!" Kise said surprised.

"It actually does" Midorima then also said surprised.

Kise took a sip and got stars in his eyes.

"It sooooo gooood!! Midorimacchi you have to taste some!"

He was a bit skeptical, but took a sip, and widened his eyes.

'It doesn't taste like crab at all' he thought to himself.

Yuzuki took a place at the table, and began to eat herself.

"It tastes pretty good" he complimented.

"Thanks, but is maybe because the most important ingredient is in it."

They looked questioning on her.

"What's the most important ingredient?" they asked.

She looked up and smiled to them.


They looked surprised on her, but smiled too.


"Thank you for the meal, Yuzukicchi!" Kise said happy, and waved goodbye.

He and Midorima walked down the street, and the street light had already gone on.

"Hah, that was a good meal! Don't you think so too?"

He looked on Midorima, but he didn't say anything. Kise walked in front of him, and saw he was holding a strap, with a crab hanging from it.

"Where did you get that from?"

"Just somewhere."

"Wait, did you get it from Yuzukicchi!!! That's cheat! I want something from Yuzukicchi too!"

Midorima didn't say anything, and thought back on what Yuzuki had said to him, before they left.

They were about to leave when Yuzuki lightly pricked to Midorima's shoulder. He looked behind him, and saw Yuzuki holing a little strap, with a crab hanging from it.

"Here you can have it."

He took it, and looked questioning on her.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"'Cause you're lucky item today is something with crab, right?"

He nodded, and still looked questioning on her.

"But they didn't say anything about, that it had to be something to eat, right."

He froze, and thought it made sense, and he had gone through so much, even though he didn't have to.

"But just remember, even if it's your lucky item or not, you always welcome to come here" she said happy with a little smile.

Midorima couldn't help it and smiled a little smile. Kise jumped to the side, and stared surprised on him.

"Y-Y-You smiled!!!"

"Shut up."


Back to the present

They had just come to Seirin high, and Takao wheezed after air, but Midorima ignored it totally, and stepped out of the carriage. He stood in front of the entrance, and picked something up from his pocket.

"Today's lucky item is something with crab" he said quietly to himself, and looked on the little strap with the crab. "There's no way I'm going to lose this time."


That was the 8th chapter, I hope you liked it. It might be a bit confusing who is going to be with her, and why they like her so much, but just wait and see, and you will find out :) Update will come soon :)

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