My stepbrother is the Mafia K...

By PheonixVivianfaye

375K 6.3K 1K

Do you know what it's like to fall in love with the devil, it's hell. Lexi is finally starting to feel norma... More

About the Author
1 | D I N N E R
2 | E N G A G E M E N T
3 | E N Z O
4 | G R I M M F A M I L Y PT.1
5 | G R I M M F A M I L Y pt.2
6 | I N T O X I C A T I N G
7 | M I N E
0| Communication board
8 | T R U T H I N L O V E
9| D A Y O N E
10 | C H O O S E M E
11 | R E C T I F Y
12| S H A D O W S
13| N I G H T M A R E S
14| P A R A N O I D
15| H O M E
16| L O V E & H A T E
17| G O N E M A D
18| E I G H T E E N
19| GALA
20| L I T T LE - S T A R
22| G O N E D A R K
23| S E C R E T
24| W A R
25| S I L E N C E
Every beginning has an end. THE END
26| H O M E
27| H A L L H I S T O R Y
28| M A D R I D
29| Clue #1

21| P E R F E C T - W O M A N

5.7K 118 4
By PheonixVivianfaye


"The Voicemail had mentioned he was back, if he is I need to get to Lexi right now." I turned to my father concerned for her safety, it was the first time I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was playing a game of chess, but all the pieces were missing. This confirms my suspicion of Mark being the one that intruded our home, damn it! How did I let this slip by me? If I don't reach Lexi before he does, she's dead – I couldn't live with myself if I saw her body limp. I wouldn't want to live after that, not without her. He can't be alive; I watched his body get buried in a casquette 6 feet under.

"Relax, there is no way he could be alive. Just go to the party, and enjoy yourself, this is what you dreamed of since you were a teenager. we will beat the girls there. You're getting engaged son, lighten up." I hold the black velvet box in my hands and fumble around with it. He was right, I've dreamed of this moment, I've worked for this moment, for her. Which is why I can't relax; this must go perfectly. She's the perfect woman after all and doesn't deserve less than it.

When we pull up to the building I noticed the lights, they're going to attract to much attention, if he was alive, he knows exactly where to find me. I open the door before the car comes to a full stop. I look for her, her Limo isn't here, it's late. I shuffled with the box in my pocket, I can't be preoccupied, for her sake.

"Over here Shane." He spoke. I turned around and saw their limo pulling up. I walk up close to the security guard, his face covered by a mask. That's strange, I don't think I ordered anyone to wear masks.

"If you see anything out of the ordinary, come get me." I whispered. I turn away from him and brush my insecurities away. I begin walking towards her limo, getting close to her door; she gets out of the car and looks up at the rooftop lights. Her eyes are glowing, she looks beautiful, but a little pale. I look at her dress, God she's so stunning, even when she is fully clothed. She turns to look over her shoulder and stares at My Father and Jessica, she focuses her attention on her dress and heads up the stairs, the brief eye contact made me wonder if she was upset. I quickly walk up the stairs and adjust my suit. No insecurities, I told myself. If Mark is back, he's going to take Alexi and... I can't have that. I have fallen in love with her, I truly have, and I don't want him to take her from me. I will stop at nothing to protect what we have; she will be my wife- even if I must kill her father-twice. I look at her skin once we step into the light, she still looks a little pale.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She stares at me, it was silent until I saw a certain spark in her eyes, she lets go of my hand and turns to strangers near her. If only she knew that this wasn't just for business. I feel as though I'm dealing with a child, and this child is running on thin wire. I run up the stairs after her, she is overwhelmed by all the people, and I have the perfect plan. If she wasn't going to tell me why she's so upset, I'll make her talk.

I take her to the kitchen, and she felt uncomfortable about the people watching through the kitchen windows, just like I thought. So, I moved her to the freezer, at first, I didn't think she'd follow through with the Idea- about being in a freezer-. I staged the whole scene with one prop, a crate. I knew this freezer had an emergency button in case the button froze over and someone getting stuck in here; so I made it seem that it might lock if the crate is removed. After a bit Lexi finally gives in saying that she was embarrassed about her squirting, but I thought, it was crazy hot. Honestly, I wish I could see her lewd face again. However, I was concerned that she wasn't telling me the truth. She seems scared of me, I could notice her small flinches when I raise my arm or go in to kiss her. I also noticed parts of her neck had lighter blotches in some places than others. She's hiding something else, that's going to be for another conversation. For now, I'm taking her to the temporary closet for her gowns, I drop her off and let her choose.

I look around waiting for Lexi to be finished, when will he show his face? When will I have to put my pistol against his forehead, I want to pull the trigger and hear his skull being broken. I want to see the life drain from his face as I laugh because I finally won.


I set up a meeting with Mark last week to go over the contract, the one that says I can marry his daughter when she turns 18. I hold the paper inside this briefcase, I protect this brief case as if it held one million dollars inside. but this is the fate of me and my Woman. I knock on the door of their Californian home, the gate stands tall, this house is beautiful. Jessica opens the door, Alexi standing behind her, she smiles screaming my name. She hugs me, but I notice Mark standing on their balcony looking down at me. Do they not tell Lexi what my occupation is? Being 21 and running the Mafia isn't as easy as they make it seem that is for sure.

I walk past Lexi and Jessica going straight up to Marks office. I open the door, he's typing away, his sleeves are rolled past his elbows, a cigarette was just put out, it's still smoking. I sit down in the chair across from his desk. I open the briefcase, laying out all the papers.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I look at him, this was the reason why we set up this meeting right? I cough and sit down in the chair. I stack the papers onto each other, I place the briefcase down near me. I light my own cigarette, I puff on it before I put it between my fingers.

"Are we here to do some f*cking business or do you want to paint my fingernails and stroke each other's cocks?" His head slowly turns to mine, a small smirk painted across his face. He grabs the papers and begins to read over them. If I am going to run the Mafia, I need to act like I care. But I'm only doing this for one reason, and one reason only. He goes on to point out crucial mistakes in this contract, but I cut him off.

"You do know I'm going to have to kill you if I want to be with Lexi." He looks up at me, I continue.

"There can only be one Mafia King, I'd showcase your head to the whole world if that's what it took." This conversation has drastically changed since a few years ago, I won't deny anything now, Lexi needs me. It's a bit dark but I'm in love with his daughter. Her smile could light up a whole city.

Present day

I laugh at the boy back then. He was ruthless, he knew what he wanted, after I killed Mark, I thought my job was done, I should have showed his head to the whole word, because at least then, I'd know for sure he didn't live. What good does a boat explosion do?

A few hours in...

She disappeared as I showed the ring, the crows gasped, I watch as she runs away again. At first, I was upset, but when I saw her throwing up over the balcony, I knew something was wrong. She's been pale since she got here, I stood up, look towards the guest, microphone in my hand.

"Lexi is not feeling the greatest, dance your souls away while we make sure she's alright." Gracie rushes past me and right to Lexi who's sitting down. I follow her, Gracie hasn't spoken to me since I came back. In fact, every time I ask her to do something the look she gives me, is the look of death. I grab a bottle of water from a masked waiter. What is up with all the masks? I look at him, his eyes looking straight into mine. I shake my head and walk to Lexi handing her the bottle. I turn my back towards Lexi, I place my hands in my pockets.

"Leave us Gracie." I could hear her grunting as she removes herself from this conversation. When I hear the door close, I look at Lexi, she looks like she's about to cry, she's still so pale.

"There is Something you should know about me Lexi..."

I have never felt this happy, she put that ring on her finger, she told me what she wanted and that was to be with me. I told her I was going to grab some champagne from the kitchen... that's what I was intending at least, but I never got there.

"Sir, Sir, Mark was spotted by the front Gate!" He yelled. I look down at my father. He was also being told the same thing. Mark is somehow alive, he's here and wanting to get Lexi. I was going to turn to get Lexi, but Gracie pointed out the front door, I saw him. I set my coat over the rail and walk quickly down the tiled staircase, Derek meeting me in the middle.

"Ready to get this over with?"

"For the second time." I spoke. When I opened the big double-leaf door leading to the front Garden I saw a figure wearing a long trench coat.

"How does a man kill another man?" The figure said, "By killing the thing he loves the most." The doors behind me shut, the hooded figure gone.

The sound of the door locking sends me into a panic. I try to open the doors; they rattle but don't budge. I pound on the door, but the music gets louder. Shit, I let them in, I let them right through the front fuc*ing door!

"LEXI!" I screamed. I pound my fist on the door, spit flying from my mouth. I start screaming her name over and over. I could hear rustling going on, yelling from the back of the building, that must be Lexi, if they touch her- don't think about it, don't you dare think about it. Come on think Shane, think, I punch the door with my fist, he is so dead.

I step backwards, in disbelief, the sounds of guns going off make me feel hopeless. They killed her, they really are taking her from me. I run my fingers through my hair, and I begin to pace. The douche bag is going to pay, I will kill every single member of his mafia group, every single person that has retaliated against me will reign in hell. I hope when they close their eyes, they see me in the back of their head. I hope they start having nightmare about me.

"Derek?" I heard Jessica's voice behind me, "Where is Grace?" I look at Derek, then around us, she didn't make it out either. She was right behind me; did they close the doors right after I came out. Shit, the two most important woman in my life are both at the hands of Mark Hall, the most viscous Mafia leader, and I'm stuck out here like a dog on a chain

"Mark is in there and he has Lexi." Mark has taken my home and my woman. I punch the wall this time and scream his name in an absolute rage. I saw colors of red and black and the anger in my veins were growing every second I couldn't assure Lexi's safety. I paced back and forth contemplating on how I could get inside.

"Where is she?" Enzo says behind me.

"I don't know, after... after Lexi accepted my marriage proposal I went to grab some champagne to celebrate. Sh!t. I never made it to the kitchen..." My Family has their hands over their chest. I don't know what in the world I'm going to do without Lexi by my side. I must get her back. I adjust my suit positioning myself to the side balcony,

"Shane, please, please save Lexi." Jessica begged.

The party was once again over.


I ran to him; I didn't need to think about it any longer. I missed him so much, I never wanted him to leave me, I never asked for this part of my life I'd rather spend the rest of my life with my mom, dad, and Shane. I look at him with tears running down my cheeks as he brushes my hair comforting me, when he smiles, I saw the color in his eyes change. Two men come through the door; I back up until I hit my backside on the cement railing. They grab my arms, I can't move.

"What are you- Get off of me!" I struggle against them, their strength overtakes mine, I drag my feet on the floor to slow them down,

"SHANE! HELP!" I Cried. I began screaming for Shane as the two men Drag me down the hall. Where is Shane? I look down and saw other men aiming their guns at the party goers They made me stand right in the same spot Shane was holding my hand not too long ago; then the gun fire goes off. My Face illuminates with the explosion of the gunpowder, then watch as the blood paints the walls from innocent civilians. Some of them were running for the doors that couldn't budge. there screams filling the room I closed my eyes; this was awful I can't watch it.

"HOW COULD YOU!" I wept. The room was silent, some of the guns had a smoking tip. The bodies lay on the floor, lifeless. Mark, my father has a smile in the corner of his mouth. I turn my head, one of them was still breathing- I ran to her, I grab her hand.

"Gracie!" I cried. Her blood was falling into the surrounding tiles. It just kept flowing, I look down at her and smile, stroking her head. Keeping pressure on the multiple holes that show through her beautiful gown. She looks at me,

"Is it bad?" I shake my head no. She tried to laugh but it was just blood, how could they, my best friend, my other me, she doesn't deserve this. I lay down next to her, comforting her as the color of her skin gets whiter and whiter until her chest stops rising and my chest starts shaking. I felt my heart being ripped out of my chest, the bathtub drain has been pulled and the tears won't stop. I couldn't stop screaming her name, I covered the whole where the blood was coming out of. It hit her lung, those bastards, she must be so scared. I was soaking my big blue beautiful dress in my best friend's red crimson blood. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I flick it off, stand up, snot coming down my nose.

"I HATE YOU! YOU KILLED HER! YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND YOU BASTARD!" I went to take a swing at my father, but the men surrounded me, poking my skin with a needle. I landed right next to Gracie; her eyes were open staring right into mine. They are going to pay for this, I promise.

I guess I was right, something really was off about that night, I never thought I'd see my father- but something about him just doesn't feel right, still. It's almost like my dad is possessed but by some dark persona. Unfortunately, this isn't a magical fairy tale where something could do that.

I woke up isolated in a cold room, I turn my head and see the IV bag dripping, the wires connected to me, it must be poison, I rip them out of my arm. My eyes burn and my lips feel swollen, Gracie is dead, and Shane isn't here. Where is my mom? I sit up and notice the chains wrapped around my ankles, they are keeping me like a prisoner. I look down at my shaking hands, my mind is flooded of the images of the bodies lying on the floor, a massacre and no one heard it for miles, or did they just not notice?

The door opens and a large man appears, it's my father. I stand up quickly, I can't even look at him.

"It's too bad you had to get caught in the middle of this little star. It was never supposed to turn out this way." He motions for the men to take off the shackles, they grab the key from him and unlock the metal chains from my ankles, now would be the perfect time to escape... But I didn't do anything. The men leave and close the door behind them. It's just me and him, I never thought my dad would be the bad guy, never say never they say. He sits in the wooden chair, looking at me. I swallow my spit, my hands rest at my thighs, he even smells evil, he smells like dirt. I sniffle, he can't know I'm scared- I guess I'll pretend like Shane is watching, I can't let him down.

"You're supposed to be dead." I spoke. he nods his head; the room was silent. He looks down on the floor, I remember a few of things from the book Shane had me read- the word that's mentioned most in the book, observation. I observe the shift he makes in his chair, I observe the corner of his mouth, every time I have called him father his mouth twitches. He catches me looking at him, he leans over, clasping his hands. The sleeve on his shirt moves up to his shoulder revealing the bottom part of a tattoo, interesting...

"They all deserved it." He spoke. I quickly turn my head, how dare he- they did nothing wrong.

"You're the DEVIL! If anyone deserves death, it's you!" He got up from his chair, walking closer to me, I back up towards the wall.

"Watch it. That's not how you should speak to your dear old dad now is it?"

"What do you want with me!" I yell. Before he shuts the big metal doors, blocking the light from coming in, now I'm alone and in the dark. I sit on the dirty bed, bringing my feet to my chest, I look down, there is a small light coming from the bottom crack of the door, its light directs me to a black rock. I slide off the bed, bend down, this isn't a rock, it's coal. I walk further towards the back of the whatever I'm in. I bent down and begin to draw what I saw on his arm. If this is my dad, he has a tattoo on his right shoulder. I don't remember what it looks like exactly, but I'm sure I can piece the drawings together one by one.

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