When I see you.. (James Potte...

By joannastyles151001

5.5K 205 18

That the marauders don't really like Slytherins is well known, but then there was this girl, absolutely not l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11:
Characters II
Chapter 12: Unusual Wave
Chapter 13: Fullmoon
Chapter 14: Trust
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: The Promise
Chapter 17: Prim's struggle
Chapter 18: old friends
Chapter 19: it's a game
Chapter 20: it's really about trust
Chapter 21: Hogsmeade
Chapter 22: the turning point

Chapter 8

207 9 1
By joannastyles151001

„Oh Potter", Lucius presses out of his lips, pushes Snape aside and fetches his wand, going up to James. A gathering forms and James takes out his wand as well. Stress arouses inside me and I'm thinking on what I should do. I look around and I see Prim's look that sticks on me, she slowly shakes her head and while the boys are exchanging one curse after another I just have to step in. „ENOUGH!", I scream and stand right in the middle of the two. Super dangerous but the reflexes of the boys were alright and just a little curse from Lucius followed that I turned back to him skilled, but without thinking. Lucius falls backwards into his friends arms who push him up again. „You guys are really out of your mind!". „Oh I'll show her!", one of Lucius friends pass him and comes my way. While I was talking to Prim, so I couldn't even notice. „Avada -„, he starts cursing but James quickly presses out a „stupor!" and the guy falls back.
„Was he just about to kill you?", Prim comes from the side. I look at Lucius whose eyes were filled with guilt. As Sirius and James just wanted to attack again but were interrupted.

„Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, Mr. Rosier and Mr. Black, I am sure you can find the way to my office by yourself", Professor McGonagall reassures herself. „Oh Professor, I hope you don't mind but I'll be taking Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Rosier under my responsibility", Professor Slughorn, the house teacher of Slytherin, reported and struts out of the Great Hall. Lucius looks deep into my eyes, my heart is filled with guilt and I look to the ground. I had just betrayed my childhood friend. He left, but not without bumping James with his shoulders while walking past him. James shakes it off and makes his way up to McGonagall. Another member joined the discussion when Headmaster Dumbledore cleared his throat to get the audience's attention. In surprise, heads turn into his direction, though I only look up when I heard my name: „Miss McGee", says Professor Dumbledore with a strong voice but continues to speak softly: „you're headed to my office please!"
For a moment, I was in disbelief but then I found my voice and stuttered: „yes, yes Professor Dumbledore, sir".
Now, I'm standing knee high in the dirt, excellent.

Dumbledore sits down in his chair: „There is a reason why I have ordered you here Miss McGee". „I know Professor Dumbledore, I am so deeply sorry for what happened in the Great Hall, I take full responsibility", I do not dare to lift my head and my gaze is focused on the floor. „Oh that is not at all why I requested an audience Miss McGee. Even though I must say, I have my deepest respect for you, taking the responsibility for actions that were not at all your choice.", he says. I press my lips together and try to keep my looks everywhere but not on Dumbledore. Thereby, I notice a beautiful bird sitting on a perch. „I see you've noticed Fawks, you are indeed lucky to see him in his magnificent full-bloom. A wizard gave him to me, one of the greatest wizards I had the honour to meet!", he brags. „He's beautiful!", I gape. "Oh, I'm sure you will be a just as great witch one day, or even greater!"
"Without being disrespectful, I think that is an overstatement, Sir", but he shakes his head, petting his Phoenix thoughtfully. "Professor, why am I here?", I ask shyly, not really knowing what to say. "Oh, I wanted to talk about the near future with you!", he takes a thinking pauses and then quickly says: „I'm sure your parents would have included you into the plan sooner or later", he takes a pause again. „Miss McGee, you must be aware, that in the hands of the Dark Lord you are a weapon that would be of greatest danger.", he pauses, „your parents are aware of that and therefore decided to join my cause, to fight the Dark Lord".
„But Professor Dumbledore, Sir, I don't understand... you know of my magic?... what is my role in this?", I ask confused. „Hereby, Miss Joy McGee, I officially ask you to join the Order of the Phoenix." „and fight the Dark Lord?"
He nods: „sooner or later, there will be a fight, which is why I have decided to create the Order and join skilled wizards and witches that are willing to fight against Voldemort... and you can join us but... under certain terms:
You are not allowed to tell anyone about your powers nor tell anyone of the Order of the Phoenix or that you joined. You will be consulted when you are needed and you are obliged to fight for the right cause."
A weird feeling of angst carefully starts to roll through my body and I take a deep breath. „Would that be safe sir? For me? And what about my family and my friends?", I rush. „Na na Miss McGowan, no need to worry. Your parents are aware of the risk they are taking and your friends will be too, when they learn the purpose of things", he explains overly calm and nods for agreement. I swallow.
„One more thing before I let you go again: I would need you to give me a list of people that are aware of your magic and power, miss", he puts forward a piece of parchment on his desk, together with a writing feather. „Even though your parents told me that they were the only ones included, I am certain that a young lady has more secrets shared their friends than their parents might think."
I take a deep breath and take a step towards the desk. Whoever I write down on this paper will be included into this, do I really want this for my friends?
I take the feather into my hand and start writing:

Prim Lacraft
Lucy Madisson

I put down the feather while blanching with fear. In a very positive voice Dumbledore adds: „Oh oh", he gets up, „I almost forgot your parents asked me to give you this letter". He hands a letter over to me. „That's all", he smiles. I nod and leave his office at a smart pace.

I make my way outside to sit under an old tree near the castle. Mostly when I am here, I am alone as students tend to pass this tree.
I look at the envelop that is addressed to ‚Joy McGee' written in the beautiful flourish writing of my mother's that I would recognise everywhere. I turn the envelope around in my hands, with my finger let magic open the it. I make sure that no one is around. The letter unfolded in the air and slowly floats down to my hands.

Dear Joy,
we are so sorry that you must come to know on this way that we included Dumbledore to protect you from you know who. As you probably read in the Daily Prophet, he gets more powerful each day and gets more and more followers. We need you to be extra cautious to who you talk to, especially in the range of your house, Slytherin. We know that you don't want to hear this, but not all people that you believe to be good are good.

We have joined the Order of the Phoenix and it would be in your best interest to do so as well. Please don't tell your brother about this, you know that we don't want to get him involved.
Burn the letter.
Your parents

While burning the letter, I start thinking whether it would really be in my and my family's best interest to join this group. My thoughts about this situation are two minded, of course I would love to fight Voldemort and safe everyone but shifting that attention towards me would just hurt everyone I love. And I know if I was to join the order, I would be their weapon, just as I would be when I join the Dark Lord, what is definitely out of question.

I get up and take a walk. When passing the lake I see my brother chatting with some friends. He catches me looking and I wave him over to me. „Heyyyy!", he hugs me. „Hello you!", I hug him back. „I see you quickly caught up with the rest of your class, nice!", I smile. „Yes! Gryffindor is so cool! I found super cool friends, also in the older years, they're super kind!", he grins excited. „I'm happy that you feel that way!", I smile, „listen! James told me you guys talked?".
„Oh yes, he and his friends Sirius, Remus and Peter are SO cool! We literally talk all the time! I definitely want to become like them when I grow up!", he dreams. My face expresses the way I feel: shocked. „I mean yeah, they're kind, but also quite mean to some people! I wouldn't like you to be like that someday."
„I know I know", he sighs. „Alright, see you at dinner", I smile and destroy his hair. „ey, stop doing that!", he grins, sets his hair right again and goes back to his friends.

Sunday morning, everyone was in excitement for the first Quidditch game of the season Slytherin vs Gryffindor, what a wonderful time to be alive, isn't it? Everyone gets up super early to practice again or look at the practice. Given that, everyone in my dorm is already gone.
As I get ready for breakfast I put on my Sunday clothes or as some wizards call it: „Muggle clothes", but for the wizarding youth it gets more normal and normal to wear „normal" clothing instead of long robes with chique bourgeoise clothes.
As it is pretty cold in the castle and outside I take my big winter jacket and wrap my Slytherin scarf around my neck and a Slytherin beanie on my head to show my support.
In the Great Hall, I grab a quick bite and head down to the Quidditch stadium where the game is about to start. I hurry up the podium and search for Nila.

Nila hasn't actually talked to me for the past days since the incident in the Great Hall.
"You'll always chose to fight against being a Slytherin right?", she said back then.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?", I ask her and she just shakes her head. Just as I sit down, everyone on the podium jumped up to applause the Slytherin players that fly in. I get up to applaud as well for my two friends on the field, Lu and Prim. That are on opposite teams. Friends for the win?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this book so far and also understand my logic behind it and like where this is going? If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to comment them! :)
And also, happy new year :)

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