Falling For You ✰༄ ѕσkkα

By m3ltylov3

124K 3.3K 2.8K

--༄✰༄-- "I think your lives are more special." "I love you but you don't know what you're talking about." "I... More

Let's Get To Know You!
Water || The Iceberg
Water || The Southern Water Tribe
Water || The First Encounter
Water || Jade Switchblade
Water || The Lost Airbenders
Water || Old Bones
Water || Elephant Koi
Water || Kyoshi Warriors
Water || Fields Around Omashu
Water || Forbidden Earth
Water || The Art Of Fake Bending
Water || Jailbirds
Water || Zen Garden And Acorns
Water || Hei Bai
Water || Passing The Blockade
Water || Mindful Realization
Water || The Fire Temple
Water || The Sanctuary
Water || Roku's Return
Water || Moonlight's Embrace
Water || Hidden Pond
Water || High Risk Traders
Water || Stolen Scroll
Water || Pirates And The Prince
Water || Relaxing Morning
Water || A Familiar Name
Water || Thread Of Manipulatuon
Water || Charcoal's Convenience
Water || Nighttime Nerves
Water || A Card Of My Own Face
Water || Surrealism Never Sleeps
Water || Untie You
Water || Contagious
Water || Linger
Water || Another Believer
Water || Panda Lily
Water || Apart

Water || Lies To Oneself

1.7K 69 33
By m3ltylov3

"What? If you want we can talk about this later or-"
"Later. Please?"
"Okay," our voices were hushed so we could finish our private chat. But before we return to the conversation between Jet and the others, he softly rubs his hand up and down on my shoulder, gives one last squeeze, then turns his face away from me. Sokka doesn't let go though. Half of me stuck to his side due to his grip.

"You two had some impressive bending out there. Haven't seen anything but fire for a long while."
"Thanks!" Katara graciously accepted the compliment for both her and Aang, seeing as he was interacting with some of the other Freedom Fighters.

The way he was trying to convince me even sounded the same...

Sokka leads me away from Jet, and I absentmindedly move my feet and legs. At this point I'm so consumed by my thoughts I don't register the fact that I've been sat down.

"Y/n, what's going on?"
"He just sounds so much like him. Even the hair," I manage to choke out, fighting back a wave of tears.

"Who? That Fishen or whatever guy?" I let out a small laugh at his butchering of his name, as his face lights up with a goofy grin. He lightly pokes me in the side, making me laugh even more. "Let's just figure out Jet's whole deal, find a place to settle down for the night and we can talk about it, alright? Or even if you'd prefer to say nothing at all. Okay?"


He holds up a fist to me, and I simply stare at it. "...Bracelet buddies?" Sokka's eyes give me silent instructions, switching from my wrist back to my face.
"Bracelet buddies," I lightly tap my knuckles against his, and he gives me a gentle smile. The little charms we both have dangle loosely, creating shattered reflections on our fingers.

The Freedom Fighters continue to poke around the camp, taking anything they find to fit their liking. Jet has zoned in on Katara, seeing as I try to distract myself with the leather braid on my wrist. That and talking to Smellerbee. She complimented me on my use of my switchblade against the guy with the sword. I teach her about the method I used as she is well versed in multiple types of combat involving blades.

"Ah, we're going back to the hideout. Care to join us Y/n?"
What other choice do I have? Everyone else is going there already, "Yeah, sure."

I trail farther in the back of the group, not bothering to speak up unless someone starts a conversation. The flora around us thickens as we advance farther into the safety of the woods. More of the warm colors appear, with remaining summer flowers visibly showing their vibrant petals against the rusty pallet. Sokka has once again appeared at my side, and within my peripheral vision I see his blue irises check over me multiple times.

"We're here," Jet announces. I peak over the bunched crowd and all we've been lead to is a clearing scattered with dried leaves.

Sokka gestures to the empty space, " Where? There's nothing here."

Suddenly but silently, tendrils of rope appear from the canopy. There isn't a lot, but enough to where we could get everyone to wherever we're going.

Jet takes one of the ropes, leading it over to Sokka and I. He wears a smug expression, although it has playful intentions. "Hold this."

"Why? What's this do?" he gingerly accepts it, giving the impression it could implode any moment. Without hesitation, his arm jerks up and he lets out a shocked scream. Sokka instantly claws at me, grabbing hold of my arm as I am now unwillingly being launched into the trees with him.

"SOKKA!" I shout at him in a mix of anger and fear. I bring my free hand up around his torso, and he fixes his grip so he's holding my back, pressing me to him.

We crash onto a wooden platform in a tangled mess of limbs and rope. "You idiot!" I smack him on the head, causing him to recoil. "Hey! It's not my fault you didn't pull me back down!"
"How was I supposed to know that?"

I finally catch a glimpse of his face, seeing how multiple strands of dark hair has has escaped his wolf tail, along with catching red leaves that stuck out in all directions. "Pfft-" I bring a hand up to my mouth, stopping any sound from being heard. My shoulders shake slightly, and I can feel a huge grin appearing behind my palm.

"What?" I point up to his hair, and his hands quickly travel up to the top of his head. The soft crunching of dead leaves makes his eyes widen in abject horror. He ruffles his fingers through his locks, and I allow myself to laugh at his frantic motions. He's laughing too, and quickly readjusted his hair band.

After another moment, Aang is already jumping through the canopy, exploring our current base. I take a look around, seeing we've been thrown into what seems to be a large network of bridges and platforms. They're constructed out of jumbled planks of wood, obviously done by teenagers. There's thin lines with the appearance of black rope strewn from branches above farther appart platforms. Although, majority are connected by rickety bridges made of the same planks. Small buildings have been placed about, and they greatly jut out from their support trunks. Even though they had the same use of wood, large pieces of fabric or tarps have been draped over various parts. Everything has been shielded by the veil of leaves residing below.

Katara and Jet land one tree away, and Sokka already has a scowl spread across his features. "Something really feels off about him. But I just can't figure out what..."
"Is it because he's trying to make a move on your sister?" I elbow him in the shoulder.
"No there's more than that!" he grumbles, folding his arms over his chest. "I just," he glances over to me and sighs, "I just don't like him."
"Me too."

Soon enough the other Freedom Fighters join Jet, collectively crossing over to us. Katara questions him, obviously ignoring Sokka's remarks and protests.

"Why does the Fire Nation wanna find you?"
"I guess you could I've been causing them a little trouble. See, they took over a nearby Earth Kingdom town a few years back," he replies all too casually. Sokka's beginning to get antsy, jumping and shifting around his weight to see if he can get a better view of Katara and Jet from behind Pipsqueak.

"That's so brave," Katara bashfully says.
"Yeah, nothing's braver than a guy in a treehouse." The Water Tribe boy forced his opinion into the conversation, earning an amused exhale from me.
"Don't pay any attention to my brother."
"No problem, he probably had a rough day."

They're talking about him as if he wasn't literally sticking himself right between them. This practice would seem normal a siblings relationship, but I didn't expect Jet to keep it going easily. This subtle exchange urges him to shrink back towards me, once again by my side.

Time skip: Dining in the trees...

Strung lanterns casted a warm glow over us, illuminating the treehouse. There were some other Freedom Fighters lounging on a myriad of platforms, but those who we've met today are seated at the low table. It was big enough to provide space for everyone to put their elbows on the surface if they pleased.

Lychee nuts and berries brought color to our otherwise dull dinner. They were settled in large bowls open to anyone for the taking, and other dishes included roasted boar, cooked fish, and what I assume to be a calf. They had been sliced into thick pieces, resting atop slabs of wood with cracked edges. Water was served in matching cups, along with a few other of the forrest's natural delicacies splayed about, up for anyone to pick through.

Jet rose, cup in hand. "Today, we struck another blow on the Fire Nation swine," he fully stands on the table with plenty of space to spare. He's lifted his drink, and his colleagues reciprocate the action, while exclaiming their gratitude and joy at their achievement. Katara and Aang clapped, I sat awkwardly, Sokka crossed his arms avoiding any positive reaction.

"I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face, when The Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a while hog-monkey!" Said boy climbed upon the table to receive his own individual praise, and I clapped lightly.

"Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry a couple of kids hiding in the trees," he narrowed his eyes, "maybe they're right." A roar of offense rang out, "Or maybe, they're dead wrong." He leans forward for effect, successfully rilling up everyone. He smugly takes a sip from his cup, settling himself down between Katara and I.

"Hey Jet, nice speech out there," Katara beams while Sokka huffs.
"I could do better." Sokka mutters some other incomprehensible insults under his breath.
"Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. You too, Y/n. I can't believe how well you did with that switchblade. Smellerbee's our usual knifes n blades kind of girl, but a second one would be great. Anyways, that was some great bending out there today."

Why does he talk like he assumes we're going to stay?
"Well, he's the Avatar. I could use some more training," Katara's face flushes, out of embarrassment... I'm not sure.
"Avatar, huh? Very nice."
"Thanks Jet!" Aang smiles, and Momo just continues to eat a lychee nut on his shoulder.
"I might know a way you three can help in our struggle."

Sokka grabs the back fabric of my clothing, making my legs come uncrossed and slightly hanging in the air in a diagonal position. He lightly drags me closer to him, away from Jet.
"Unfortunately, we have to leave tonight."

He holds my shoulders, making me stand with him. Sokka's hand latches onto my wrist, leading me away in a protective manner. I'm still holding onto my cup, attempting to take a final drink before we completely leave the area, but it just keeps sloshing over the edges.

"Sokka, you're kidding me." Jet disdainfully watches as he doesn't make any movements from his spot, "I needed you for an important mission tomorrow."
Wow, he really knows how to play on people's weaknesses. Sokka completely stops moving, slowly glancing over his shoulder at the teenager reclining next to his sibling. He hasn't let go of my arm.
"We can discuss it later, have fun you two. Take some food with, we already have more than enough with us."

I break from my friend's hand, shoving a bunch of food onto another wooden tray (enough for the both of us, along with some water). I return back to him, and we mindlessly traverse through multiple bridges and floors in a comfortable silence. Just the dull thud of our footsteps to which the floor beneath us creaks in response. In the end, we're at the top layer of the treehouse village, still guarded by the branches extending their leaves over the sky.

Stippled beams of moonlight stream through the gaps, and glide over our skin until Sokka stops. He situates himself at the edge of the platform, his legs dangling over, hands sprawled behind him for support, face tilted towards the stars. He doesn't say a word, but softly raps his fingertips to signal me over. I place the tray between us, along with his cup of water, crouching down before letting my calves slide over the side in the same position as him.

I take a few lychee nuts, cracking them open. I hold out my palm to Sokka as an offer, but he doesn't move.

"What are you thinking about."
"When Jet brought up that one guy... what were you thinking about?"

I let my hands drop to my lap, watching the reflection of the moon distort due to the ripples. "Do you really want to know?"
"Yes." Sokka shifts to be sitting cross-legged, "I'm here to listen."
"Feshen was my friend. I know who he is, what he wanted. He's been my best friend since we were little kids, and he would tell me everything. And honestly, I was never able to get that out of my head. The fact that he put me above so many other insignificant things."

Sokka starts picking at the food, quietly chewing as he hangs onto my every word, "He told me about this idea... his 'Freedom Fighters'. He wanted me to be one, and said it was to make sure I'm safe. And that's the thing that bothers me so much. Everyone always talked about how I'm special or need to be kept away from harm or something stupid like that. The fact is every single one of those people are dead.

"Why is everyone so concerned with me being free? That's all they would say for reasoning. What do they know that I obviously didn't? That I still don't?"

Sokka reaches out to me, "Hey, we can-"

I swat his hand away, pushing myself up to stand. "No! It's not that simple! If it was they would have told me! Don't you get it? I have something inside of me that I'm not even aware of! What is so important that people I love had to sacrifice themselves for me? I'm nothing! I'm a nobody who can't even figure out their purpose. I shouldn't even be here!

"You never should have met me! I'm supposed to be dead!" I can feel my voice getting weaker, scratching at the back of my throat. "Sokka, I should be just another skeleton at the Sanctuary! Maybe even the woods!"

Sokka defensively gets to his feet, holding out his hands in the motion to calm down and not do anything you'll regret. "That's not true. I'm so glad that you're here, and you've helped so many people-"

"Yeah! It's that! You talk about how great I am when I'm not supposed to be here! I SHOULD BE DEAD!" Sokka tightly grabs both my wrists, a feral look in his eyes that are brimmed with tears. His shoulders are shaking, in contrast to his steady hold.

"STOP IT! STOP LYING TO YOURSELF! Please... just stop," he sinks down onto his knees, gaze averted from mine. "You're important. Okay? You're important to me. And Katara, and Aang. Without you we never would've been able to get this far. Without you, I'd... I wouldn't have someone. You're someone that's made this trip so much better."

He's crying, croaking out his last few words, "Please, never say that again."

I collapse onto the wooden boards and he immediately pulls me into him. We stay there for what feels like hours as he whispers "I'm sorry" and "It's going to be okay" over and over until my tears subside. He makes sure that I eat and drink some water, constantly keeping an arm around me. It's like he's afraid that if he were to let go I would disappear. And to be honest, I could feel that too.


Word count: 2550

I hope all of you are staying safe and well! I'm so glad to have a new chapter up, even though it is a bit on the sadder side :) Thank you for all your love on this story! I really appreciate it, now looking back I can see how much my writing has improved compared to when I started back in August last year.

I also changed up the cover, and I like it much better than the one I had before <3 Also, I changed my name too! I feel like my account needed an update to make it look a little nicer, along with having an easier name haha new chapter of kenma coming soon! Love ya!

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