By bratzcartel

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Not good at descriptions. More



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By bratzcartel

Aubrey- Sorry for how I acted earlier :/

She texted after waking up from her nap, she realized she was being irrational and needed to apologize to him.

Josiah💘- Coming over.

Aubrey simply sat in her bed trying to decipher whether it was a good coming over or a bad coming over. She tried to keep her mind on the positive side though.

"Aubrey?" Raven said coming in knocking on the door.

"You're home early" Aubrey said getting out of bed to hug her.

"Yeah my family gets on my nerves and I had to come back and help my handicapped roommate" she said

"I'm am not handicapped"

"Well your arm is broken I'm sure you'll need help"

"Only with my hair, and it's not my arm it's my wrist it took Josiah three tries to get this ponytail looking ok"

"At least he tried, it looks pretty to me" she said shrugging

"Eh, well anyways I'm glad you're back, I stocked up the fridge and pantry" she said

"I'll cook something tonight"

"Good I missed your cooking" Aubrey said before she left out.

A little bit after that Josiah came in her room. She wasn't sure if he was upset or not by looking at his face since he looked as if he was bored.

"Hi" she said smiling

"Now you wanna be nice to me?" he stated. He wasn't really mad about earlier but he wanted to hold it over her head for a while.

"I'm sorry, I was in pain, I barely got any sleep, and I know those aren't good excuses for being mean to you and Leah, but I was just having a horrible day and I took it out on you and I shouldn't have"

"Hmm I don't know whether I should forgive you or not"

"You should, so I can do this freely" she said kissing him slowly and pulling away after a few seconds.

"Think I need another longer one so I can properly assess this apology" He said

Aubrey kissed him again with tongue deeply for longer than 10 seconds this time.

"All is forgiven" He said


"Yeah Bre, I didn't really care that bad"

"Ok, do you really think I'm clingy?" She asked

"Yes but I like it, sorry I tried to use it as an insult, I like to be around you and I'm glad you like to be around me"

"I can leave you alone sometimes if you want" Aubrey said. The last thing she wanted to be seen as was clingy.

"No, don't" he said grabbing her broken hand unknowingly making her hiss. Her hand hurt whenever she moved it at a certain angle.

"My bad, why does it still hurt? did you take your medicine?" he said.

"I don't know and I did take it, it only works so well"

"You want me to tell my mom to bring you better drugs?" He asked

"No, isn't that illegal?" Aubrey asked

"She's a doctor" he said

"Yeah but she's not my doctor, Josiah it's ok, it only hurts when I move it at certain angles" she said smiling to reassure him.

"Well don't move it"

"I'm trying but you just tried to grab it" she said

"It'll take a while for me to get used to it"

"Until then no sex" she couldn't risk hurting herself further. She wanted to heal and she didn't want Josiah to accidentally hurt her more to the point where she'll need the cast longer.

"I'll be careful" he said

"You're trying to do it tonight?" She asked

"Yeah, why not?"

"I don't know Josiah, I don't want to break my bone even more"

"Pretty sure you won't, stop being so paranoid" He said kissing her cheek.

"Ok" she said. The two began kissing slowly as Josiah said he'd try to be gentle.

"Josiah this isn't going to work" she said once they were on the bed.

"Why not?" He asked kissing her neck.

"Because I'm uncomfortable, my arm is just all awkward and stuck I wanna rub on you and stuff, this sucks." She said

"We don't have to do it Bre, I'm fine with it"

"Ok, I don't want to do it, tomorrow maybe?" She bargained

"Whenever you're ready" he said. He didn't want her to feel like he was pressuring her into something she was uncomfortable doing.

"You wanna watch a movie?" She asked.

"You know I don't like the movies you like so I'm just gonna go to sleep" he said

"No stay awake, what do you want to watch?" She asked

"Turn to basketball" he said making her pout

"I don't want to watch that, come on we can watch an action movie or something" she tried bargaining. She wanted to spend a little time awake with him since she felt bad about treating him bad all day.

"Bre I'm tired"

"You were about to stay awake for sex though" she said

"Yes because sex gives me energy"

"So why do you go to sleep right after every time?" she asked

"That's just common courtesy, you have sex you go to sleep" he said making her laugh.

"Give me some of your time babe" she kissed his cheek.

"You see stuff like that, that gives me energy"

"A kiss on the cheek?" She asked

"From you, yeah"

"You're that horny?"

"No, that's just how you make me feel all the time, all heated inside and when you touch me and do other things It's just .. good" he explained

"Wish I could make you feel .. good now" she said

"Your wish can come true if you let my mom give you better drugs"

"No, you're crazy" she said smiling at his remark.

"Crazy because I don't want you in pain?"


She kissed him before laying on his chest and fell asleep while he rubbed her back.
"Good morning" Aubrey said to Raven.

"Morning, there are leftovers in the fridge if you want any since you didn't eat last night." She said

"Yeah I went to bed early on accident" Aubrey said before opening the refrigerator.

"Are you going to Aspen?" Raven asked making Aubrey raise an eyebrow.

"Why would I go to Aspen?"

"Oh never mind" she said trying to avoid the awkward situation she'd just created.

"Whose going to Aspen Raven?"

"Leah, Darren, Me, .. Your boyfriend" she said saying the last part quieter. She didn't know Josiah didn't invite her especially since the trip was in 2 weeks, she also didn't want to include Lauren's name.

"Hm" Aubrey said continuing to eat her food.

"Maybe he forgot" She said

"I'll ask him later" she stated shrugging. She just knew he wasn't going to Aspen without telling her so she didn't get upset.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to start an argument with you two"

"It's not going to be an argument, I'm just going to ask him" she said shrugging.

"Are you sure, you sound a little mad"

"Yes Raven, it's not that serious"

"Ok, whatever you say" Raven said before Aubrey's phone rang.

"Hello" Aubrey answered

"Hey Aubrey, why did I have to hear from your boyfriend that your arm is broken?" Rita asked

"Well my arm isn't broken, my wrist is"

"Don't try to get all technical Aubrey, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's not that big of a deal and it's kind of embarrassing how clumsy I am" she explained

"You broke a bone that is very serious, how are you feeling"

"I feel great, see not a big deal" Aubrey said

"You could've at least texted me Aubrey, I worry about you"

"Well now you have your own personal Aubrey Alert, my boyfriend" she said

"I'm coming down there soon"

"Okay, I'm about to go to the store so I'll talk to you later, bye" Aubrey lied

"Bye" Rita said before hanging up.

"You're going to the store? can you get milk" Raven asked

"I wasn't going to the store but I guess I could go"

"Why'd you lie to your aunt?" She asked laughing.

"I just wanted to get off the phone, you've never done that before?"

"No I just tell people I'm done talking bye"

"That's kind of mean" Aubrey said laughing

"It's the truth" she shrugged before turning the channel. Aubrey went to her room and got dressed in some sweats and a T-shirt. She didn't have any urge to look cute since she felt horrible.

Right before she was about to leave she opened the door to both Leah and Josiah standing outside which startled her a little.

"Where are you going?" Josiah asked as Leah went inside their place.

"The store, what are you doing here?" She asked

"I can't come see you?"

"Well yeah, but I was about to go to the store, you can at least let me know"

"I gotta keep you on your toes" he said as they walked to the car

"Let me drive" he suggested.

"I got it, my wrist is better today"

"Are you sure"

"No, you drive" she changed her mind quickly because she wanted to keep her wrist as still as possible.

After they finally arrived Aubrey decided to bring up the Aspen conversation while they were in the parking lot. She wasn't going to come at him hostile so she just asked him.

"Are you going to Aspen?"

"Uh I don't know yet, who told you about that?" He asked

"Raven asked me if I was going and I had no idea what she was talking about"

"in two weeks the plan is to go to Aspen but I don't know if I want to go or not, that's why I haven't talked to you about it" he said

"Ok" she simply said.

"Do you wanna go?" He asked

"Would you have asked me if I didn't ask you about it?"

"I was leaning towards no on going because I wanted to be here with you"

"Why wouldn't you just invite me?"

"I thought it'd be chaotic to have my girlfriend in my ex girlfriend's vacation home"

"Lauren's gonna be there and it's Lauren's house and you're inviting me?" Aubrey asked

"Yeah, I won't go if you don't go"

"Well I wanna go, are you sure she's gonna want me there?" Aubrey asked

"Doesn't matter." He said kissing her before getting out. Lauren had been badgering him about going and would ultimately do anything to get him to go, so Aubrey going shouldn't be an issue.

"I just have to get milk and baking soda" she said

"What's the baking soda for?"

"So I can keep my cast dry and I won't be musty smelling"
"Have you ever had shower sex?" Aubrey asked after just getting out the shower.

"Do you want an answer to that really?" He asked getting up and getting the lotion off of the dresser. He was going to lotion her up before he left because she complained about how hard it was now.

"You saying that gave me my answer" she said as he began putting lotion on her leg, he looked up at her as they talked.

"Why do you wanna know anyways?" He asked

"Because I just do"

"Take the towel off"

"Can you get me some underwear"

"Wear these" he said getting a thong out of her dresser

"No, put that back just get me regular underwear and a shirt, I don't want you to see me naked" she said

"Nothing I haven't seen before"

"Yeah but you're giving me those eyes and I don't want you to seduce me" she stated

"Why not?" He said kissing her. Aubrey put her cast around his neck and used the other one as a stand as the kissing got deeper.

She wrapped her other arm around him and laid down so they could go further. She didn't care about the pain she just wanted to give him some.

Aubrey lifted up his shirt revealing his new chest tattoo. She broke the kiss to get a better look at the familiar artwork.


"When did you get this?" She asked touching the tattoo. It was a picture she'd painted for him on his reck peck.

"The day after the last time we had sex"

"I don't remember"

"What date was it?" She asked

"You don't remember the last time we had sex" he said, he didn't know the date, sex was how he kept track of time.

"Before I broke my wrist yes?"


"Why didn't you tell me you were getting this?" She asked

"I've gotten 4 tattoos since we've been together, I have to tell you when I get a tattoo now?"

"No, but that's my art. You didn't think it'd be important to tell me?"

"No, you hate tattoos. If you were into that I'd be excited to tell you but I thought it would be not a big deal to you."

"I think it's special, I mean I'm glad something I drew was worthy enough to be on your body permanently"

"Well since it's so special do you think you could draw me something to go on the other side of my chest?" He asked

"You're getting more? Doesn't that hurt?"

"I want to get my whole body covered in them" He stated making her scrunch up her face. She knew it was his body but she liked the amount of tattoos he had now. She decided not to say anything about her hatred for his idea.

"Why the face?" He asked

"Mm I just think you look good with the few tattoos you have now"

"You don't think I should get more?"

"What I think doesn't matter, do what you want" she said rubbing his arm.

"I'm asking you because I think it does"

"Well I think you should just get the other peck done and be done" she said

"That's boring, I'll get the other peck and a sleeve and I'll be done. How about that?"

"Ok, Can I get on top?" She asked changing the subject

"No" he said before kissing her neck. He liked being in control during sex and rarely let Aubrey take control. Instead of debating it she just went with the flow.

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