Divinedimension Plutia The Mi...

De WrittenBravado

67 0 2

The CPU Shift Period is coming and preparations are made accordingly. Out on a quest, the four goddesses of G... Mais

Planet 1: Convolution
Planet 2: Unhinged
Plan#$ 3: #r$un%&@
Planet 4: Aggression
!lan@# 5: @hil$%&?d
Planet 6: Intention
?(a&#% 7: $(&rage
Planet 8: Immaculate
*&!@#% 9: @!#@%&(#)%@!
Planet 10: Paragon
)(!&#%: !? *&%#^$*%^
Planet 12: Sublime
P(an#t 13: Pa%i#n$#
Planet 14: Ethereal
Planet 15: Da&^r$@k
Planet 17: Nightfall
Bonus Planet 1: Lovelight

Planet 16: Star-crossed

1 0 0
De WrittenBravado

Ambi opened her eyes slowly and found herself in a courtroom. In the middle of the room on the tallest chair sat Purple Heart staring down at her. To Purple Heart's right sat White Heart and to her left sat Green Heart. On the left side of the room sat Black Sister, a lady with white twintails that looked like drills and a black leotard with white outlines. On the right sat Black Heart. Ambi took a peek behind her and saw Purple Sister sitting on a bench.

"Let's begin the case." Purple Heart announced. "Now, to begin I would like to review all the facts. First of all, Planeptune's new goddess Iris Heart is confirmed to have been responsible for hurting Ambience involuntarily, is that correct?"

"Yes." Black Sister nodded.

"That's right." Black Heart confirmed.

"Okay, then Iris Heart has also trespassed onto other nations without the permission of the goddess, or under any official license. Is that right?" Purple Heart asked.

"A minor crime compared to everything else she did." White Heart said.

"Then she has been confirmed to hold partial responsibility for the death of an innocent civilian, the injury of multiple others, illegal and unwarranted experimentation on Ambience, trespassed onto private property, and then damaged said private property."

"Correct." Black Sister said.

"Yep." White Heart replied.

Green Heart nodded.

"Finally, Iris Heart is responsible for the death of one of Lastation's generals, the idol girl named Tsunemi correct?"

"She's an android." Black Sister noted.

"I believe we had this discussion before." Purple Heart said. "Under all circumstances, legally licensed androids are to be treated and respected as fellow human beings."


"Now." Purple Heart said after taking a deep breath. "Ambience, you are here because you decided to spare Iris Heart, despite all of these crimes committed by her. Not only that, but numerous times it has been confirmed that you purposely sabotaged attempts to arrest Iris Heart and bring her to court. How many times was it?"

"Once in Lowee, once in Lastation, and she finally spared Iris Heart's life in Planeptune." Green Heart said.

"So then, Uni, would you like to state your defense?" Purple Heart asked.

"Yes, clearly she was under a lot of stress as she held the responsibility Iris Heart placed onto her." Black Sister said. "She had to make very hard decisions on what was best, anyone under her circumstances would have made mistakes."

"Sure, but what about the whole sparring deal?" Black Heart asked. "Iris Heart killed Tsunemi but Ambi just didn't kill her. Not only that, but she took advantage of the fact that Gamindustri was under a crisis and just put Iris Heart under house arrest. That's not what she deserves, isn't that right White Heart?"

"Murder alone deserves a prison sentence, I shouldn't even have to confirm this." White Heart said.

"But it has been confirmed that Iris Heart has a passive ability that naturally makes every living thing around her scared of her." Black Sister said. "Ambi is the only one that's not affected by this as greatly as everyone else, so she was sparing everyone in the prisons from unnecessary and unsentenced punishment. What other choice did she have? We weren't there."

"Is this true Vert?" Purple Heart asked.

"Yes, Iris Heart does have that passive ability." Green Heart confirmed.

"Well the other prisoners would have just gotten used to it like Ambi did." Black Heart said. "Besides, when it comes to goddesses the prison wouldn't even hold her. She would have to be executed."

"Is that true Blanc?" Purple Heart asked.

"Even though we never had to use this part of the law for a really long time, if a goddess does end up being an evil asshole that kills people, they would have to be redeemed quickly with share therapy or executed on the spot because a rogue goddess would be a giant threat." White Heart said.

"Right." Black Sister said. "And because Ambi is a Planeptunian, she would feel more inclined to choose share therapy. What's more, is that she's a direct follower of Purple Heart and Purple Sister. She was their royal guard, and was elected to be the captain of their Moons."

"But she didn't utilize the Moons." Black Heart said.

"Because they were busy dealing with the aftermath of what Iris Heart first did to Planeptune." Black Sister argued.

Ambi peeked behind her again and sat Purple Sister simply staring at the whole debate.

"So from what I understand, Ambience could have utilized her allies, but chose not to." Purple Heart said.

"Not exactly, the times she did was when she thought it would be better to not use her allies. Also when she did, they were all severely injured and Green Heart disappeared." Black Sister said.

"Well Tsunemi wouldn't have died if you or a mage was there with her!" Black Heart said.

"Remember the footage? Iris Heart definitely would have killed Tsunemi on the spot if there were more people than just Ambi."

"Well she killed Tsunemi anyway so if there was more than just Ambi we would have caught her."

"If there were more people she would have either ran away or killed more people. Remember the promise made by both Ambi and Iris Heart?"

"What do you make of this Nepgear?" Purple Heart asked.

Purple Sister took a deep breath and stood up.

"I- the people have spoken." Purple Sister said. "They understand Ambi, but they want Iris Heart dead."

"I see." Purple Heart responded.

"That sounds fair." Green Heart said.

"So Ambi gets nothing?" Black Heart asked.

"Well, nothing would have happened if Iris Heart didn't do anything, and Ambience clearly had no bad intentions, so all she gets is an appointment with a psychiatrist." White Heart said.

"It seems like everything is settled then." Purple Heart said. "Then I officially declare Ambience innocent. Unless there are any objections from anybody?"

The court was silent.

"Good. Then I suppose we're dismissed."

The goddesses stepped off their podiums and walked through a door in the room. Everyone left Ambi alone as she looked around the empty courtroom. Nothing moved until Purple Sister peeked her head out from the door.

"Uhm, Ambi? I'm sorry about all that happened," Purple Sister started. "But we have to move forward. Uh, everything will be okay now. Iris Heart is gone, the game's over. We won."

Ambi looked at Purple Sister, then stood up and walked over to the door. Purple Sister already walked through and left her. Ambi took a deep breath, then opened the door.

"I knew it." Ambi told herself.

Ambi looked at her bedroom. She looked to her left to see her holding her closet door. She walked out of her closet and turned around to see her coats and clothes inside the closet. Ambi looked down at her pajamas and her left shoulder.

She sighed, then looked at her bed. Plutia was sleeping on the bed hugging one of the pillows. A bed sheet and a blanket were spread out beside the bed on the floor beside her. Ambi stared at the window to see no light coming through the crack between the curtains.

Ambi stared at Plutia for a little bit, then grabbed her phone from a nightstand. She turned it on and saw that the time was 5:47. She stretched a little, then slid her phone into her pocket and walked out of her room.

She looked into the living room and saw Arfoire asleep on the couch with water and medicine on the coffee table beside her. Arfoire was covered in bandages and her hat was placed on the floor. Ambi entered her bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror.

Ambi frowned and turned on the tap. She splashed a little bit of water on her face and poured some water into a cup. She opened the mirror and took out a pill container. She pressed the container on the counter and twisted the cap. She opened it and took out a pill. After swallowing it with water, she splashed her face with water again and took a deep breath.

"Geezums." Ambi started. "This is impossible, this hurts, I hate this, it would be so much easier to just kill her or put her in a mental hospital. It wouldn't work as well, but it would put so much less stress on me."

Ambi looked at herself in the mirror again. The door remained open behind her.

"What am I even doing? My job is to protect Gamindustri, not whatever this is I'm doing. Right, Gamindustri. I'm doing this because we need her to protect Gamindustri. She's the only goddess left so if we were to get attacked or something, she's the only one to defend us. If it was literally anyone else I wouldn't put in this much effort. If she was just my girlfriend or something I would just put her in the hospital even if it would hurt just as bad. Because I wouldn't be able to do this if she was my girlfriend, not with the mental state or with the history I would have had."

Ambi nodded to herself and took another sip of water.

"But... this is way too different. The situation is different and I'm a lot more mentally stable, enough to do this professionally and effectively. I think. At least I'm pretty sure I'm mentally stable enough. Or am I insane for even thinking this is a good idea? Bah, whatever the case is, if she was literally anyone else, my girlfriend, my boyfriend, my sibling, my parent, whatever, then I wouldn't be here doing this. Not only would it be more effective if done by the professionals in the hospital, but it would save me a lot of mental strain."

Ambi stared at the ripples in her cup. She opened the mirror, stared at all the containers and pills for a bit, then closed it.

"But she's not any of those, she's my goddess. Maybe the people in the hospital could do this, but it would take too much time to mentally prepare those doctors to believe it's right to save her. Not only that but they can't deal with her fear aura like I can. And she would probably hate them and not be as motivated to change. Although isn't that what an abused woman or man would say... nah the thing is, if it was an abusive partner that did this to me instead of her, I'd end up a lot different. I've heard enough stories to know that partners claim to be trying to help only to actually be abusing their partner. And even though they know it's wrong, they still try to be with them or save them saying that they're still good in them or whatever."

Ambi sighed and drank some more water.

"Look at me talking to myself, maybe I am in that situation. Okay, then there will be one last test. If she really does put an effort into following the rules, taking medication, not hurting anyone including me, and she actually starts doing good, I'll keep doing this. But if she slips up and hurts someone again for the wrong reason or does anything dumb I'll either kill her or put her in a hospital. She might kidnap me or run away or something but at least Ingrid and Evangelist know about what's happening so they can save me if something goes wrong. Even if I'm taking advantage of that, I have no choice if I want to really save her. She's my goddess, not my girlfriend. It's not about love or being a good person, it's about rehabilitating her in the safest way possible."

Ambi took a deep breath and shook her head.

"Yeah, that's it. That's what this is. That's what I'll do. I should... get back to sleep. For a little bit."

Ambi stared at herself for a little bit more before taking one last gulp of water and walking back into her bedroom. She looked at Plutia and remembered her first meeting with her. She pulled up her pajama sleeve and stared at the scars. She then pulled down her collar a bit and stared at her rib cage that folded inwards neatly similarly to a jaw of teeth. Ambi shuttered from the thought of the lab where she transformed and she stared at Plutia again.

Ambi then looked down at where her left arm should be. She raised her left shoulder and upper arm and waved her hand around where it should be. She glared at Plutia, clenched her hand into a fist, and grabbed her poleaxe that was hung on two hooks on a wall.

Ambi stared down at Plutia's back and she rested her poleaxe on her shoulder. She positioned herself in a way to easily strike down on Plutia's neck and she took a deep breath.

"One cut and it'll all be over." Ambi whispered to herself. "One cut and the world will be saved. It's so easy... it's so easy... why can't I do it?"

Ambi imagined Tsunemi standing in front of her. She thought of her monotone smile and her wide open arms.

"I... no, it's not revenge, it's justified. Do I want to run that risk? Can I afford to take such a big risk? No, no use overthinking, act before it's too late. There is no right option, I won't let my goddess down."

Ambi tightly gripped onto her poleaxe and stared down at Plutia more.

"I won't let her down. I won't let anyone down. No one."

Ambi held her breath, then relaxed her arm and shoulder. She slid the poleaxe down to her side and then placed it back on the wall. She then slowly walked back into the bathroom and pressed her palm against the wall.

"Not one second. I'll keep my guard up at all times." Ambi said to herself. "Not for one second will she be anywhere away from me. No ordinary human can or should have to do something like this. But if I don't do this... well there isn't anything to gain. Maybe... maybe I'd be happy."

Ambi stared at the ground, then looked up at the mirror. She saw a pair of glowing dark magenta eyes staring at her and she sighed.

"Good morning Plums." Ambi said.

Iris Heart stepped into the bathroom and slowly wrapped her arms around Ambi's body. She felt Iris Heart rest her chin on her right shoulder and saw her smile in the mirror.

"Aw, do you not trust me?" Iris Heart asked. "I can promise you Ambi, as long as you don't kill me I'll be a good girl~."

"That's a lie. The second I start having ideas of not helping in any way I can you'll start hurting me again."

"Well, I don't have to worry about that anymore. After all, you would have taken my head off if you were willing to ignore people in danger."

Ambi stared at Iris Heart for a bit, then took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Is this what it's like to be an activist?"

"It's what it's like to be a hero Ambi."

"I'm pretty sure Superma- I mean Nera realized she couldn't save everyone. She didn't put herself through constant torment or torture like you did to me."

Iris Heart grinned a little bit and slid her fingers up and down Ambi's ribs.

"Is it too early in the morning for you Ambi?" Iris Heart asked. "Are you forgetting everything already? It's not time to slow down just yet, your career as a hero just started."

"Right right. Put me through trials, make me as best as I can be, replace you. Because you have problems while I have a stronger mind than you. That's what you meant, right?"

Iris Heart rubbed her cheek against Ambi's and closed her eyes slowly while doing so.

"Mmh, you know Ambi, I'm a little jealous that Neppy gets all of your worship and prayer even though you're my paladin."

"I'd say I'm more like your warlock."

"Oh? But aren't paladins virtuous fighters for a virtuous god?"

"A god with a corrupt mind? I- wait... mmh. Philosophy. Whatever. I called some doctors and I have a plan on helping you to conquer your sadism. They specifically said conquer because apparently these kinds of things don't have "cures" yet."

"Can you really save someone who thinks like me?"

"Aren't you the one that just called herself a virtuous god?"

"Hmhmhm, I guess we'll just have to see what happens. But whatever the results are, expect lots of work."

"Yeah. If it doesn't work, I have to help Histoire keep Planeptune in order. If it does, I have to help you."

Iris Heart slowly pulled up Ambi's shirt and exposed her ribs.

"Open wide~." Iris Heart said.

Ambi's ribs began to open up and her soft insides oozed and pumped. Iris Heart grinned widely as she stared at them through the mirror, but pushed on Ambi's ribs encouraging her to close them.

"I love you Ambi."

"You're alright when you don't act on your beliefs Plums."

"I made you."

"And Planeptune made you."

Iris Heart smiled a little bit before leaving and going back into Ambi's room. Ambi left the bathroom and entered the living room to see Arfoire staring at the table while sitting up straight and holding a mug in her hands.

"I haven't properly introduced myself to you have I?" Ambi asked. "Uhm, well I'm Ambience. You're the witch that turned into a dragon outside the hospital. How are you feeling?"

Arfoire stared at Ambi for a little more, then sighed and raised her mug up. Arfoire lit a small fire on her finger tip and stared at the mug.

"Twice now you've saved me from that... goddess..." Arfoire said. "If you can even call her that. My name is Arfoire."

"As in the Deity of Sin? Are you responsible for the disappearance of the goddesses?"

Arfoire stared at Ambi, then looked out the glass door that led to the balcony.

"Tch, fine. I'll tell you everything you need to know."

Ambi sat down on a couch separate from Arfoire. Plutia skipped into the room and smiled as she sat next to Ambi.

"The Seven Sages are responsible for the disappearance of the goddesses. Along with an untrustable bitch that called herself Kurome." Arfoire said.

"Hmmm, Kurome?" Plutia asked. "Oh! I know her! She's a reeeally nice lady who gave me strength!"

"So you met her... tch, I can't trust her. Not one bit." Arfoire said. "I'll tell you both right now I was a part of The Seven Sages and I hold partial responsibility for the disappearance of the goddesses. You saved a criminal, Ambience."

Ambi blinked at Arfoire, then looked at Plutia beside her.

"Well, that makes two." Ambi said. "Tell me more about this Kurome first."

"She's the one that designed the devices that teleport people to the other dimension." Arfoire said. "The bot called it 0 while it called ours D1V1N3. Dimension 1, version 1, number 3."

"We should discuss this with the Oracle." Ambi said with a sigh. "She's much much better with tech and science then I am."

"Uhm... why would Kurome want all the goddesses at the other place?" Plutia asked.

"She'd just wink and disappear everytime I asked." Arfoire said. "As I said, untrustable."

"So she's the common enemy?" Ambi asked. "You'll help us defeat her first, then we can discuss goddess politics."

"As if anymore discussion is necessary, I'll tear all of them apart the second I see them!" Arfoire stated. "Guh, that's a lie. I couldn't even kill the brat over here."

"I see... uhm, Plums what do you know about Kurome?"

"Uh... oh! She likes painting! And she's nice! Wait, I said that already didn't I? Uhm... I dunno anything else."

Ambi sighed and got up from the couch.

"We'll discuss more at the Basilicom with Evangelist, Ingrid, and Cotton. And the kid versions of them. Let's have breakfast first though."

Ambi walked into the kitchen area and saw Plutia and Arfoire eyeing each other. Plutia smiled a bit and Arfoire gripped her mug tightly. Ambi sighed, then proceeded to take food out from the fridge.

After an hour, Ambi brought Plutia and Arfoire outside of her apartment. She looked around and saw people in small groups talking amongst themselves in corners and around small stores. She walked with both of them down the street towards the Basilicom.

"Ambiiiiiii, can we go on the bus?" Plutia asked.


Ambi kneeled down and Plutia wrapped her arms around Ambi's neck. Ambi lifted Plutia's legs to her sides and Plutia smiled while Ambi walked down the street.

"Why are you babying her?" Arfoire asked. "Why are you even letting her live?"

"I don't know, maybe I went mad." Ambi said. "Oh who am I kidding, I'm watching over her until the goddesses come back so they can properly judge her. They're the only people I can trust with this kind of thing really."

"And what if they don't give her what she deserves?" Arfoire asked with a grim expression. "What if they make her the new goddess? What if she kills all of them and rules Gamindustri?"

Plutia stared at Arfoire.

"Well then." Ambi started. "I guess... that's 8 less goddesses to worry about."

Arfoire stared at Ambi, then smiled.

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahaha!" Arfoire laughed. "Good answer. I'm looking forward to watching you rule over Planeptune."

"Whoaaa, me too Ambi!" Plutia said.

"Whatever you two say." Ambi sighed. "Wait, me? If you want all the goddesses dead, don't you want to rule?"

"As if I can rule over all four nations at once, I know my limits. No, I'll rule over Lowee."

"You know that they'd only accept a Loweenease citizen as their ruler. Not just anyone either, they have to have been around for a long time."

"I am Loweenease." Arfoire replied.

"Oh. My bad."

Ambi looked at Arfoire's chest for a split second before refocusing on the Basilicom in the distance. After a long walk, she climbed up the stairs of the Basilicom and shook Plutia. Plutia slowly opened her eyes and Ambi dropped her down to her feet.

"Yaaayyy, we're here!" Plutia said.

"I thought the citizens of Planeptune wouldn't want their next goddess to be as lazy as Neptune." Arfoire said.

"Isn't that good for you?" Ambi asked.

Arfoire scoffed. Ambi opened the door and Plutia walked inside with Arfoire right behind her. They entered the Basilicom and walked by a large crevice in the middle of the Basilicom. It was smoothened and built to look intentional and the middle round table was split into halves. Histoire looked up from some papers and took in a deep breath.

"Good morning." Histoire greeted. "Ambience. Iris Heart. Arfoire."

"Morning Evangelist." Ambi replied.

"Hi Histy!" Plutia said.

"It's been a long time since we've met, Oracle." Arfoire said.

"Arfoire... I... I suppose you're finally a rest." Histoire said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, my apologies. I was thinking out loud."


Arfoire sat down at the table. Plutia and Ambi sat down as well and Histoire stared at them.

"We will wait for IF and Compa. Is there anything any of you would like to ask in private first?"

Ambi looked down at her purple coat. She lifted her left shoulder up and down and stared at the empty sleeve. Plutia rested her chin on her palms.

"Who was the first goddess of Lastation?" Arfoire asked.

"Lastation? I believe her name was Kuro. Not to be mistaken with Kurome, she will be discussed later."


The doors opened and the four of them turned to see IF, Compa, Iffy, and Comp walk into the Basilicom. Compa held Comp's hand while they walked towards the table.

"Morning Histoire." IF greeted while glaring at Ambi and Plutia.

"Ambi, I'm glad you're safe!" Compa said. "Where's Nep-Nep?"

"I haven't seen her." Ambi said. "Uh, good to see you too Cotton."

"You..." Iffy said as she glared at Arfoire.

Comp hid behind Compa as she peeked her head and looked at Arfoire as well. IF looked at Iffy, then looked at Arfoire.

"Right. Well, let's try to avoid any fights right now." IF said. "First thing's first, Ambi. Nep's watch."

"Right, yeah, sure."

Ambi took out Neptune's watch from her pocket and slid it over to IF.

"Now, care to explain exactly what's going on?" IF asked while looking at Arfoire.

"What else do you need to know other than the fact that Kurome is our target?" Arfoire asked.

"I would like to understand everyone's relationship and interaction with Kurome." Histoire announced. "If I may, I will share some information first. Uzume was the host for the first CPU of Planeptune, Orange Heart. The reason why I kept her existence a secret for so long was because I was afraid that if her existence was known to too many people, somebody would attempt to utilize her power for personal gain."

"Uhm... what does she do?" Plutia asked.

"Her main ability is that she can turn fantasies into reality. The limits to these powers are unknown, but testing them could have resulted in disaster. When she didn't have a host, she began to create rifts between this dimension and another one causing extremely overleveled monsters to spawn."

"How did that happen?" Ambi asked. "Did she like, get depressed or something?"

"The ideas documented are that she draws power from a dream world which begins to merge with reality if used too much. Not much else is known, but this Kurome seems to be related to Uzume in some way."

"What psycho willingly became the host of a goddess?" Arfoire asked. "Only a desperate fool would do something that stupid."

"Actually, Orange Heart herself suggested the idea." Histoire said. "Her reasoning was secret and undocumented, but it worked."

"Well, before we begin I'm going to say that I had no idea who this Kurome person was until Bayonet and Plums mentioned her." Ambi stated. "So yeah, I'm clueless."

"Guess I'll share my story first." IF said. "I was having a nightmare when she kinda just stopped everything and introduced herself to me. She told me that Nep would leave me, which was weird since it was after Nep disappeared the first time. By the way Histoire, is Nep still at the hospital or is she sleeping here in the Basilicom?"

"I... she hasn't returned to the Basilicom yet." Histoire said. "I believe she must still be at the hospital then."

"Hmm... weeell, I met Kurome when I took a nap outside of the big castle." Plutia said. "What was the name again? Ah it doesn't matter, but she was really really nice."

"I know people like her, it's all a trick to get you to trust her." Arfoire said. "I met her in her own dimension. The bot I worked with called it absolute zero, or the zero dimension, or some other name I don't care about."

"Did your co-worker name our dimension as well?" Histoire asked.

"He called it D1V1N3. Dimension 1, number 1, version 3."

"Do you happen to have files, or something we can work with? My apologies for demanding so much, but we have to restore the damage your team caused."

"Hmph, of course I stole all his files. But why would I give it away so willingly?" Arfoire asked with a smirk. "Maybe I should make a sabotaged copy and make you all create a bomb right here in the Basilicom."

"Are you really in any position to be making demands?" IF asked. "You and the demon goddess would be dead right now if Ambi didn't get soft."

"Well... I'm not hard if that's what you're asking." Ambi said.

IF glared at Ambi and Compa gave her a worried stare. Ambi sighed and pressed her hand on her forehead.

"Sorry." Ambi said.

"I am aware of your hatred for the goddesses Arfoire." Histoire began. "But please, for the sake of Gamindustri's future, we must work together to retrieve the goddesses and defeat Kurome. Or at least save Uzume."

Arfoire looked at Ambi who sat with a bored expression while Plutia played with her hair.

"Fine." Arfoire said. "We'll have a private discussion on a deal. But for now, we'll say that I'll be helping until Kurome is dead. After that, all of you are on my hitlist."

Arfoire rose from her seat and looked at Ambi again.

"Keep that goddess out of my way until this is finished." Arfoire said.

"Yeah, no problem." Ambi replied.

"Don't think you're off the hook yet." IF said. "ASIC isn't exactly the cleanest business, you still have to answer to some of your crimes."

"Hehehe, and how many crimes do you allow the goddesses to get away with?" Arfoire asked.

"Ambience. If you will be so kind, keep Iris Heart... not bored." Histoire said. "We all have much to discuss, we will call you back soon."

"Got it, thanks Evangelist." Ambi said. "Alright, I'll see y'all later. Let's go Plums."

"One second Ambi!" Compa said. "Compa, give her this!"

"Okie dokie!" Comp replied.

Compa handed Comp a boney, exposed metal hand and Comp walked over to Ambi with it. Comp handed it to her and Ambi picked it up.

"Uhm, it was the best we could do with my savings." Compa said. "And I don't mean to gossip... but Iffy refused to buy you anything nicer... Don't take it personally though, losing Vert is really stressing her out."

Ambi stared at the metal hand, then pulled her sleeve open. She stuck the metal hand on and saw a few lights flash before practicing clenching her metal fist and moving each individual finger. She ran up to Compa and hugged her.

"Thank you so much Cotton." Ambi said. "I- sorry, I'll treat you to something nice when this is all settled. I would normally cry right now, but uhm... sorry, thank you."

Compa smiled and Ambi released her. She walked over to Plutia who smiled and they walked towards the exit. They waved good-bye to everyone else as they walked out the glass doors and saw Saturn waiting for them outside.

"So, you spared her." Saturn said.

Ambi stared at Saturn for a bit, then took a deep breath and nodded.

"Mhmm." Ambi said.

"Are you happy with this decision?" Saturn asked. "As Planeptune's previous goddess, I should guide her and share what I've learned. But she isn't a goddess. Not by Gamindustri's traditional standards."

"Look, I honestly didn't want to do this either, but it's for the best."

"Is it really? If she dies, Gamindustri will give birth to a new goddess. Even if one doesn't, a leader fit to rule will step in her place. You are endangering the lives of countless Planeptunian citizens by letting her live. You know better than anyone else what she's capable of, what would Neptune think?"

"She'll be judged properly when the goddesses return."

"Am I not goddess enough? Did everyone forget about me already?"

Ambi shook her head and groaned. Plutia smiled at Ambi, then Ambi looked at her robot hand before looking at Saturn again.

"I know you're worried, I'm sorry." Ambi said. "I'm serious, I'm sorry. Don't think I didn't forget Tsunemi, or everyone else that was hurt because of her. I still won't kill her though, I'm giving her one last chance. She's no human, she's a goddess, it won't be as bad."

"How long has Histoire tried to change Neptune?"

"It's- come on. Please, don't make this hurt more than it already does."

"Then just kill her, it's like ripping off a bandage. She even wanted you to kill her, why aren't you killing her?"

"I- she- we have bigger problems. Like this new big evil person we have to defeat, and the new talking monsters Aerial brought, we should at least have someone strong to protect us."

"How do you know she'll be on our side? If she thinks that conflict makes us stronger why would she not just sit back and watch it all happen?"

"Alright, alright, I don't know. I don't know what she'll do or whatever is gonna happen, I can't predict the future. Just give her one more chance okay? Both of us, let me do my thing and I'll even hand you a sword if you need it to kill her."

"One chance. If she draws more blood or is even seen away from you, I'll have you both executed. Do I make myself clear?"

Ambi sighed, then nodded.

"Yeah, I got it." Ambi said. "I'll turn myself in, I promise."

Saturn stared at Ambi, then glared at Plutia as she walked by them and entered the Basilicom. Ambi sighed and held her hand against her face, then looked down at Plutia who smiled back at her.

"I'll be a good good girl Ambi, don't worry okay?" Plutia asked.

"I'm going to go insane. Or maybe I'm already insane. Whatever, we have to establish some rules first Plums."

"Hmm? Like what?"

Ambi took out her phone and pressed on a notebook app.

"Okay first thing's first, no more killing for any reason. I mean any reason Plums."

"Hmmmm... any reason? But uhm, what if they would kill you?"

"You're strong enough to stop people from killing others. Really, just don't kill anyone."

"What about monsters?"

"That's... that one's complicated considering what Aerial just brought home. Whatever, we'll clear that up later. But no killing, no one dies because of you, got it?"

"Hmm... okay."

"Alright, secondly, you can only hurt other people the same way they hurt you. Nothing more, if I punched you right now you're only allowed to punch me back. You got that?"

"Hmm, what if I don't hurt people who hurt me for a long long time, then later I use up all of those hurt points onto one person?"

"That's... kinda funny but no you can't do that. Also you can't be the initiator, someone else has to start it. And no provoking anything, no taunting or making people feel scared on purpose."


Ambi cleared her throat and typed onto her phone's notebook.

"Alright next, you can only use your offensive skills when you're trying to save someone. Other then that, defense only."

"Whaaat? Didn't you say I could hurt other people if they hurt me? Hmmmm."

"I was really tired when I wrote these... Uhm, okay, no one else can reach the same amount of damage a goddess can so there won't be a need for you to use offensive skills or EXE Drive attacks. Only when someone else's life is in danger, and I mean actual physical danger. Not mental or metaphorical danger. Alright?"


"Alright, now considering your passive, don't scare anyone unless you're trying to discourage a fight. Don't use it to encourage fights, or break people's morals, or make people do things they don't want to. Only to discourage fights, that's it."

"But teachers and parents do it all the time Ambi!"

"You're a goddess, not a teacher or a parent. The police can handle it alright? Or The Moons, or just other people in general."


"Okay last thing, only get into business when it affects you. If you hear like a rumor or something of someone doing bad things don't actively look for it unless you like actually see it clearly happening or if it comes to you okay? I know you'd be prowling around looking for an excuse to hurt someone."

"Soooo many rules, I wasn't going to do any of these things anyway Ambi!"

"You say that but you're still a sadist. We worked on me, now it's your turn. Don't mess this up okay? Please, these are rules that should be easy enough to follow."

"Weeeell, if you're there then maybe I'll remember better!" Plutia suggested. "Be with me forever and I'll keep being a good girl!"

"Alright deal. As long as you follow these rules I'll stay by your side."


Plutia jumped with joy and smiled at Ambi as she slid her phone back into her pocket.

"Okay... that's enough serious business uhm... let's go do something fun, wanna go eat something?" Ambi asked.


Ambi walked down the stairs beside Plutia and took a right down the streets. They walked down the colorful street and watched as cars passed by them on the road. They walked into a convenient store where Ambi picked up a pack of batteries.

"Choose a candy or two Plums." Ambi said.


Plutia proceeded to stare at the wide selection of candy bars blankly. Ambi looked through the magazine section while other customers at the store gave the two of them cold stares.

"I mean I did expect this..." Ambi whispered to herself.

As Ambi picked up a magazine and read the title, RED walked in with a big smile and waved at Ambi.

"Yo! Girl! How's it been?" RED asked. "Wow, I didn't think I'd meetcha here! What's going on?"

"Oh hi, yeah it's been... awful, but it's not like I can blame anyone other than myself for it."

"Why, what's going on? If you're my Nep-wifey's friend then you're my friend too!"

"Well, uh, I spared Plums here."

RED looked at Plutia and smiled.

"Ooo, spared her from what? What a cute wifey, is she yours? Is her name really Plums or what is it?"

"That's- she's Iris Heart."

"Iris Hea- ooohhh. Uuuhh, that makes more sense now."

RED stepped back a little bit and Ambi sighed.

"What did you hear about me?"

"Well, uh, all I heard was what happened to Tsunemi and that Iris Heart was here. Isn't she a criminal or something? I mean, I don't mind bad girls but she's a little too bad ya know?"

"She's under my special watch, don't worry about it."

"Ooh, The Captain's special care? Well I'd love to chat some more, but I got a lot of things to do so see ya later Ambi!"

RED dashed out the store as Ambi placed a magazine on the counter. Plutia pushed a few candy packs on the counter and the cashier scanned the items.

"Hmm, she was pretty nice." Plutia said with a smile.

"Yeah, she's nice." Ambi said while showing her card.

Plutia enjoyed her candy while the two of them walked out of the store. Ambi sighed and checked the time on her phone.

"I'm tired already, is this what depression is like?" Ambi asked. "What an awful feeling, 3/10."

"Oh, can we go to the beach?" Plutia asked.

"Well, no. I probably shouldn't considering my chest and my arm."

"Hmm, but you can watch while I play!"

"Next time Plums. For now, let's go for a walk."

Ambi and Plutia walked down the streets and stepped onto a dry park. Dirty leaves and bare trees were seen everywhere as they walked down the paved path together.

"I don't know how long Aerials is gonna be gone," Ambi started. "But if it's anything like the first time we'll definitely be together for a few days. Do you like doing anything other than hurting people?"

"Mmmm I like knitting!" Plutia said.

"Oh right, forgot about that. I guess I could buy some supplies on our way home. Anything else?"

"Mmmm sleeping!"

"I already gave you my bed. Do you like, uh-"

Bright light shone out of Plutia and Iris Heart stood in front of Ambi. Ambi blinked, then stared at Iris Heart.

"How considerate Ambi, I didn't realize you knew how much I like to stretch my legs." Iris Heart said with a smile.

"You have a bizarre imagination, Plums. Need something? A fight? A talk? Or are you going to kill me and run away?"

"Ambi, Ambi, I thought we were friends. You know how I think, I know how you tick."

"You have to be an idiot to believe you're unchangeable."

"Mhmhmhm, you'd kill me if I changed, wouldn't you?"

"Do you really think I would have won a fair 1v1?"

Iris Heart's eyes sparkled and she smiled as she took Ambi's right hand.

"May I have this dance?" Iris Heart asked.

Ambi looked around at the bare trees and the grey sky. She glanced at the dry cold ground, the empty stone bridge, and the still cold rivers without any sort of fish or duck on them. Ambi then took out her phone and stored the candy and magazine away.

"Dance till you're dead." Ambi replied with a sigh.

Iris Heart smiled, but with her head tilted a little and her eyes a little narrow. She pulled Ambi across the dirt path as they slowly around together swinging their hips and arms.

"Dancing was the last thing I thought you would enjoy." Ambi commented.

"Well Ambi, what hypocrite would I be if I didn't know how it's like to be a puppet, yet I wish to be a puppeteer?"

"Maybe you should be a hero as well then."

"Ambi, you should know that some people are born to be heroes and some are born to be villains."

"What a lame excuse. Just cause you're some sadomasochist you can't be a hero? Clearly you have the will and at least some sort of idea of what's good."

"You said I'd be a fool if I didn't believe I wasn't corruptible, am I not more corruptible than others? Would you try so hard to make someone like me good."

"Yeah, I would. You tried so hard for me, only would make sense I would try for you right?"

The two of them stepped onto the bridge and Ambi spun Iris Heart around before taking her hands back.

"Hmhmhm, you're surprised I liked dancing, but you know how to dance yourself."

"Honestly, I watched a ton of NepTube dancing videos so I could impress a girl in highschool."

The two of them got slightly closer to each other as they walked off the bridge and down the dirt path.

"I made you a hero because I knew how you would act depending on what I did. You don't know me that well." Iris Heart said.

"Did you know I would have spared you when I had my foot on your shieldless head?" Ambi asked.

Iris Heart raised her eyebrow as they swayed their arms.

"I'll assume that's a no. See, you can't predict the future. No one can, man it would be great if I could but it's not possible. And because of that, you don't know if being mean to someone or being nice to them will have consequences or benefits."

Iris Heart spun around with Ambi, then they held hands and continued to dance. With Ambi's left robot hand below their waist and Ambi's right hand out to their side.

"Be nice to people, okay Plums?" Ambi asked. "They can end up being evil, they can try to abuse your kindness, it might have been better to be mean to people, but who can say? I sure as hell can't, I doubt you know everything either."

"Doesn't a parent have to teach their child discipline Ambi? Time heals all wounds."

"Within reason and moderation, without trauma. What's the point of trying to teach a kid what's good for them if they first learn they want to die? Also..."

Ambi released Iris Heart's hand and raised her bare, wired metal hand.

"I'd like to see time heal this." Ambi said.

Iris Heart smiled sweetly as Ambi stretched out and released Iris Heart's hand to spin herself around, then she held Iris Heart's hand again and pulled her closer.

"What's your response to those heroes who take their trauma and make strength out of it?" Iris Heart asked.

"Have you seen Nera? I guess we are Planeptunian but Nera had no trauma or tragedy in her early life whatsoever. Plums, there are so many stories of people who kill themselves or give up on their dreams because of their trauma and tragedy. It doesn't work for everyone, and you can't tell who it will work for. How do you know so much about me anyway?"

Iris Heart stroked Ambi's cheek with her left hand.

"A goddess's strength comes from their followers. You've been following me all week, haven't you?"

"Not happily, but yeah. Is it cause I'm your only follower or something?"

Iris Heart nodded and Ambi sighed.

"Hmm, I enjoy our little morality chats, but I don't think I'm satisfied with this dance. May I?" Iris Heart asked.

Ambi saw out of the corner of her eye Iris Heart's hand moving behind Ambi. She saw Iris Heart getting closer to her.

"Go ahead." Ambi replied.

Iris Heart held Ambi in her left arm as they stepped around the park together. The last remaining dry autumn leaves fell from nearby trees onto the ground. Iris Heart then summoned Ambience's peaked hat and placed it on Ambi's head.

"Let's go back now." Ambi said. "I feel my phone vibrating, I think it's Evangelist."

Ambi took her phone out of her pocket as Iris Heart transformed back to Plutia. Ambi placed the phone by her ear and held Plutia's hand as they walked towards the Basilicom.

"Evangelist?" Ambi asked.

"Ah, Ambience. You are well I presume?" Histoire asked.

"Yeah, Plums and I are fine, we're heading back right now. Everything good?"

"The construction of another machine has begun. Designs for one without a machine on the other side is being researched. Contact with Nepgear has not yet been reached. Have you seen Neptune?"

"Oh right, yeah we can stop by the hospital on the way over. Alright, let's go Plums."

Plutia nodded as they walked down the street and into the hospital Neptune was in before. They approached the receptionist who stared at them uncomfortably.

"Hello, uhm, how may I help?" The receptionist asked.

"Hi, is uhm, the goddess still here?" Ambi asked.

Plutia squinted her eyes and gave Ambi a smile as the receptionist stared at her screen while scrolling with her mouse.

"It appears that... Neptune is no longer in the hospital. How odd, has she been checked out? Ehm, one moment please."

The receptionist flipped through some files as a nurse walked over to them.

"Is something the matter?" The nurse asked.

"Has uhm, has Neptune been checked out yesterday or earlier today?" The receptionist asked.

"I remember seeing her walk out yesterday on her own. She waved goodbye with a big smile so I figured she was taken care of."

"There's been no record of anyone signing her out."

"No one at the Basilicom saw her either." Ambi mentioned. "I'll go check the places she might be. If I'm not back in an hour, assume I haven't found her."

"Okay, we'll have someone check the camera history." The receptionist said.

Ambi waved as she took Plutia out of the hospital.

"Lying is for bad bad girls Ambi." Plutia said.

"Yeah I know I hate lying too."

Ambi took out her phone and called Histoire.

"Evangelist, she's not at the hospital." Ambi said.

"Oh dear, where could she have gone now? Could she have fallen into a portal again? What did the people at the hospital say?"

"They said she just walked out on her own. Should I go look for her?"

"Mmh, no. We must have a discussion at the Basilicom. I will have some of The Moons look for her."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Ambi turned off her phone and headed towards the Basilicom with Plutia. They walked up the stairs, entered through the glass doors and walked towards the table where IF, Compa, Comp, Iffy, and Arfoire stood. Falcom stood near the table as well and she turned her head to glare at Ambi and Plutia.

"Hey... Jay..." Ambi said reluctantly.

Falcom continued to glare as Saturn stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the table.

"Everything will be ready soon." Saturn said. "Not exactly sure how soon."

"Really? Come on, not even a vague estimate?" IF asked. "A week? A month?"

"I would tell you if I could, but I have a lot on my plate right now. If I could just focus on the machine and nothing else, Without a doubt I would say less than a week."

"How is the monster problem?" Ambi asked.

"It's... something I only thought I would see from movies. I couldn't have imagined monsters having human-like consciousness, I thought they were... well, I suppose it would be considered racist to say out loud now. Leanbox is strangely accepting about it." Saturn responded.

"Who's in control of the other nations? I suspect the Oracles have everything settled?" IF asked.

"Mina and Financier are having difficulties." Histoire responded. "I suspect that Lowee will elect someone to substitute for Blanc. With no surprise, Nera is back in control of Lastation along with Noire's generals. I have yet to hear anything from Leanbox, however I trust that Yvoire is working hard."

"It'll probably be on TV soon." Ambi said. "Uhm, if you want a report or something, Plums and I just went to the store, the park, the hospital, and neither of us separated from each other."

"Yup! I stayed with Ambi the entiiire time!" Plutia said.

"Put these on." IF said.

IF tossed Ambi two ankle monitors and Ambi stared at them.

"No funny business, got it?" IF asked.

"I'm hurt that you don't trust me, but I'm really upset over the fact that I understand why." Ambi said.

Falcom, IF, and Saturn continued to glare at Ambi as Compa looked around frantically.

"Uhm, em, uh oh." Compa said.

"It's house arrest then." Ambi said. "I'll stay at home with Plums and I won't get involved with anything here unless asked. I won't get in anyone's way alright?"

"Falcom, I believe Neptune must be looked for." Histoire said with a sigh.

Falcon got up silently, then walked towards the door while still glaring at Ambi. Ambi sighed and placed her foot on a chair to strap an ankle monitor on her leg.

"You too Plums, come on."

"Aww, do I have to?"



Ambi strapped the monitor onto Plutia's ankle, then pressed a button activating both of them. Plutia looked at it with disappointment and Iffy stared at them.

"Alright Ambi." IF said. "You can go home now."

"Yeah, thanks Ingrid. See y'all around."

Ambi waved at everyone as she walked out the Basilicom while holding Plutia's hand. Ambi sighed, then looked down at Plutia who looked down at her monitor.

"Do you want... some ice cream?" Ambi asked.

"Oooo, yes! I want ice cream!"

Hours went by and Ambi re-entered her apartment. She sighed as she walked into the kitchen and Plutia walked inside carrying her own small purse with a smile.

"I'm gonna be sorting the groceries, you do whatever you want Plums." Ambi said.

"Okie dokie."

Plutia sat on a couch and took out some yarn and needles. She began to knit while Ambi summoned grocery bags from her phone and dropped them onto the floor. She began placing groceries into the fridge until she heard the doorbell right. She turned her head and walked over to open the door.

"Yo, Ambi." Nera greeted.

Ambi stared with a surprised look as Nera smiled at her. She wore a black coat with a black dress underneath and her white hair was messily tied up in a ponytail.

"I... Nera, I... wasn't expecting this, uhm, welcome! Come inside." Ambi greeted.

"Haha! Yeah, sorry for not calling in advance but the Order took my phone and my watch."

Ambi moved out of the way and Nera walked inside. She smiled at Plutia who smiled back and sat down on the couch.

"This the new goddess?" Nera asked.

"Yup, her name is... actually, you can introduce yourself, Plums." Ambi said.

"My name is Plutia! It's sooo nice to meet you!" Plutia said with a smile. "When I transform, my name is Iris Heart!"

"Well, nice to meet you too Lady Plutia. I'm Nera, Lastation's previous goddess." Nera replied.

"You uhm, know what happened right?" Ambi asked.

"I was there Ambi, but I also know what you did. Hey, you might not hear this from anyone else, but nice work. Feel proud about it, not many people can do what you did."

"Ah, thanks. Uhm... I'll be honest, I thought I'd feel better about it."

"Haha, I completely understand. Rough, ain't it?"

Nera smiled at Ambi who smiled back. Nera then sighed as she took off her jacket revealing the rest of her fancy black dress.

"You know, it's the first time I've ever felt this tired in my life." Nera mentioned.

"Yeah uhm don't take this the wrong way but I was gonna ask why you seemed to have looked different."

"It was a really really busy few days." Nera said with a shrug. "We could accommodate Noire's retirement, it was kind of expected. But since Uni left as well, Lastation panicked and threw me back in charge. I'm gonna be honest, it feels good to be back!"

"But it was tiring?"

"Yeah, with the barrier gone monsters began to walk into Lastation so I had to run around a lot to help out the guards. Not only that, but I had the monster rights activists to deal with. I mean, nothing wrong with monsters but we kinda can't have them destroying things at least for now. Maybe I can think of something later, but things are fine for now so I came here to talk."

"I see."

Ambi looked at Plutia who stretched, yawned and curled up to take a nap on the couch.

"You said something about an order?" Ambi asked.

"Oh yeah, the Order are a group of mercs that offered their help." Nera said. "I initially declined, but the generals voted against it so I'm working with them. Honestly, I'm not used to working with so many people. When I was in charge, it was just my Oracle and I."

"And the Order took your phone and watch?"

"Yeah. They said I needed an upgrade but I was perfectly fine with my old models. Ah well, as long as it works right?"

Ambi nodded and looked out the window at the orange sunset. She took a deep breath, then looked at Nera's dress again.

"Look, I enjoy your company and I'm honored that you wanted to talk to me, so don't take this the wrong way, but why are you here?" Ambi asked.

"I heard someone named Arfoire was around here?" Nera asked. "I came to investigate."

"You know Arfoire?"

"Yup, I punched her in the face and made fun of her for being dumb. Haha, nah that was the Deity of Sin and that thing died to Lady Nepgear. I'm just here cause... well, the only two people I know that would call themselves Arfoire are CFW Magic, and her subordinate."

"I see. Well, Arfoire is at the Basilicom I think so you can check there."

"Hey, thanks. I'll go there soon but... well, I'm gonna rest here for a bit if you don't mind."

"Sure, as long as you don't mind Plums over here."

Nera smiled and relaxed on the couch. Ambi got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Do you want water or tea or something?" Ambi asked.

"I'll take water. You mind if I turn on the tv?"

"Go ahead."

Nera took the remote and pressed the on button. She flipped through the channels until a bright screen with the words "Nepstation" in the corner appeared. Nera placed the remote back down and Ambi offered Nera a cup of water.

"Thanks." Nera said with a smile. "I'm sorry for basically invading your space, but I really can't go anywhere else to take a break. I'll leave if you need me to though."

"Mmh, I'm used to it. Aerial would come here every once in a while to avoid doing work."

"Hah, guess this place is the goddess safe space."

"Actually she usually goes to Compa's place but since Histoire and Compa got closer, Aerial ditched that idea and came here."

Nera nodded, then took a sip and looked at the tv. Ambi did as well to see Yvoire on the screen.

"So have no fear, nothing will change as if Lady Green Heart never disappeared." Yvoire said. "Please proceed with your everyday life, and there will be a celebration for her return."

The screen seemingly zoomed out revealing Histoire behind a counter with a script on the table. She cleared her throat and glanced down at it.

"Thank you Yvoire. Now, we will review the speech Nera announced in Lastation, along with her return as Lady Black Heart." Histoire said.

The screen beside Histoire turned on and the camera seemingly zoomed in on it. On the screen, Nera stood on top of the balcony at the Basilicom wearing the same black dress and with a smile on her face.

"Citizens of Lastation, thanks for coming!" Nera said into a mic. "It's a shame that Lady Noire and Lady Uni disappeared so suddenly, but remember that Histoire is working on getting them back to us. So until then, I will substitute as the goddess and lead. Don't worry though, no major changes will happen on my watch. Not until the goddesses return."

A portion of the crowd cheered as Nera smiled in response. A woman with purple hair, a white hat, and glasses walked to Nera's side and cleared her throat.

"May I say something Lady Nera?" The woman asked.

"Sure, go ahead. Oh, everyone, this is the representation of the Order, basically my partners for now cause, well, I don't have goddess powers." Nera announced.

The woman nodded and cleared her throat. She looked down at the crowd as they stared back with curiosity.

"Lastation, I would like to remind you all about the plans Lady Black Heart had of retirement. I hold nothing against her, nor her followers, however as a nation we must be able to move forward even without Lady Black Heart."

The woman took a deep breath and looked at them.

"I do not have to remind any of you about Planeptune's new goddess. I don't have to remind you of her crimes, but what I will remind you is how such a goddess came right after a goddess like Lady Purple Heart. And I will be very honest with all of you, I fear what's next. I fear the next generation of goddesses, and what they may bring."

The people began to whisper and talk to each other as the woman continued.

"No one can predict the future, no one can see what will happen, or what new goddess will rise to take the place of the old one. Lastation has went through 3 goddesses so far, and you may be confident that the next goddess after Lady Black Heart will not be a threat, but I must tell all of you a secret."

The people stared in anticipation as the woman took another deep breath. She then pressed a button in her pocket. Two large holograms appeared beside the balcony, one was a large figure of a woman with large, long twintails, an eyepatch, and a scythe while the other was nearly identical however with a more bulky metallic bikini, a heavier scythe, and short smooth hair that framed her head like a bowl.

"The first Lady Black Heart, Lady Kuro, had become CFW Magic after her disappearance!" The woman announced. "What you believed to have been her death, was nothing more than her rebirth. She was flawed, she broke under the pressure of steal energy, and she nearly brought Gamindustri to it's destruction. If you wish for proof, ask your Lady."

Nera looked at the woman, then down at the people who stared in anticipation. She sighed, looked at the figures, and nodded.

"I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, but it's true." Nera said. "CFW Magic was Lady Kuro, I figured that out when Caelus and I last fought her."

"And it nearly happened again with Iris Heart." The woman announced. "The destruction that followed her, the disappearance of the goddesses, history repeats itself. One day we may finally be destroyed by an evil goddess, however I have an offer that may reduce that chance greatly."

The people talked to each other more and a few began to shout at each other.

"Perhaps some of you are willing to take the risk. Some of you may believe that despite the chance of our death, a change in goddess is good. However I have an offer even those some of you cannot deny will bring many years of peace. And that is to bring Nera back to her goddess status!"

Nera blinked as the crowd stared at the woman.

"I'm sure you've all heard of the golden towers that rise when Gamindustri is in a critical state. The solution is simple, we bring Nera to the golden tower of Lastation and make her into the goddess again. Is Nera not the pinnacle of perfection? When she was in power, was there any competition against her? Has Lastation ever felt as if they were endangered during Nera's time? She is here, and she is willing to return."

The crowd talked to each other again as Nera shook her head at the woman.

"Hey pal, I'm sure that all sounds great but I really don't think it would be a good idea if I-"

"If you still have doubts, take a look at Lowee and Lady White Heart! She reigned for nearly as long as Gamindustri has existed and Lowee never suffered a crisis until now!" The woman exclaimed. "With Nera back in charge, we will follow by example, only we will achieve greater heights. No more will Gamindustri be threatened when a safe and powerful goddess is in charge! Nothing but problems arose when Lady Noire ruled, how many of you are willing to see a future with Nera as your goddess again?!"

The crowd grew silent as they stared up at the balcony. Nera stared down, then looked at the woman who took her mic off her jacket and raised it to her mouth.

"Repeat after me, glory to the empress." The woman whispered.

"Glory to the empress." The crowd chanted.

"All faith, trust, and hope onto the one and only perfect goddess!"

"All faith, trust, and hope onto the one and only perfect goddess!"

"Hey! Hey, I'm only going to sub until Lady Noire gets back!" Nera claimed. "I don't think it's a good idea if I-"

"You can only improve over time." The woman said. "Unless you're saying you would rather not help Lastation."

"Don't put me in this situation pal. I'm not going to be Black Heart again, even with this weird gold tower thing."

"And what if we reject every goddess that is not you? Why should we accept anyone else? Why should we bother changing if what we have is already perfect?"

"I'm not perfect, you all are just telling yourselves that."

"Tell me then, when have you ever lost a fight? When have you ever not achieved your goals? When have you ever failed?"

"I failed my family, I had a husband and a daughter once."

"And was that your fault?"

"Not... not exactly."

The woman stared at Nera, then turned back to the crowd.

"GLORY TO THE EMPRESS!" The woman announced.

"GLORY TO THE EMPRESS!" The crowd chanted back.

The camera seemingly zoomed out and Histoire sighed behind the counter while the crowd continued to cheer.

"Wow... shouldn't you be fixing that problem?" Ambi asked.

"I mean... I can't really until Lady Noire get's back you know?" Nera asked. "I can't purposely fail, otherwise I'd sabotage something big and that would damage Lastation. Don't really want to run away either cause then Lastation would be left without a ruler."

"Leanbox and Planeptune were fine without rulers."

"Hah. Yeah... kind of wish I was a Planeptune or a Leanbox goddess. Now that I think about it, I guess it's my fault Lastation is so dependent on their ruler. I think I really spoiled them when I was the goddess."

"Yeah that... hmm..."

Ambi looked at Plutia who smiled while looking back at her. Ambi sighed and shook her head.

"Well if you need me for anything, feel free to call. I mean, I can't go anywhere without her but I'll do what I can." Ambi said.

"Hah, thanks pal. I appreciate it." Nera said with a smile.

The two of them looked at the screen again to see Financier standing beside a man with red hair and a suit on top of Lowee's castle balcony. The doorbell rang and Ambi walked over to the door. She opened the door and saw Arfoire standing in front of her, now wearing a dark purple scarf and a long spiky cape.

"Ambience." Arfoire said. "I've come to talk to the goddess."

"Actually, someone is here to see you." Ambi replied.

Ambi moved and gestured Arfoire to Nera. Nera smiled as Arfoire raised her face in disgust.

"Tch, you. What do you want?" Arfoire asked. "Out of all people, you should know the most how much I hate you goddesses."

"Well, I'm a human right now. So could we use that as an excuse for us to at least chat?" Nera asked.

"Fine. But make it quick."

Nera sighed. She looked at the ground for a second before looking at Arfoire again.

"How should we start this? What's your name pal?" Nera asked.

"Arfoire." Arfoire replied.

"No no, what's your real name?"

"My real name is Arfoire." Arfoire replied again.

"Come on, let's be real alright? I know the Deity of Sin when I see it and you're... well, you were not the Deity of Sin."

"Tch, and what if I wasn't? My past doesn't matter, my old names don't matter, all I am is Arfoire, the Deity of Sin. I don't care about you anymore, all the goddesses are gone. All that's left is to make sure they die, get rid of that idiot Kurome, and then I get to live happily ever after. Ahahahaha."

Nera stared at Arfoire, then looked at Ambi and Plutia. She sighed and gave Arfoire a serious expression.

"Answer this question truthfully will you?" Nera asked. "Are you Linda?"

"Not anymore I'm not." Arfoire replied.

"Ah... Linda, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for-"

"Tch, don't give me any of your nonsense pity, woman. I told you before, I don't care about you. I know what happened, don't think I hate goddesses just because you didn't raise me."

"Lind- Arfoire, I don't care about the goddesses right now. I want to catch up with you, I want to know what happened to you. Can you please talk to me thinking that I'm your mother, not an ex-goddess?"

Arfoire raised her eyebrows and looked at Nera. Nera looked back at Arfoire with hopeful eyes, but Arfoire spit at Nera's feet and raised her middle finger at Nera.

"As if, fool. I'm not your daughter anymore. You mean nothing to me, how many times do I have to tell you? Look me in the eyes, I am Arfoire, the Deity of Sin. No, I am just Arfoire. The Deity of Sin is no more, it's goals have long been destroyed. All I want are the goddesses gone, and I will rule in their place as a just, fair, and powerful queen."

Arfoire blinked while staring at Nera, then laughed.

"Hahahahaha, I guess I got that from you." Arfoire said with a smile.

Arfoire dashed to the balcony and opened the door. She jumped off and a bolt of purple lightning struck where she was. Ambi and Nera ran out to look down and they couldn't find Arfoire anywhere.

"Man why do magic users always get all the cool-"

Ambi looked to her right and saw Nera still staring down where Arfoire was expected to be.

"Em... sorry." Ambi said.

Nera forced a smile on her face and looked back at Ambi.

"Ah, kids. There wasn't anything I could have done anyway. Don't think anyone would have guessed my ex-husband would be such a nuisance huh? Honestly? Kinda wish I kept in touch with him so I could ask him a few questions. Nah, revenge is overrated."

Ambi stared at Nera who blinked back at her.

"What's up?" Nera asked.

"Uh, you have... close friends right? Someone you can talk to? Cause we first met like yesterday... or was it two days ago? Either way I think you should like, talk to someone."

Nera sighed and looked to her left out towards Planeptune. She sighed as she continued to smile with the noise of cars rushing down the streets below them.

"I tried Ambi." Nera said. "My reputation kind of made it hard though. Like seriously, imagine someone, who was deemed as the greatest goddess ever born, just knocks on your door one day and asks to be friends. Only people I could find that didn't mind it were Caelus and my ex-husband."

"Ah... uhm, but you've been on adventures right? Aerial made friends with Cotton and Ingrid kind of naturally."

"Yeah, Caelus was my Compa and... he was my IF. Let's be real though, we're in a bad time right now. All the goddesses are gone, we should focus on keeping everything alive first then worry about whatever after. Don't you worry now, I've been through stress before. Everyone has, yeah?"

Ambi nodded.

"Hey, listen." Nera continued. "How about you take me somewhere next time? I kinda dragged you out to get you out of trouble the last time we met. Once this is all over, let's get to actually know each other. Sounds good?"

"I already have a bunch of people I owe but sure, I might be able to fit the goddess of perfection into my busy schedule."

"Hah! Man, if people keep using that to describe me I might actually believe it one day. Anyway, thanks for everything. Good luck with Planeptune."

"Oh yeah, uhm, thank you for coming actually. I needed your company as much as you needed mine."

Nera smiled and walked back into the apartment home. As they waved each other goodbye, Ambi closed the door and looked behind her to see Plutia happily knitting a stuffed animal.

"Ehehehe, you're so nice Ambi." Plutia said. "Is it manners, or did you really mean it?"

"Oh I meant it alright. You should know better than anyone how rough the last week has been."

"Ehe, but everything will be fine, right?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Ambi stared at Plutia for a little bit, then sighed and entered her room.

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