Paradise (MikaYuu)

By Ivemissedyou

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I did say Ending A left room for a sequel. So in this lovely other life Mika spoke so fondly of, Yuu finds hi... More



298 16 19
By Ivemissedyou


To say I was happy was an insane understatement. I was through the roof.

Take that, Asher!

I really hated seeing Yuu cry, but he was still so cute. He always found some way to fluster me and unfortunately the bashfulness I hold in this life overpowered my coldness from the last life. It does make sense though, I've been alive longer this time. Newer Mikaela was much weaker, but I think Yuu found the blushing cute. So that's a massive plus. A downside was that this body was also weaker, I had been trying to work it out more, but it was frustrating to see how weak I had become.

I lived for the fact that I was able to touch him again, I was a little more touchy than normal for the last few days but it was killing me that I couldn't wrap my arms around him like this. Being able to hold him was one of my greatest joys in life. I loved him so much. I have had a few relationships in this life so I was hoping I would have better impulse control towards him and not do something crazy. I wanted things to go well this time. I was hoping that I could have him fall in love with me before Asher pushed him over the edge, and it seemed to be going well. Based on my conversation with Asher, it seemed that there was a different trigger for everyone, and they all made perfect sense.

For Asher, it was the first time Ray attempted to get into his pants, Ray did a lot of terrible things to Asher in the last life, and that was probably one of the worst. For me, it was the first time I touched Yuu, I died in his arms after all and after meeting him again the majority of my time was spent touching him in some way, it made sense. I had a very good feeling I could guess what Yuu's trigger might be. It was between two things, so I was being very careful not to do either.

"Do you like your job?" He asked, his voice still sounded a little raspy from crying.

"Yes, actually. I get to boss people around all day and strike the fear of god into them." I smiled at him.

He raised his eyebrows for a second.

I may have already said that, it would explain his reaction.

"Mmm," Yuu was carefully getting closer to me ever so slowly, but it was still noticeable. He really wanted to be as close to me as he possibly could without making it awkward. If it was up to me, he would already be on my lap. He pulled my hand off of his shoulder and instead held it in his own and began to play with my fingers, bending and unbending them. He was making my heart melt I swear, he was going to fucking kill me with this shit, "you have cold hands."

"You can even feel it through the gloves?" I asked.

"Yes, sir, you're as cold as ice." He commented.

I had to bite my inner cheek to stop myself from saying something bad. The things I wanted to do to him just weren't possible right now and I needed to make sure I didn't rush it.

Remember, impulse control.

The number of thoughts running through my head was astronomical, yet I continued to just type away at my key board like normal.

"Well, I think we've been sitting here for a while and there's still another hour before lunch, would you like a snack?" I asked. I hoped that he did, I really wanted to give him something to lift his mood a little more.

"Sure." Yuu shrugged.

So adorable.

I got up and walked to the other side of my desk, opened the drawer, and pulled out a package of chocolate chip cookies. His face instantly lit up and I could feel the blush spreading across my face, I wanted to bang my head off of the desk, I hated this feeling.

Jesus, what the fuck have I been doing for the last 28 years? I blush at literally everything, someone make it stop.

I handed him a cookie and watched as he scarfed it down.

Fuuuuuuck, I love him so much.

"Thanks," he said, "I know I haven't been very mature today, but I appreciate that you've been tolerating it."

"It's not a problem. After lunch, though, I need to go talk with the owner of that club you hate, I hate it just as much and him and I need to discuss redesigns. So it may be for the best if you go back to work or go home, either one is fine with me. As much as I would enjoy the company, that guy is a massive creep and I'm not about to subject you to him." I gave him a little pat on the head. It made me happy that he didn't really question my movements anymore, it was progress.

"I'll probably go back to work, in like 3 hours I'll have my session with Asher so I'm looking forward to that." Yuu mumbled.

"Mmm," I said, running my fingers through his black hair a little, maybe I was the creep but this was definitely a massive step down from what I wanted to be doing. Holding him in my arms would make me the happiest person in the world. There was, however, another matter I also needed to deal with before I could even think about that, "now that you're happy again, do you wanna tell me what made you break down like that? You don't have to of course, but I would be able to help you more if you told me."

"I don't think you can help me with this problem, I'm starting to think it might be too late to do anything about it." Yuu sounded very distraught, I hated it.

"I have quite a bit of influence, if it's an issue that can be solved with money, I can help. As you may know, almost everything can be solved with money." I assured him.

He took in a deep breath, "If I tell you, I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone."

"I won't promise that as I don't know what it is, but I can promise you that I have your best interest at heart." I said.

He started to fiddle around with his hands, "Do you remember how I told you I was going out to dinner with my aunt and my roommate? Well, the dinner wasn't exactly nice. It was basically her trying to convince me to rejoin the family empire but there's a very specific reason that I can't and she just... she made me feel like it was my fault, and she's been doing that since it happened."

I was confused, but I still wanted to be able to help him, I got on my knees in front of him and held out my hands which he took without hesitation, I liked that he was comfortable touching me even as a friend, "Go on, I don't think I quite get it."

He looked up at the ceiling for a second, "This is really hard for me to say and I haven't actually explained to anyone what happened in maybe 6 years. It was 12 years ago, so I would've been 14 at the time and my other aunt would've been 26," he took another deep breath and squeezed my hands tighter, "her and I used to be very close and she was practically like my best friend, so I trusted her completely. Being alone with her for extended periods of time was nothing new, she was actually my dads' go to babysitter for me. I didn't even think to question anything that happened up until that point. Unfortunately, this was more than once as well, but I didn't speak up about it until I was almost 15. She— I'm sorry," he pulled his hand away to cover his face, "I can't bring myself to say it."

He didn't need to say it. I understood completely. I understood all too well what that fucking adult women did to a child, did to Yuu. And I also understood all too well that my impulse control was about to go out the window, "Is she in jail?" I asked.

"Ah, now that's the really fucked up part," he tilted his head back, "the aunt I was with yesterday made it so that didn't happen. I should've cut her off then."

I could hear something creaking, but I knew it was all in my head, I knew it was my sanity tipping over. I had the feeling that if I didn't do something soon I was going to snap. On the outside, I still remained as calm as ever, Yuu didn't need me freaking the hell out, "I see, I'm very sorry. I know that must've been hard to share and I'm glad that you trusted me enough to tell me. The Tepes' family has more influence than the Hiragi family, and with that, more money and more connections, I'm prepared to go to court over this-"

"I think it's probably too late for that," I recognized that tone of voice all too well, it was the voice of someone who had been shattered, "I really appreciate that, but it was made clear as day to me yesterday that it's too late. The rest of the world has moved on. I mean, I guess I have too to some extent, but talking about this still hurts."

My blood was boiling so much that I was afraid something was going to pop, "Are you sure?" I asked. I wanted to kill her, but I was really really trying to make things better this time.

Don't kill her, don't kill her. Find a better way. There are other ways. Even if the legal system has failed once again I can find some other way to do it.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm just gonna finalize cutting them off. It shouldn't be hard since my dads aren't really that much a part of the family anyway, they don't even work in the company." He said.

There it is.

"Alright, Yuu. I want you to know that there's not a lot I can't do. I'll do whatever you need, just say the word." I stood up and leaned down a little to put my arm over his shoulder.

He turned and wrapped his arms around my waist and I was in fucking heaven. There was no way this was real, I could feel all the anger and adrenaline just rolling right off of me. He pulled away and just stared into my eyes for a minute, he tended to do that a lot. Even when I first met him he seemed ensnared by my eyes, they may have been brighter this time around, but I couldn't quite understand why he was so interested in them, "Mika." He said.

"Yeah?" I was a little busy taking in how beautiful he is that I didn't realize where those eyes of his were looking.

"I'm really sorry if this is going to make things weird." He said just before pushing himself up and connecting our lips.

The feeling was so good I almost moaned, for me it was possibly the best moment of either one of my lives. He actually kissed me first. I was ecstatic.

He pulled away, arms still wrapped around my neck and turned his head to the side as he stared at the floor, "I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have done that."

I grabbed his chin and tilted it upwards to make him face me, "No, you definitely should have." And continued the kiss he had so rudely interrupted.


Yuu is literally me after doing literally anything. "Damn bro, I'm sorry for that."

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