By bratzcartel

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Not good at descriptions. More



3.6K 267 96
By bratzcartel

"You are cheating"

"No I'm not you're just not good"

"Yes I am, you never told me you were some checkers expert" she said as he got up

"What are you doing?"

"I don't want to play anymore, you suck" he said

"Wait just one more game, babe please" she got up wrapping her arms around his waist

"Aubrey I have to go"

"Why, spend the night again" she said looking up at him.

"I've been here 3 days straight, I don't have anymore clothes"

"You have clothes here, where do you have to be?" She asked

"I just want to go home and you are trying to make me move in" he said jokingly. He wasn't tired of Aubrey or anything he just missed his bed and his place, he felt out of place anywhere else.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like being here alone" she said.

Raven was out of town with her family for the rest of the week and Aubrey hated sleeping in an empty apartment. It made her paranoid and she never slept well.

"You'll be fine just lock the door and call me if you feel like you're in danger"

"Mm okay" she said still feeling a bit uneasy

"Aubrey relax I'll see you in the morning ok?"


Once he'd left Aubrey decided to go to sleep in the living room. It made her feel better sleeping in an open space for some reason.

At about 3 she decided to get up and get herself some water, without turning on any lights she didn't notice the puddle of water near the refrigerator and slipped. She tried catching herself but ended up hurting her wrist.

Aubrey laid on the ground holding her wrist in pain for a minute before trying to get up. She sat on the couch trying to determine whether or not to go to the hospital since it hurt so bad.

Wincing every time it moved, she started getting dressed to go. It was better to be safe than sorry so she wanted to go to the emergency room. Since that was her reasoning she didn't want to wake Josiah just in case it wasn't broke so she drove herself.

Since it was late at night they were able to get to her as soon as possible.

"Can you move it?" He asked

"It hurts if I do" she said

"CC Okay well we're going to get you an x-ray but I'm pretty sure it's broken"

"Really?" She said looking at him all pitiful

"Yeah your pain, swelling, and immobility has me quite sure, we'll do the x ray to be 100 percent sure though" he said before leaving the room.

She went ahead and texted Josiah that the doctor was sure her wrist was broken and she fell.

Josiah💘- Why didn't you tell me before you went to the hospital I would've taken you

Aubrey- I didn't want to wake you for no reason

Josiah💘- Aubrey your wrist is broken I can sleep any time

Aubrey- ok well I made it to the hospital perfectly fine there's nothing for you to be mad about

Josiah💘- yeah ok

She could tell he was upset about her not telling him she was going to the hospital but she didn't care because she felt like what she did was right.

Getting her x-rays done we're quick and easy, she also got her results back fast and they revealed it was 100% broken and she'd need a cast.

"You'll also need to see a orthopedist to see whether or not you'd need surgery and what type of cast you'll need, right now we'll put on something that you will wear until you see an orthopedist." He explained

"Okay, can I get something for the pain" she asked, Aubrey didn't want to sound like an addict but she was in real pain.

"I'll write you a prescription"

When Aubrey was done getting her wrist wrapped up she went to the pharmacy, got her medication and left. Josiah had texted her a few times while she was driving but she couldn't read it.

She kept her left hand on the steering wheel and her right one on the side of her since it hurt so bad. Aubrey planned on not going to class and going to bed for the rest of the day.

"You scared me" she said coming into her apartment and seeing Josiah sitting at her table.

"Why didn't you text me back?" He asked getting up.

"I couldn't, I was driving and I only have one good hand now"

"What did they say about it?" He asked looking at the temporary wrap around her wrist.

"Not much, ow, I'll have to go to the orthopedist tomorrow and they'll tell me more and treat me, this thingy is just temporary" she said

"So you drove to the hospital with a broken wrist?" He asked

"Well I didn't know if it was broken or not and I got there just fine Josiah drop it" she was beginning to get an attitude because of how tired she was and how badly her wrist hurt.

"Alright, what's this?" He asked changing the subject and taking the white paper bag out of her hand.

"Pain medication, can you open it please"

"You want a cup of water?" He asked after she nodded she went in her room to lay down, the pain was beginning to feel unbearable and all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Here" he said coming in the room and giving her the two pills and the water. He could tell she was uncomfortable so he wanted to do all he could to end it.

"What can I do?" he said bending down near the bed.

"I'm ok, well I'll be okay when the medicine kicks in, I'm gonna go to sleep and you're going to class in a few hours so you should go get ready"

"I'm not going to class" he said

"Yes you are, you're not the injured one and I'll be fine here alone while you're in class"

"Are you sure?" He felt guilty about leaving Aubrey last night and her injuring herself.

"Yes, bring me food after your first class too" she said smiling

"Will do"

"Wait one more thing" she said before he got up

"Can you get me pillows out of my closet, I'm supposed to keep my wrist elevated"

"Here" he said handing her three pillows. She put the three pillows next to her as she laid on her right side and put her broken wrist on the pillows. It was uncomfortable to her but she had to deal.

Shortly after she went to sleep he left to go get ready for class.
"How do you feel?" He asked Aubrey coming into her room with a sandwich.

"I feel better, still hurts tho" she said yawning a little, she'd just woke up.

"I didn't put any mustard or lettuce on it" he said

"Thank you, how was class?"

"Wasn't really focused"

"You don't have to worry about me Josiah, I'm fine" she said

"I know but I feel kinda bad for leaving you here and-"

"It probably would've happened if you were here don't beat yourself up about something I did to myself"

"Alright, I got you a soda too but I ended up drinking it all in the car" he said


"Yeah I was so thirsty and the sprite was so electric and boom it was gone" he said

"Well it's okay I need to drink more water anyways, Do you wanna come with me tomorrow to see the doctor?"

"What time is the appointment?"

"1:30, you don't have to come"

"I'll come, stop doing that"


"Asking me to do stuff like you're afraid I'll say no" he said

"I'm not I just don't want you to feel like you have to be there if you don't want to"

"If you want me there I have to be there" he said kissing her

"I'm not going to be able to sign good" she said randomly

"You weren't that good before your wrist was broke"  he said half jokingly.

"You said I do a good job" she scrunched up her face because she felt like she was good.

"I was kidding, relax, how are you going to write" he asked changing the subject before she deepened the situation.

"Like I always do" she said

"You're left handed?" He asked

"Yes, How did you not notice?"

"It wasn't that important to me I guess" he said shrugging

"Me neither, what hand do you write with?"

"The hand that 90 percent of the population writes with"

"Just say right, you are so weird you know that?"

"You write with your left hand and I'm the weird one"

"Yes" She said

"I like you a lot Aubrey"



"Why?" She asked, Aubrey loved when he got all mushy even though he hated it and rarely did it.

"Not doing this with you" He said while moving off the side of the bed so she grabbed his arm.

"Where are you going and why not?"

"I have one more class remember?"

"That's not for another 30 minutes"

"I have to go get my book Bre"

"Take mine"

"My notes?" He said

"If you don't want to talk about your feelings you don't have to, but don't leave early because of that"

"Aubrey I still have to go now whether we were talking about feelings or not" He said


"Are you mad?"

"No, Go to class, you're coming back afterwards right?"

"Yes, you think you'll be hungry by then?" He asked

"No, I haven't even finished this sandwich yet"

"Ok, bye"

The next day Aubrey was ready for her appointment, she had worn her straight hair in a low ponytail she had Josiah help her do the night before, because her wrist hurt so badly when she moved it. She put on a grey sweatsuit paired with her Air Force ones and some white slouch socks. As she sat on her couch waiting for Josiah, she began getting irritated because he was 5 minutes late.

"What took you so long?" Aubrey asked opening the door.

"I'm just a few minutes late Bre, relax" He said

"Yeah Ok" She said as they walked to the car realizing Leah was in the front seat. She stopped in her tracks and crossed her arms.

"What is she doing here?" She asked

"We're going somewhere after, she'll sit in the car while we're at the appointment" he said, after getting no response from her and they made it to the car Aubrey expected Leah to get in the back but she didn't.

"I'm not sitting in the back" She said standing outside the front door. Leah sat there on her phone unaware of what was going on outside.

"Aubrey you sat in the back for Joi, you can sit in it now" He said, he felt like Aubrey was trying to create problems because of her bad mood.

"Fine" She said sighing and getting in the seat.

It was a quiet drive there with Aubrey feeling some-what bothered and Leah on her phone the entire time. It was the the same in the waiting room, Josiah could feel Aubrey was upset so he didn't bother trying to converse.

"Smith" The nurse called out.

The appointment went by quickly and Aubrey ended up with a pink cast, a list of things not to do, and another prescription for pain medication. She'd have to wear the hard cast for 8 weeks then switch over to a removable one.

"You wanna eat?" He asked breaking the ice.

"No" she said although she was hungry she decided she'd wait until she got home to eat a hot dog.

"Are you sure? I could take you somewhere before I take you home" he said bargaining.

"No, you should've been trying to kiss my ass earlier when I wanted the front seat" she said before walking ahead of him and making her way to the car.

"What took so long? I've been in here for almost two hours" Leah complained

"You should've stayed home" Aubrey said, in her mind she was there for no reason for her to be there and her complaint made her mad.

"What?" Leah asked

*Let it go, she's having a bad day* Josiah signed

*I don't care if it's the worst day of her life, she can't talk to me like that* she signed back aggressively.

*Just shut up this once, please* he signed before starting up the car.

"Can we stop somewhere? I'm starving" Leah asked making him turn into a McDonald's drive thru.

"Bre you want anything?" He asked looking back. Instead of saying anything she shook her head while looking out the window.

Although she said no he still bought her something because he knew she'd be hungry and she was just being stubborn.

Once they'd finally arrived at her apartment Aubrey rushed to go into her apartment. Josiah of course got out to make sure she got in ok.

"You're doing all this over me being a few minutes late" he said when he got in her apartment

"Doing all what?"

"This hostile attitude"

"Not being hostile, don't you have somewhere to be?"

"No I don't. Aubrey what's wrong?"

"Where do I begin, you were late, you brought her, you took her side, and you're about to go and hang out with her and start ignoring me again"

"I was 4 minutes late, I didn't take her side, it was no reason to make her get out the front seat Aubrey you were just trying to start something and you did, why did you tell her she should've stayed home?"

"Because she should've, she doesn't like me I don't like her so why is she going to appointments with me?  And I should've got the front seat based off of the principle that I'm your girlfriend you're taking ME somewhere and I broke my wrist" she said

"you can have the front seat from now on, and me hanging out with Leah doesn't mean I'll start ignoring you, you're just clingy"

"You've done it before, go before she gets tired of sitting in the car so you won't have to deal with my clinginess" she said angrily, him calling her clingy got to her.

"Did you take your medicine?" He asked changing the subject

"I will once you leave"

"Your food is on the table" he said before leaving making Aubrey a little happy, despite her saying no multiple times she did want to eat.

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