Spy School: Danger is my Midd...

By Dboy69420

76.7K 1.2K 7.9K

Sequel to Spy School: Zoe or Erica? Benjamin Ripley has defeated SPYDER, though, unbeknownst to him, the Cr... More

Danger is my Middle Name
Guard Posts
Girl's day out
Character Interviews Event!
Girl's day out (Continued)
Character Interviews Event 2
Walkie-Talkie Communication
Scouting the Terrain
Exposing the Males
Actually Exposing the Males
Okay, this time actually exposing the males
The Reappearance
The Note
The First Interaction
The Day Off (AKA the Hype)
The Day off, Continued
The Golden Corral Experience
The Table Chat
The Unexpected Encounter
The Mission, Only for the Skilled
Stealing the Guard's underwear
John Liven!!!!
Jet Planes need a Nerf
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Chaos
Buying Presents, but in the Girl's POV
Phone Call
The Midnight Meeting
Current Present lists
The Christmas Plot
🎊New Year Special🎉
idk i ran out of title ideas
The Croatoan Leads
Ceiling Gang is Overrated
The Mission
Haha Jet Planes go brr
The Plane Ride Once Again
Defusing a Thermonuclear Bomb in 5 Seconds
Am I dead?
I'm faaaalling
New Storyyyyyyyyyy
The Recovery
Quick Note
The Afternoon out
The Heimlich Maneuver
Quick Question
Teriyaki Sauce or Salsa?
The Walk Alone
Who likes Pocky lmao
Some Alone Time Will Do
The Beach
Another band of Croatoan agents?! Uh, I am so totally posting this on my Insta.
Hello, this is your Daily Dose of Ice Queen insults
The Evil Sweetheart's Revenge
Düşmən düşməndirmi? Dəqiq bilmirəm. Dır,-dir,-dur,-dür.
Escape is not an option...sadly
The trick to escaping is not escaping in the first place
Splish Splash this plan is entirely trash
Jayden VS Zoe
Shared Account (A chance to get mildly famous)
Ben X Erica/Ben X Zoe
Spreading Propaganda
How did I get dragged into this in the first place
I'm writing at 10 PM again
Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time
Google Translate = 我可以说中文
Bullets don't talk, they just hit
Thanos Snap 👌
Three Men in Black
"Get good," -Sun Tzu, Art of War
Okay, no more dirty jokes- I swear
Breakfast with the spies
I'm back mfs
I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally busy
Arrival at the Tribe
The Hale Legacy

🎄Christmas Special🎄

894 45 106
By Dboy69420

Hola everybody, welcome to the longest part I've ever written in my whole life! Prepare to read the following words that I suffered in coming up with. You better vote on this.

This is my Christmas present to you- and it being a 3000-word trip for you to reading heaven, it better be worth it.

(if this part doesn't get 50 votes then I'm not writing anymore😉)


---POV Switch to Agent Erica Hale---

The night before Christmas, I could be that everyone was tossing and turning inside their sheets. It was pretty much the biggest surprise of what your friends and crushes gave you for the merry holiday.

Meanwhile, I was sneaking pure coal under the boy's pillows. 

As promised, I prepared a giant batch of the best coal around- and after this, I gathered it all up, sorted it in a specific amount for each boy (the less coal you have, the less I like you). Then, after this, I put them into bags, each marked "From: Your worst fear. To: My victim."

Then, the boys would look at this, immediately see who it was from, open it up, then roll their eyes or sigh in exasperation. Some of them would probably go into a small period of depression, which would be the best.


But, of course, I bought the people I thought were actually pretty good human beings different things. For example, I bought a dart gun armed with sedatives. He was one of the human beings I could actually converse with and understand- if you count out my family members.

For my sister, I bought a new utility belt that has a built-in Alexa. You never know when you will need your location when you're on a mission. And it can also detect your surroundings, tell you if there's someone nearby you, and others.

It's also waterproof, so there's that.

I'm not expecting much from the girls, since they all are probably jealous of me, but I am expecting a lot from the boys. My whole ammunition arsenal probably comes from this time of the year- last year, with the whole Academy sending presents, I got so many guns, that I couldn't even fit them into my secret warehouse.

So that's the night before Christmas for me. Anyways, I'm going to get some rest before the real action comes- which is Christmas itself. I don't really want everybody having to deal with my sucky POV for the rest of this long part, so I'm going to chuck the mic over to...

---POV Switch to Agent Jayden---

Hi guys. It's me again.

Please refrain from fainting in relief.

Okay, onto my description of the night before Christmas. I mean, there's nothing you really can expect from it other than just tossing and turning in your sheets, hoping for the daylight to come. 

Okay- admit time. Some nights, especially ones before big events happen, I have trouble sleeping. It's just that my mind is completely focused on the good things that are going to happen the next morning that I can't even control it to calm down. I'm basically just having hypersleeps, waking up, looking at the time, then knocking myself out again to repeat the process.

So basically there isn't much to say. Unless you want a close-up description of me when I'm sleeping, I don't have much to tell you. I'm just hoping maybe someone can time travel me to the future.

---POV Switch to Ivar---

I officially hate the spying community.

I can't even count the number of times that I got knocked unconscious. I haven't had so many dreams in a long time.

But now that it was Christmas, we were back at home with our families. Heru had left for his house, and now it was just me and Chloe in our rooms, thinking about the adventure we'd had.

I had witnessed multiple people getting knocked unconscious. I had witnessed multiple fight scenes. I had witnessed myself traveling into dreamland at least five times, which, of course, was a choice against my will.

Now that I was depressed, laying in my bed, one thing popped into my mind. That thing was the only thing I wanted for Christmas, the only wish I'd ever want, and the only thing that I'd hope for in my childhood.

To join the CIA, have a good time with my fellow agents, and actually fit in for once.

I didn't want any toys. I didn't want any technology, gaming PC's tickets to a BTS concert, or anything. I just wanted that thing, the one thing I yearned for from my heart to my head.

After laying in bed, playing Angry Birds and listening to some Christmas songs for at least a few hours, I decided it was time to act.

Despite the fact that I was only in my pajamas, I quickly ran over to my closet door as quietly as I could and ruffled through my immediate plethora of clothes. I didn't have many fashionable things, but tonight, I was hoping for something relatively black- that way I could blend in with the nighttime light.

After rushing on the clothes, I headed over to the mirror, making that I really was blending in. I was- though mostly because it was pitch-black and I couldn't see anything, including the mirror.

After this, I ran over to Chloe's room, lock-picked the door (I took a course a few years ago, learned a few things), promptly took out a Nerf™  gun, loaded it, and shot her in the face.

"Ow!" Chloe said, sitting straight up from the bed. After a few seconds of taking her surroundings in, she realized what I was doing and lowered her voice. 

"Now!?" she said. "If we're going to try to spy on spies, then at least have some kind of training in your pocket! I thought the raid was going to be in a few months!"

"I can't wait," I said, throwing her some of her black leather coats. "Pick one from here and get going. We don't have all day."

So I closed her door, headed back to my room, and started gathering up all of the things that I assumed I would need.  This included the following: a flashlight, a toy grappling hook that I had no idea how to maneuver, a pocketknife, and my Nerf™ gun.

Then, after slipping all of this in a tiny backpack I put on my back, I took out my phone and called an Uber. I set the location as the Gas Station next to the hotel, since I didn't want to cause any unneeded suspicion.

It was after I ordered the ride that Chloe finally burst into my room, wearing the shirt I'd handed to her. I also caught a whiff of breath mints, and I cast a confused glance her way.

She blushed. "I need to add some extra spice to my breath, since you'd probably hate my morning mouth smell the whole car ride."

I smirked. "Or you just want to impress the boy Agents."

She turned around, hiding her expression, and shook her head. "Let's go! This isn't the topic we should be talking about right now!"

I smiled at this dodge, then took out my phone and showed her the Uber I'd rented.

"So he'll be arriving in two minutes," she read from the screen. "Anything you'll need that you forgot?"

I ran over to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush and hairbrush, one in each hand, and did my morning routine in x3 speed as quick as I could. When my hair and breath were finally upgraded to a level that made me look relatively good (at least in my opinion), the Uber had just pulled up in front of our house.

In order to lower our parent's suspicion, I made sure to go out from the back door, WD-40 the hinges of the screen door before I used it, and lead Chloe through without slipping on the gleaming wooden floor.

After traversing around our house, over to the front, I met the Uber driver. He was a teen named George, and he looked like he understood what we were doing- in the rebel sense, not in the 'we're infiltrating some government procedures' sense.

"Running away, eh?" he said, pulling out of our driveway and setting the car into reverse. "I get y'all. I've done it myself a few times."

I could tell Chloe was about to protest otherwise, but I elbowed her before she could get a sound out of her mouth. This made-up 'mission' we were doing was supposed to be clandestine, and I was supposing that it stayed that way.

So we took off into the night, driven by a probably sleep-deprived teenager that decided safety was the last thing on his list. After all, he wasn't even wearing a seatbelt himself- much less telling us to wear any.

For the width of the ride, it just consisted of me looking at one or two cars passing by us, checking my phone to see if anything happened, and making sure nobody was following us. Meanwhile, Chloe was scrolling through social media and could care less about her surroundings. After all, she probably had at least a few hundred contacts.

I had two. Chloe and mom.

Anyways, when we arrive, I'll tap back into this podcast. Right now, I'll have to deal with carrying Chloe on the mission.

So as spies say, Agent Ivar, out.

---POV Switch to Agent James---

I sense a disturbance in the force.

The second I fell into my bed, I realized something was out of place. First of all, the hotel was too quiet for the night before Christmas. Second of all, Erica had left to her room and not gaven us orders when to wake up the next morning, no curfew, no Wifi limit, no nothing.

Strange. It was almost like she was in a hurry to get some kind of secret plan she had in mind into action. That was probably the case, but I didn't know for sure what it was. All I knew was that in the middle of the night, I realized my pillow was more uncomfortable than usual. 

It seemed rock-hard, though that was probably all it was. Maybe I just forgot the bleach when I was washing it yesterday. After all, the hotel wasn't the best one in the world. The employees probably make a mistake or two any day.

Especially after about 3:00 AM, when I was still tossing and turning in my bedsheets, I heard some rustling out from my window. It was at that exact second that I realized something was up. 

I jerked up from my spot, and quickly sprang out from my bed. In one swift movement, I picked up my handgun, swept up my utility belt, and jumped into a tactical position.

"Come and get it!" I sang, creeping over to the window. Something hanging from what I suspected to be a grappling hook immediately jumped off, startled, and crashed into the bushes below him.

I couldn't help laughing in victory, pulling up my window and looking down at my invader.

As my eyes met to the person who had attempted to sneak into my room, I wouldn't believe the information that my brain was recieving.

Standing below me, in the neatly-patched foliage below me, was

---POV Switch to Agent Chip---

Yeah, as what everybody else probably said, I was also tossing and turning in my bed, not knowing how the heck I was supposed to fall asleep when the one thing that was on my mind was...

What did Erica get me for Christmas?

---POV Switch to Agent Cly---


*blinks* Uh, hello? *rubs eyelids* Why was I woken up from my sleep?

Oh. So you wanted me to narrarate. *yawn* Bad timing though, since I actually managed to sleep, unlike everyone else over there. I couldn't care less about what the heck people gave me for Christmas.

Well, of course, unless it came to my buddy Ben over here. I can't wait to see what he decided was the best present to hand over to me this Christmas.

Anyways, back to sleep. Cya!

---POV Switch to Ivar---

Hey guys. We've arrived directly at the hotel, and it's probably time that I told you our plan.

After all, if I just arrived here and didn't tell you why we were going to the hotel in the first place, there'd be no point of this POV.

Okay, so this is our plan. We're going to rent out a few hotel rooms, then the next time they go out on their mini-mission, we're going to follow them. Don't ask me how- that's still on our intuitive side of the plan. If it's going to be shoving ourselves into a five-by-five box in the back of a bumpy car ride that lasts 5 hours, we'll still do it.

That's how motivated we were. At that point.

So we arrived at our destination, unaware of the fact that most of the spies were already awake... and probably on the high watch. After all, this is when the enemies probably expected they were on low guard. Just before Christmas.

Chloe didn't seem to notice. All she was excited about was the fact that we were actually doing something relatively fun- that is, compared to our usual schedules in our dull homes, which included uselessly scrolling through our phones, playing Monopoly, and dying inside.

The driver quickly let us out at the Gas Station, where I bought a few snacks. It's pretty obvious that if I was going to do my mission on an empty stomach, I wasn't going to get anything done except for ruining my whole day. Especially when my future was in my hands.

In order to not let my parents worry too much, I left a note on my desk saying that we were over at Heru's house. Speaking of Heru... we hadn't invited him over. It's true that I will feel bad, but hey, at least I got to become a spy. Or maybe not, but most likely.

I took out a tent that I had saved inside of my backpack and quickly strutted it up against the side of the gas station. Right now, I was more focused on getting a small period of rest, gathering all of my inner peace, then go spy on them.

So for now, I'm going to take a small break. I'll meet back up with you when I'm awake- and hopefully that deadly girl doesn't find me and dart me again.

---POV Switch to Agent Erica Hale---

It's almost 5:00 AM, and I've just finished slipping the coals into the boy's pillows. I doubt any of them noticed, but I swear I heard James whisper 'I sense a disturbance in the force' when I passed by his bed at exactly 2:25 AM. I didn't know if he caught a whiff of my gunpowder and lilacs, but whatever it was, I made to sure to be extra clandestine after than encounter.

Everybody else was a piece of cake. Especially Cly's- I didn't know if he was just completely asleep or something, because he wasn't shuffling around like the other people on our team. He just laid there, completely still, and softly breathing.

And third thing- my sister actually snores. I do too, as you probably know (thanks, Ben). It was probably a trait passed down from Alexander, because he's pretty much just the one who anchors down me and Trixie's abilities. Good thing his genes were recessive.

Anyways, it wasn't long before the clock finally chimed 7:00 AM. At this point, I still wasn't exauhsted, but also mildly disappointed that none of the boys had woken up yet. The live feed from my phone wasn't showing anything yet, so I was just standing, watching them snore.

Turns out if you spend the whole night shuffling around, you're going to end up pretty sleepy in the morning. So basically, there's no point of being nervous.

Of course, the first person to wake up was Cly. At around 7:16 AM, my phone showed him shuffling around, sitting up suddenly, then rubbing his eyes. After walking to his bathroom, staying there for a while, then coming back to his bed refreshed, teeth brushed, and hair tidy, he sat down on the edge of his mattress and opened his phone.

I expected he called his friends, and seeing how the second he pressed the button on his phone, Benjamin sat up from his bed, smacking his head against the air above him and groaning. After picking up the phone, yawning, and chattering for a few minutes, he hung up and decided that it was time to get up.

By this time, Jawa and Chip were both starting to get the gist: wake up, realize it's Christmas, smile in excitement, then run over to the bathroom, get ready as soon as possible, then scour the hallway for people who've woken up, completely ready to deliver presents.

I hadn't walked over to my doorway yet, since if I did that, I would trigger a giant chain reaction. The boys would probably swarm me with presents, and other than Trixie's and Zoe's presents, I didn't really care for anything else I received. 

Soon enough, everybody was awake, walking amongst themselves, chattering and delivering presents to each other. It was a pretty merry scene, of course, excluding the fact that I wasn't there with them. It was pretty clear that some of them were missing me, casting glances over in my room's direction.

It wasn't long before the boys realized they were missing a present from me.

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