#93 (1)

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PRIVATE MESSAGES : @Dunc&an @Heather_RQ

@Heather_RQ So, how's Vanessa doing?

@Dunc&an Good... I guess. She seems less tired and she's happy she was able to visit Danny in prison. That fucking bastard doesn't deserve to see her.

@Heather_RQ Ugh, my parents don't deserve her friendship... Her treatment?

@Dunc&an Don't know, don't know... The doctors say she's doing better but I swear, Heath, this cancer thing is killing me.

@Heather_RQ Your mom's stronger than this shit, D-man, 'kay? She's Vanessa Whitton, after all.

@Heather_RQ Is there

@Heather_RQ Something

@Heather_RQ I can do?

@Heather_RQ I mean... yeah, you're my oldest friend and I'm here for you, don't you dare forget that.

@Dunc&an Thanks, queenie 🤟🏻

@Dunc&an 🤍♥️

@Dunc&an You? Is Bruiser still sick?


@Dunc&an Damn

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@Dunc&an Damn... I wanna marry him, those eyes 👀

@Heather_RQ He's doing better!! I'm so relieved!! ♥️

@Heather_RQ I know, he's the most handsome cat ever! <3

@Dunc&an Happy for ya, Heath :) I don't know what I'd do without Scruffy. Your fAmIly?

@Heather_RQ Ugh, Damien has stolen my glitter pens, fuck him! And my mom gave Emma my favorite dress yesterday and locked me in my room because I told her I couldn't have dinner with them because I had to study.

@Dunc&an The hell? She's insane! When did you last eat something?


@Dunc&an Heather.

@Heather_RQ I'm not hungry, I'm fine. I just need to post more photos on here and look for a sophisticated and sexy dress.

@Dunc&an Yeah, right, you were also fInE when they fucking forced you to try electroshock therapy. Look, you can spend the night at my place. And Cody can come too, we can watch Disney movies!

@Heather_RQ Yeah, whatever.

@Heather_RQ Thanks, Duncan 💫

@Dunc&an Don't mention it, sis ;)

@Dunc&an Hey, can you tell Cody I'm

@Dunc&an Sorry?

@Heather_RQ Be a man and tell him yourself, embarrassment is killing him, you idiot!

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