A little game of hide and seek

Start from the beginning

Will urged me to go forward and talk to all the girls. He thought that I would be the only one to feel a connection as she would be my saviour. I didn't know it that was true or not, but the least I could do was try. My feet were reluctant, but my heart urged them to go forward. I needed to find her as soon as possible and my heart was helping me with that. My heart would decide whether it was her or not, it would feel it.

After what felt like hours, but had only been fifty minutes, I was done with all the girls and I had felt nothing. No special bond, no magic, no nothing. It felt like my heart broke into a thousand pieces and I was not able to put them back together once more. I had to face the facts: our witch wasn't here. Everything I had hoped for, was gone. I didn't know where we had to go now, maybe to the other side of the world. I had no idea.

'Will, where's Sophie? Is she ok? I thought she'd be here today as she hasn't shifted yet either.' I was confused. She was supposed to be here, but why hadn't she showed up? Did she not care what happened to all of us?

'I didn't want to be the one to tell you this, Lily, but Fred left yesterday evening and he took Sophie with them. I didn't notice they were gone at first because of the speech you held, but later I tried to mind-link her and I couldn't get to her. That can only mean one thing: she's too far away from us to communicate. I called her late at night and she told me she left with Fred to rule his pack. Something inside me hoped Fred would call you, but I guess he didn't. I'm so sorry, Lily...' I almost didn't hear the last part of his sentence, that's how soft he spoke. My body felt like it was going to collapse. I just found out the witch wasn't here and now my brother and friend left me without telling me anything.

'Will they come back?' I whispered and my knees gave out underneath me. The soft grass tickled my legs and it remembered me of the time I was a small child. No worries, just playing in the gardens behind the house with Anna. All those memories were dead now. Anna was gone, my childhood wasn't great...

'I don't know, sweetheart. I will try to convince them to come back, but I can't promise anything.' He tried to hug me, but I pulled away. I didn't want to be touched by anyone right now.

My body was shaking and it couldn't gain control over itself. The only thing I could do was shift and run until all of my anger was gone, and that's exactly what I did. I ran towards the forest and shifted when I passed the first trees. My lynx roared and directly after that, my wolf howled. The sound was long and painful, it let everybody know this animal was heartbroken.

If Sophie and Fred could play hide and seek, so could I.

Anna's p.o.v

Finally all the bricks that collapsed on me were gone. I kept brushing all of the dust off of my body. It was clear to me that the person who was behind that window had already noticed something happened out on the street. It didn't matter who it was, I had to go inside now. I didn't even try to be sneaky, it wouldn't help me any longer.

I entered the building and climbed up the stairs to the floor where I had seen the shadow. When I got closer, I heard the most horrible voice ever. Katherine, definitely Katherine. Of course it would be her who had the nicest spot in this god forsaken place.

I tiptoed towards the door that led to the room she was in and stood next to it for a couple of seconds. My ears were pressed against the door, I needed to hear as much as possible. Just when it was getting interesting, (she was getting to the part about taking over Lily's body) the door flung open with so much force it swept me off of my feet. I crashed on the floor with a yelp and all of their heads whipped towards me.

About ten witches trained their eyes on me and guess who was in the middle. Yes, our little, sweet Katherine. Her eyes were as black as a stromcloud and a huge smirk covered her face. Then she laughed. A horrible laugh that sounded like a complete lunatic was choking on a piece of brain he ate from another human. She then walked towards me and grabbed my hair. I screamed and kicked her legs as hard as I could. She didn't let go of my hair, it seemed like she wasn't affected by my kicks at all.

'So tell me little vamp, are you coming to spy on me again, or are you here to annoy my witches? Do tell me.' Her smile widened as she dragged me to the middle of the room. All of her witchy friends had that lunatic sound of a laugh. It felt like I was in the middle of a horror movie and the bad witches were going to perform a spell on me that would kill me forever.

'Well to be honest, I came here to annoy the hell out of you, but I can see you're busy talking to your friends, so maybe I should just kill all of them and then we can have a nice chat. You wouldn't mind right?' I put on an innocent face, knowing she wouldn't believe me, but just to annoy her. She growled and kicked me in the stomach.

'You won't be able to kill them, they are much stronger than you'll ever be.' Her eyes were filled with a fire that was used to killing everyone who got pulled into it. I however, wouldn't give up and I would keep fighting.

'Maybe I'm just pranking you by acting like I'm weak, but in reality you and I both know I'm very strong. Your witches are no challenge for me. I could kill them with my little pinky.' I smirked and hit her as hard as I could, right in her face. She flew through the air and crashed into the wall a couple of feet from me and her groupies.

I quickly got up and snapped the necks of six of her witches. They didn't put up much of a fight. They tried using their spells on me, but somehow they didn't work as good as they did in the human world. I felt some of the effects, but they only slowed me down, they didn't hurt me.

I was able to snap the last four necks, and now it was only me and my little bestie Katherine. I had dreamed of this battle a long time, I had wanted to kill her ever since she lay a finger on Lily. Katherine stalked towards me, her eyes filled with anger.

'You will pay for that, you filthy bloodsucker!' she yelled and she put her hands around my neck. I quickly got her witchy fingers off of me with my vampire strenght, but when I wanted to kick her again, she was gone.

'Did you seriously run? Are you scared little kitten? What kind of a witch are you. You are so pathet...' I was cut off when something hard hit me in the back of my head. I fell face forward and the last thing I heard was Katherine's sneaky voice whispering in my ear.

'Your time has come, my little vampie. Don't be afraid, it will only hurt a lot.'

Then everything went black.


Thank you for reading yet another chapter!! :D

I dedicated this story to someone with a very special name: scholzelynx, thank you for voting and commenting! A lynx is indeed the most beautiful creature on this planet ;)

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