A little game of hide and seek

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A little game of hide and seek

Lily's p.o.v

Today was the day Will and I were going to look for our witch. Yesterday evening, he had asked all parents to bring their daughters who hadn't shifted yet. Every single one of them was nervous, because maybe one of their daughters was a witch. If so, she wouldn't be able to stay in the pack. She could be seen as a traitor, but I would make sure that wouldn't happen. She just had to help us and I would tell everyone she was welcome to stay. This would be her home, even if she wasn't like us. Basically I wasn't a full blood wolf either, so I knew how it felt to not fit in somewhere.

'What are you thinking about?' Will asked me while his hands slipped around my waist. He pulled me to his chest and hugged me as if he was leaving for a long time. I tried to turn around so I could face him, but he didn't let me. He kept me caged in his arms for a couple of minutes and then turned me around so he could look me in the eyes.

'I was thinking about the girl whose day will be ruined today. She won't feel at home here anymore, Will. Eveyone will look at her as if she's a traitor and I don't want that. This is her home and I want it to stay like that. You have to make sure nothing happens to her.' A tear slipped out of the corner of my eye. I would protect her with my lynx and I would bite everyone who wants to hurt her, just like a wolf would. My lynx was a wolf's archenemy, so I wouldn't have a problem biting one for the sake of the poor girl.

'Don't worry, I'll make sure she's safe, just like I promised you yesterday evening. She will be under my protection and everyone who dares to touch her, will feel my wrath.' He smiled at me and cupped my face. He pressed his nose against mine and grinned. I giggled and put my hands on his chest.

'I trust you on that! If you won't keep that promise, you will sleep on the couch for two years, understood!' I pushed him away and tried to look very serious. He looked very serious as well, but he couldn't contain his laughter any longer. I laughed to, but I put on my serious face on once again.

'I mean it, so you better do your best, Barrs!' I punched him in the arm and walked out the door. He was next to me in a matter of seconds and pulled me back. He pushed me against the wall and caged me once again in his arms.

'I will not sleep on that horrible couch. Maybe I can make you change your mind.' He smirked and put his lips on mine. It was a soft and tender kiss. He didn't try anything, just a lover's kiss. After what seemed like just a couple of seconds, he pulled back and gave me the cutest smile ever.

'It doesn't work like that mister, it will still be the couch for you if you don't keep your promise.' I laughed and quickly ran underneath his arms. His smile vanished, but just for a second. His eyes held an unknown emotion, but it was certainly not anger. It looked like stubborness, but I let it go. We had more important things to do right now.

'Come on, let's go, we need to find out where our little witch is hiding.' I was already running down the stairs. I was excited, maybe she would be here, close to us, maybe for once it would be easy for us to solve a problem. That was probably not going to happen, but I needed to have hope. Where there is hope, there is life.

We exited the house and went to the meadow in front of it. About forty girls were standing there, talking in small groups, but when they saw us, they all went quiet and went to stand in one straight line. They were afraid, it was written in their eyes, and they knew that whoever was going to be the witch, would become an outcast of the pack, at least that's what they thought.

'Thank you for coming here today. I just want to let you know, we don't know whether the witch we're looking for is here, or somewhere else. We just want to start close to home. I know that all of you are thinking that you will become an outcast if you are the girl we're looking for, but let me assure you, you will not. I will make sure this will stay your home, just like it has always been. You will be under our protection so don't be afraid.' I looked at every single one of them and luckily, they all looked a little more relaxed now they knew they would be allowed to stay here.

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