Raging fire

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Raging fire

Anna's p.o.v

Our world is filled with surprises and the world of the dead is no exception. I thought there would be some sort of certainty when I was dead, I thought I would have more security. You were already dead so what could be worse? That's what every dead person would think when they first entered the after life; no worries, no responsibilities. They would never expect that there would be even more problems. What was I supposed to think of these piles of bones? Were they fake or real, did Katherine kill them? There was no one who had the answer except for Katherine of course. She would know.

'Anna, I'm sorry, but I really don't know. I went to see Lily and she's not doing so well. Katherine is still working on taking over her body and Fred is not taking care of her, at least not as much as he should be. Will is doing everything in his power to save her, but they have to find the witch!' I quickly turned around and saw her standing there, the woman who was there with me when I woke up. Her clothes were ripped and she had bruises everywhere.

'Can't you just tell her who the witch is? It would make things a lot easier!' I was getting a bit impatient with her. Every time I saw her, she was complaining about the fact that Lily needed to find the last witch, but if she wanted her to find that witch so badly, why not just tell her who it is!

'Don't you think I would have if I had known who it was? I have no idea who it is, the only thing I know is that it is someone close to her. I can feel it when I'm looking at Lily. The aura of the witch is all around the pack territory, but I can't see who it is!' She sat down against one of the broken street lights. Her hands went up to her face to wipe away some tears that had escaped her eyes.

'Ok, we'll worry about the witch later, we should distract Katherine, in that way we can buy Lily some more time. Do you have a plan or do I need to annoy them like I did last time?' I kneeled beside her and grabbed her hands. She smiled and nodded in agreement.

'Annoy the hell out of them, but be careful, we don't know what Katherine is capable of. If she was the one who killed all those supernaturals on this side, we don't know what she could do to you. Try to find out how she did this or if it even was her. Try not to get killed ok? I don't want to lose you too!' Her hands went up to my face and her smile grew bigger.

'I may not have known you in my time, Anna, but you took care of my daughter when I couldn't. I owe you for that. I will try everything to bring you back to her, because you're the only one who fully understands her. Stay safe.' She stood up and walked away. I thought she was going to go watch Lily again, but she was going in the opposite direction.

'Where are you going?' I was really confused. She was going in the direction of the witches' lair. Normally that was my job, not hers.

'Well, I'm going to disract the witches and you can go look for Katherine. She's not the one working on the spell, those dirty groupies of her are. She is doing something else and I want to know what. Go now, Anna!' She didn't look at me, she just kept walking. I saw her hesitate a little bit when she reached the tree, but then she continued on her way. With every step she took, she was getting closer to a dangerous place no one would want to go, but she did everything for her daughter.

'Good luck, Maryse,' I whispered and I turned around to go on my own way. I wasn't going to let Katherine win.

Every street I walked through was filled with the same piles. Not once did I cross another living being, well they wouldn't be very much alive on this side, but basically there was no one. Sometimes, the wind got stronger and because of that, bones moved out of the piles and landed on the street with a hollow thump. It wasn't a pleasant view, definitely not, but what could I do about it. I had to find Katherine as soon as possible and maybe I would find a solution to her witchy hocus pocus.

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