
There is a lot of guardians today in the school with all the students. Suman's whole family has came, except for his father. But Shravan has came alone. He goes and meets with Bhopali.

Bhopali: You are here. Are you ready? B-positive are supposed to go in that room. Don't worry, I'll make sure that Suman goes at the same time.

Shravan: But there is a little problem. Can you do one more thing for me?

Bhopali: What?

Shravan whispers something in his ear. Bhopali doesn't agree for it.

Bhopali: No no, I can't do this.

Shravan slowly passes him some money .

Shravan: Please.

Bhopali takes the money slowly.

Bhopali: Your work will be done.

Suman enters the room she is supposed to donate blood but stops seeing Shravan inside. Shravan was getting up from bed, Bhopali was beside him, taking away a bag of blood. Shravan stands up seeing Suman. Suman comes inside, Shravan goes to her.

Shravan: I want to talk to you.

Suman: I don't want to talk to you.

Shravan: Sumo.

Suman doesn't listen and passes him to go to the bed. Shravan turns and about to follow her but stops hearing Anish's voice and turns to see. He sees Anish taking Sahib to somewhere.

Anish: Just one bag? Do you plan to leave after only one bag? You are so fat, you can easily give a few bag more.

Sahib tries to free himself but mostly scared as he is surround with Anish and his gang. Shravan comes there.

Shravan: Anish leave him.

Anish: Oh ho, look who has come to save Sahib. You still have courage to come and speak before us. But don't forget, Sahib is my Buddy, thanks to you. And Sahib will do what his buddy says, right Sahib?

Sahib looks at Anish and Shravan. Then nods.

Sahib: Yes, Anish sir, I'll do what you say.

Shravan: You are going to regret this Anish. Just because I'm not telling much to you all since past few days doesn't mean I'm scared of you all. Like I said, I'm more busy with something else. But when I'll get back to you, you will be very sorry. And don't you dare to talk about my courage, you haven't seen anything yet.

Anish: Really? As far as I knew you are afraid of needle, then how come you are here today. I'm sure you have done something fraud like usual. You know what, I'll let go of Sahib. Sahib you can go. Guys, let's see what Shravan is up to now.

Anish and his gang pushes Shravan at a side and enters the room. Sahib stays a bit far away and sees everything. Suman was witnessing the whole thing till now.

Suman: Guys what are you doing?

Anish: Just catching another lie of this liar.

Anish finds the bag of blood, which Bhopali took a few minutes ago, it has sticker over it which has Shravan's name on it. Anish takes the bag and torns the sticker, behind it was another sticker, where there was name of another student. Suman gets shocked seeing this.

Anish: See Suman, I told you this Shravan is just one big liar.

Suman angrily comes in front of Shravan.

Suman: How much will you lie Shravan? Why do you even lie this time? You know what, I don't even want to know. When I thought you are genuinely sorry you again lie. That's the only thing you can do.

Suman angrily leaves from there. Anish and gang was taking fun of the whole situation. After Suman leaves Anish comes in front of Shravan.

Anish: From now on, stay in your place, don't try to take trouble from us. Otherwise you will not even able to show your face to anyone.

Anish torns the sticker that had Shravan's name on it and throws it in air. Shravan angrily looks at him. Anish and gang leaves the room. Bhopali comes to Shravan.

Bhopali: I had told you not to do this. But you didn't listen to me. I don't think even my next plan can give you forgiveness from Suman. You ruined my plan before it could complete.

Shravan: This was not my mistake but this dhumketu's. I have had enough of him. If he keeps coming between then I will never able to get Suman's forgiveness. I have to do something about these grade1 now. You have to do one thing for me.

Next: All of Shravan's gang members gets a chit, it says a secret meeting at night. All of them gathers and gets surprised seeing that Shravan has called them.

So this was the first part. As I said, it started right where episode 37 had ended. Tell me what do you all think of this story. If I should continue this story or not. And let me tell you, the story will end just before where the story starts on episode 38. I only want to fill in the loophole in the story that was happened due to lock down. Cause I myself wanted to see a bit more school drama in the story. I hope you all like this part.

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