He took a deep breath, his gaze nothing but complete adoration for you. "We should probably get dressed soon so we can go meet up with your sister."

You giggled. "If we're leaving the apartment, I guess we do need to put some clothes on, huh?"

Charlie had gotten up to retrieve a warm washcloth and towel from your bathroom. He sat back down on the edge of the bed and started cleaning you up. The act was so intimate. You hid your face in the pillow. "You know," he said, continuing to clean the traces of himself off of your thigh. "If your cheeks weren't so pink from me fucking you, I'd say you were blushing."

"Do you wanna shower with me before we go?" you asked, propping up on your elbows, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.

"Do we have time?" Charlie asked, looking down at his watch. It was safe to say neither of you realized he'd left it on during sex. "When are we meeting her again?"

You thought for a moment. "12:45?" His eyes got a little wider. "Oh. Wow. We should get going soon."


You and Charlie rushed to get ready and headed out to Clinton Street Baking Company. By some miracle, the two of you managed to make it there before Nina, who was surprisingly running late. Once you were seated, you looked over the menu together. Charlie plucked your hand from the table and held it in his own, gently stroking his thumb over your knuckles.

"Nervous?" you asked, still trying to decide what you wanted.

"Nope," he said tenderly. "Why? Should I be?"

You chuckled lightly. "Believe it or not, Nina is extremely protective of me-- despite my constant reminders that I can take care of myself. Be prepared for her to ask you anything...and everything. I told her to go easy on you, but I make no guarantees."

"I'm not worried. Let her ask what she wants."


You were about to take your first sip of coffee when Nina finally came through the door.

"Little Bit! I'm sorry I'm late! I overslept." She wrapped her arms around you from behind before rushing to the other side of the table and shrugging off her coat. Charlie started to stand to get her chair. "No, sit. Please," she said with a smile. "You must be Charlie, I'm Nina."  He extended his hand for her to shake.

"It's really nice to meet you." Charlie gazed at you fondly saying your name, "...has told me all about you."

She tittered. "Aww, good things, I hope."

Everything seemed to be going off without a hitch. As it turned out, there was no real news from your Neen other than the fact she wanted to make more of an effort when it came to spending quality time with you. For the most part, the conversation was light. She kept things topical, learning about Charlie, what he did for a living and how you met. Much to your surprise, she cared more about the fact that he was a Broadway director than you two meeting by happenstance. Go figure. Just when you thought Nina would keep it cordial, things took a turn. You were halfway through your stack of pancakes when she finally decided to bring out the big guns and ask Charlie the heavy hitting questions.

Despite Nina's digging deep, Charlie answered every question beautifully. When she asked him if he was looking for long term commitment--which honestly made you want to hide--she didn't miss a beat when he said could see himself getting married again. When she asked if he wanted kids, he beamed with pride as he told her about Henry and shared how much it meant to him that you took time to get to know his son. Very much in true dad fashion, Charlie even pulled out his wallet to show her a photo.

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