Christmas shopping 🎄🛍

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I was doing my Christmas shopping in Liyue, and I had finally found my parents and siblings gifts. Now I just had one more person to buy for. Looking in shop windows, I was thinking. What do I even buy for someone who has enough money to buy anything he wants already? Sighing, I kept walking when suddenly I felt arms slide around me. I yelped and spun around, fists up. "Whoa there! It's just me!" Childe chuckled. "Nice reflexes, comrade." I blushed, embarrassed. "Sorry.. also, why do you call me that? We're literally dating." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Just teasing you, beautiful. What're you doing here?" I nuzzled into his shoulder and smiled. "I'm doing some Christmas shopping. How about you?"
"Same thing as you, sweetheart."
He lifted my chin up and kissed me. I cradled his face, blushing furiously. He never minded PDA, but it still embarrassed me. "So, I would ask if I could join you, but considering I don't want you to see the gift I'm going to get you, we'll have to part ways." He reluctantly pulled away, and I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "I'll come over to your place later, honey." I was surprised that I had made him blush. "Bye, y/n! I love you!" Childe walked away. "I love you too!"
"I'll be prepared for your visit." He grinned. I facepalmed and chuckled. After he was out of sight, I continued shopping. Finally I thought of something. I hope it'll be good enough.
I went home and unpacked all the presents, and wrapped them all. Luckily my family was out. I unpacked the groceries I had bought. I had decided to make Childe some caramel brownies, with almonds and pretty red berries on top. It would be unique and special. At least I hoped it would be. I tied my hair back and started baking.

30 minutes later, I pulled a pan of perfect brownies out of the oven. I let them cool and then decorated them. I admired my work, then I put them in the fridge until the next day, which was Christmas. I went to go get dressed so I could go to Childe's house.

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