Not a chapter, but important

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Idk where else to say this, so I hope you'll read if i put it here ^^

You should never let a person make you feel as if your not good enough.
Okay, so basically I've had this one internet friend for three years, and through those years he's made some terrible mistakes, that I still forgave him for. I've supported him through everything, even got the bullies to get off his back and he barely said thank you. Tho I supported him through pretty much anything, he saw that kindness and manipulated me, only pretending to love me cause he was horny, and he wanted nudes. He knew I wanted commitment, but he also knew I was easily fooled and would pretty much do anything. He didn't bother to talk to me on Valentine's Day, refused my requests to video chat, my purpose to him was solely a person to help him when he was horny. I was stupid and I followed through, tho I felt  so horrible I threw up three times and couldn't eat, and I lost 7 pounds in a week. I've always been a very happy person, but this messed me up for months. I felt like a you know what, cause I played his game and catered to his horny requests. It took me a year to truly feel free and happy. He broke up kinda harshly, and I kept being his friend. He was pretty much the only friend I still had online, and I don't have irl friends cause I'm homeschooled. I held on, but eventually made new friends who helped me through it. I vented to them a lot, and I feel terrible about it now, but they supported me at my worst and are still with me today. They are truly caring and amazing friends, and I'm forever thankful for them. Internet friends are real friends. Recently, the one who manipulated me, he got a new girlfriend and said he wanted to marry her by august. People kindly advised him in the comments that it was rushed, including me, and he left Twitter, and every time he gets even a little upset he threatens to leave Twitter and his friends. He made a post on Instagram about why he left-

So basically a "ahh you guys bullied me cause I can't listen to advice, so fuck all my friends who have supported me for years I choose this girl who I've known for a few months and who is still a minor yay

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So basically a "ahh you guys bullied me cause I can't listen to advice, so fuck all my friends who have supported me for years I choose this girl who I've known for a few months and who is still a minor yay." Oh well, and my new friends thought he was a jerk, one who used to be his friend blocked him and my bf who never cusses cussed xD

My friends treat me so nice, and I don't even know how to respond to it

I was so used to begging for attention, to feel like I was never good enough for anybody

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I was so used to begging for attention, to feel like I was never good enough for anybody. A few days ago, my friend admitted he had feelings for me. It took me by surprise, someone had feelings for ME? I felt like nobody ever would, I felt like I was an annoying and unlikeable person. I was amazed, and said I loved him too.
He hasn't been inappropriate to me, hasn't whined if I don't talk to him at exactly the right time, actually laughs at my jokes and enjoys talking to me. I have never actually felt love before, and didn't know it could feel so nice.

 I have never actually felt love before, and didn't know it could feel so nice

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My self esteem was on the ground in the previous fake relationship, but he says kind things like this to me every day

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My self esteem was on the ground in the previous fake relationship, but he says kind things like this to me every day. Everyday I am so thankful. He actually interacts with my tweets, cheers me up, and isn't ashamed of being with me and hides it. But still, I feel myself afraid to love all the way, like I'm holding back still. That's thanks to being manipulated. So basically the point of all this is. There's only so much you can do for a person who won't listen to reason. And you can only feel so sorry for someone until it gets tiring, you help them and talk to them and they won't listen. And don't be fooled by fake love, don't ever let anyone use you, even if you've been friends for a long time. Because that's how a lot of people get into these things, they get attached.
Don't ever let anybody make you feel like your not good enough, because I'm reality, they aren't good enough for you. Have friend who you can say shit like "peppa pig is a glimpse into a post apocalyptic world" to and who will laugh. And yes, I said that and no you don't get context 😂

If you made it this far, thank you for reading 💙 I hope nobody ever makes you feel like this

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