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Aizawa opened the door to Nezu's office as he and Wolf had arrived just minutes after walking from the dorms. As the two entered the room, they could see the principal having a serious yet laid back conversation with Tsukauchi over a cup of tea.

"Oh, you two are here," Nezu paused his conversation with Tsukauchi as the sounds of the two males' footsteps caught his attention. "We were about to call for somebody to check on you. Has something happened?"

"Nothing serious," Aizawa shook his head, declining to explain the details.

"Good morning, Mr Nezu," Wolf greeted the principal with his hand over his chest.

"Good morning to you too, Wolf," Nezu waved his little paw slightly, gesturing the boy to sit on the couch too as Aizawa had done. "Have a seat. Would you like a cup of tea? It's green tea."

"Thank you, Mr Nezu," Wolf sat down beside Aizawa, not sure if he should drink the tea given by Nezu.

Wolf was truly a fan of tea and even carried tea set in his dimensional pocket, but green tea? He had never heard of them. So, he took a sip while copying the way Nezu held the cup to show his gratitude towards him. It tasted quite well for him. Aizawa, on the other hand, didn't drink the tea at all and told the two to cut to the chase.

Tsukauchi nodded before starting, "So, Wolf. You've told us about yourself and your kingdom briefly yesterday. But we need to find our more clue about what actually happened and the abnormalities of this situation right now."

"The abnormalities?" Wolf was lost for a moment.

"Like how you can speak the same language as us," Nezu explained to the boy and placed his cup onto the table. "You're speaking Japanese, aren't you?"

"Japanese? I'm speaking in my mother's tongue language, it sounds just like what all of you are speaking. That why I believed that I was still in the continent," Wolf answered. He was just as confused as Nezu. So, he was speaking Rhyladonis and Japanese at the same time?

"Can you read this?" Tsukauchi opened an article of what seemed to be a buff barbarian in a tight suit and charismatic yet creepy smile to Wolf's eyes. But the article was, in fact, All Might rescuing some citizens from minor criminals that morning.

Wolf frowned for a second, "I can't."

"You can't?" Aizawa's eyes widened a bit as Tsukauchi was stunned in his spot.

"There's actually a spell that helps me understand any languages verbally but non-verbally. I haven't used it even until now since the time I was found in the alley. So, it was confusing for me to understand what you were saying too," Wolf elaborated the details as he was still looking over the three.

"Hmm, it could be that our languages are the same in verbal but the non-verbal is different. Can you write us something in your language?" Nezu requested and the boy nodded.

Ephemeral You | Shoto Todoroki X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now