Chapter 12 Ariel finds out who she became

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John walked up to me. "What was that? The weather, very peculiar, don't you think?" John said. "Yeah, it's like the winds are changing." I said. "Change is good." John said. "Yeah but it's not easy. I know what I have to do but being the leader means I'll have to take on more responsibility. I haven't been taking any for so long." I said. Then John hit me on the head with a stick when I am not looking. "Ow! geez, what was that for?" I asked. "It doesn't matter, it's in the past." John said. "Yeah but it still hurts." I said as I rubbed the top of my head. Then I looked at my hand to see if there was any blood. "Oh yes, the past can hurt but the way I see it is you can ither run from it, or, learn from it." John said before trying to hit me on the head with the stick again. This time I ducked. "You see, so what are you going to do?" John asked. "First, I'm going to take your stick." I said as I grabbed the stick and threw it into some nearby grass. "No no no, not the stick." John said as he picked up the stick. Then he noticed that I was walking away. "Hey, where are you going?" John asked. "I'm going back to the shiba house. Are you coming?" I asked. "Sure, right behind you." John said. The next day Alyssa came by the shiba house, but this time unarmed. "Oh, look who it is. Ariel, I am surprised to see that you are still alive." Alyssa said. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart." I said. "I could give you more than one. You see, they think that I'm the red ranger." Alyssa said. (Referring to how many followers she has gotten.) "Well we don't. Ariel is the rightful red ranger. If you want to get her, you have to get through us. Are you with me rangers?" John and Lauren said. "Yeah." The others said. "The choice is yours Alyssa. Step down or fight." I said. "Must this all end in violence. I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. To feel the shame of knowing that I took the life of someone I love." Alyssa said. "I've put all of that behind me." I said. "But have they put it behind them? Does your team know what you've done?" Alyssa asked. "What is she talking about?" Lauren said. "So, you haven't told them your little secret. Well Ariel, now's your chance. Tell them who is responsible for Jayden's death." Alyssa said. There was a moment of silence. "It was me." I said breaking the silence. "It's not true. Tell me it's not true." Lauren said. "It's true, I'm sorry." I said. "She admits it! Murderer!" Alyssa said. "No, it was an accident." I said. "If it weren't for you Jayden would be alive. It's your fault he's dead. Do you deny it?" Alyssa asked. "No, I'm not a murderer." I said. "Should we believe a sister who takes the life of a brother? A girl who takes the life of a ranger? A sister who abandoned her siblings?" Alyssa said. "No, I'm..." I said. "You're what? Say it! Are you the red ranger?" Alyssa said. "No, I'm..." I said. "You're what? Say it!" Alyssa said. "I'm nothing." I said. "Then respect your ranger!" Alyssa said before almost knocking me down. I took a stance from tae-kwon-do. "This looks familiar. Where have I seen this before? Oh yes, I remember this is the way Jayden looked before he died. I looked at him, saw the rage in his eyes." Alyssa said before getting really close to me. Then she said "And here's my little secret. I killed Jayden." She whispered that secret into my ear. I grabbed her arm and twisted it. "My brother, your own cousin, how could you?!" I said. "First she kills Jayden and now she wants to kill me." Alyssa said. "You killed him! Tell them the truth!" I shouted. "Don't believe her lies." Alyssa said. "Alyssa, you told me that you didn't do enough damage to kill him." Matthew said. "That's true." Alyssa said. "Then how did you see the rage in his eyes?" Matthew said. "Murderer!" I shouted. Then Alyssa tells her followers to kill us all. A huge fight broke out. "Rangers, attack!" Lauren said before they came to help me out. I was fighting hard but there were too many of them. Lauren came to help me. In the middle of all the chaos Lauren stopped attacking. "Now this is a fight I waited my whole life for." Alyssa's follower said. "I've been waiting too, and I'm not a young girl anymore!" Lauren yelled as she launched herself at Alyssa's follower. I fought off her followers and set my sights on Alyssa herself. I went after her. I cornered her on the roof of the shiba house. I called her a murderer again. "Ariel, please, have mercy, I beg you." Alyssa said. "You don't deserve to live." I said. "But Ariel, I am somewhat like family, it's the rangers who are the real enemy. It was their fault, it was their idea." Alyssa said. "Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie." I said. "Ariel, you wouldn't kill your own cousin." Alyssa said. "No Alyssa, I'm not like you." I said. "Oh Ariel, you are truly noble, and I will make it up to you. Just tell me how I can prove myself. Tell me what you want me to do." Alyssa said. "Run, run away Alyssa, run away, and never return." I said. "Yes, of course, as you wish red ranger." Alyssa said before throwing some red hot ashes in my face. Then Alyssa and I started to fight. "You can't win Alyssa." I said. "This is my team, my destiny." Alyssa said. I finally threw her off the roof but as I was throwing her over the edge of the roof she grabbed my arm so that I would go down with her. The fall killed her but sent me into a coma. After they fought Alyssa's followers off they come over to me and find out that I'm in a coma. John and Lauren decided to take me to the hospital. At the hospital Lauren and John just found out that I was in a coma. "I'll stay with her." Lauren said. "Okay, just make sure to keep me updated on her condition." John said. "Don't worry, I will." Lauren said. Then John went back to the shiba house to look after our kids.

Ariel's awesome kids (sequel to Jayden's awesome younger sister)Where stories live. Discover now