Chapter 27 preparing for the final battle

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That last battle was really tough, our toughest battle has yet to come. The next day the others wanted to do things on their own. I always thought that we would do things together. Whatever they wanted to do was either scary or boring to me. "I guess I could find something to do." I said. "Great, then we can all meet back here and talk about what we've done." Virginia said. "But I don't know what it will be." I said. "You'll find something." John said. "Something awesome." Ryan said before they left. "Well, I guess now I have to." I said to myself. 🎶I never imagined myself out on my own. Trying to find out what's next for me. The power rangers have always been my home. Maybe now there's more than I can be. I guess as time goes by, everybody has to go out on their own. Maybe someday I'll have to try. Something new that's just for me a little something I could be, just my own and I won't feel so left behind. We used to say that we'd be always side by side. Maybe things are changing and this could mean goodbye. I always thought our friendship was all I'd ever need. We've always been fighting, what else is there for me? I guess as time goes by everybody has to go out on their own. And maybe someday I'll have to try. Something new that's just for me, a little something I could be. Just my own and I won't feel so left behind.🎶 When they got back they told me what they did. I told them all what I did. "Guys, we still have to prepare for the final battle." I said. "Oh, yeah. You're right." Joe said. "Maybe we could try to find out if Master Xandred is going to do something to separate me from you guys." I said. I really didn't think about that until Master Xandred told me that the final battle is going to be worse than I could possibly imagine. I still wanted revenge on him for killing my parents.

Dad always wanted to see me become a power ranger, even if I couldn't be the red ranger but, he never got the chance to. I wasn't going to let the same thing happen to my kids. I don't want them to become power rangers if I was never going to be around to see it happen. The next day we decided to go see if Master Xandred is going to use something to separate me from everyone else so that I will have to fight the final battle alone. We didn't find anything. "Well, this is just great." I said sarcastically. "Maybe he's planning on doing something far worse." John said. "He's probably planning a huge final attack. And by that I mean the biggest battle ever." I said. Later that day I was training with the others. After a few minutes Joe got hit on the arm. I walked up to him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Of course." Joe said. "Get into your opponent's head. Use your instincts to sense their next move and feel their attack coming." I said before doing some moves with John dodging each one. Then I brought it around to Joe but this time he kept his guard up. "Nice, you remembered what I said to you guys, always keep your guard up." I said. Then Lauren walked out and called me inside. "What's up Lauren?" I asked. "Ariel, a threat has been made to the rangers." Lauren said. "Wait, what? Who made the threat?" I asked. "Master Xandred." Lauren said. "That son of a bitch." I said under my breath. "The threat wasn't just towards you guys, it was also towards the other team and me." Lauren said. "Sounds like you are really worried about this." I said. "Yeah, I don't want to lose you and I know that you don't want to lose me or anyone else, but sometimes you have to do what you gotta do." Lauren said. "I better tell the rest of them about this." I said. "Well, maybe you should tell them right now." Lauren said. Then I went back outside. "Guys there's something that I need to tell you." I said. "What is it?" John asked. "Just come inside." I said. We all went back into the house. "Guys, a threat has been made against us. Details to follow." I said. "Details to follow?" They said. "Yeah, the details don't matter right now but sometime later this week, I'll let you guys know what the details are." I said. A few days go by and I tell them the details about the threat. The threat was that if the rangers don't put up a good fight he will kill the rangers and their friends and family. "If Master Xandred wants a good fight, we should give him a great fight." Virginia said. Later that night I went out to talk to Jayden and Jason. "Jayden, Jason?" I asked. "Yes Ariel, we're here." Jayden said. "Virginia wants to give Master Xandred a great fight, to destroy him." I said. "And this worries you?" Jason asked. "Yeah, I mean, we still don't know how to beat Master Xandred. I don't even know if he can be beaten." I said. "All evil can be defeated." Jayden said. "Even if it's the leader of the nighloks?" I asked. "We believe you can do anything Ariel. Just stay true to who you are inside. And remember, you can't fight fire with fire." Jason said. Then they both disappeared. The next day I was watching the team train. I decided to take today off. I'm going to need all the help I can get from my friends and family. I'm worried that we won't put up a good enough fight for Master Xandred. 🎶
Ariel: So this is my last night before the biggest day of my life. Can one more big fight put an end to all this strife? We finally end this war. Who can know for sure?
Lauren: There goes my little sister taking time to think on her own. When she must defend no she won't be alone. I'll be there by her side, go with her stride for stride.
Lauren, Virginia, and John: So bring it on, tomorrow. When the power rangers unite. We're going into battle.
Virginia: With bravery
John: And might.
Lauren, Virginia, and John: We'll always do what's right. And we'll stand as one and fight. With the end almost in sight. On the last night.
Ryan: Everything looks safe and sound. But I want to be sure. One more walk around will help reassure. The streets all seem clear, no sign of danger here.
Ariel: Yeah I know everything's in place but still don't stop makes my thoughts race. Need someone to put my mind at rest, before I take this final test.
The whole team: So bring it on, tomorrow. When the power rangers unite. We're going into battle with bravery and might. We'll always do what's right. And we'll stand as one and fight. With the end almost in sight.
Ariel: On the last night. 🎶

Ariel's awesome kids (sequel to Jayden's awesome younger sister)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum