Chapter 7 Ariel doubts herself

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The next day I was training with my friends. I no longer have nightmares which is the good thing. The bad thing is that Lauren thinks that she should take over as the red ranger if I don't get better with my moves. We were fighting another nighlok but some of my attacks missed the nighlok completely. I go out to have some time to myself. 🎶Why, why even trust me at all? They say the rangers are my call, then come tell me wrong. Now what, what should I do? And who, who do I turn to? Now everything feels so upside down. Deep down, maybe I knew, it was way too good to be true. With all my friends looking up to me. Some leader I turned out to be.🎶 Jayden showed up and started to talk to me.
Jayden: Ariel.
Ariel: Jayden, what are you doing here?
Jayden: I've been watching you. Leading a team of samurai rangers.
Ariel: I'm not sure that Lauren is going to let me to continue leading the team. She's worried that I can't handle it.
Jayden: Ariel, Lauren is worried, but she's worried because she loves you. Being the red ranger will not always be easy.
Ariel: Then maybe Lauren is right. Maybe I'm not ready to lead or use the powers. I'm not even sure I can control them. I don't want to become an evil ranger.
Jayden: Don't be afraid Ariel. Trust your instincts, the powers will be there for you when you need them and so will I, until the world ends.
Jayden fades away.
Ariel: Jayden, don't go yet. Trust my instincts. The powers will be there when I need them.
🎶Maybe my journey is far from done. They need a leader and I'm the one. So now it's time for them all to see the ranger I was born to be. It is time to take the lead on my own. It is time for something bigger than I've ever known. No need to wonder, the choice is done. Now I believe I truly am the one. So is it time? Is it time? Yes,🎶 Meanwhile at the shiba house the others are taking a break from training. While they were taking their break John was watching our kids as they were training. When I got back to the shiba house the kids just got done with training. I decided to train with my friends. When we were training I remembered when Jayden cut training short when he was training with the team one time. And this was before Lauren came to the shiba house.

John was inside doing something while I was training outside with everyone else. Lauren was watching us as we were training. After a while I told the others to come at me and I knocked all of them down. "Girl, it's only practice!" Virginia said. "Sorry, practice is over." I said. "Virginia, come on, let's go inside." Joe said. Then John walked out. "Hey, am I late?" John asked. Everyone just looked at him. "Did I miss something?" John asked. "We were just headed inside. How about you join us." Jane said. They went inside and I turned to Lauren. "Lauren, I didn't mean to hit them so hard. What's wrong with me?" I asked. "Come on, let's go for a ride." Lauren said as we both drew the symbol for horse. We got on our horses and rode off. When we got to a big open field with a big tree we had a heart to heart talk. "You know Ariel, we all need a break. Sometimes a change of scenery can help." Lauren said as we rode over to the tree. We got off our horses and tied them to the tree. "Were you trying to prove something?" Lauren asked. "I don't know." I said. "It's Alyssa isn't it?" Lauren said. "She says the I became weaker. Have I?" I asked. "No, the team has only made you stronger." Lauren said. "But I feel different, like, like I turned into a rogue ranger with a wolf side. I think that's why I went a little crazy on the team today. It's not like it was when it was just you, me, and Jayden. Maybe Alyssa has a point." I said. "And what's that?" Lauren said. "That my moves are not good enough. I've relied too much on the team." I said. "No, it's because you are a strong team leader, that you've been able to defeat the nighlok up till now." Lauren said. "But" I began when Lauren cut me off. "You bring honor to all the red rangers that have come before you, especially Jayden. Never doubt that Ariel." Lauren said. "Okay." I said. Then we got back on our horses and went back home. I knew that Lauren was right, she was usually always right. She always said what I needed to hear, even if Jayden disagreed with her. The next day I went out for a run. While I was out on my run I ran into Matthew and Alyssa. "You guys!" I said. "Whoa, girl, take it easy." Matthew said. "How do I know that this is not a trick?" I asked. "Ariel, I am not doing this to trick you." Matthew said. "You have to believe us, we're not trying to trick you." Alyssa said. "I don't believe you guys, so just leave me alone." I said as I ran away. When I got back John walked up to me. "Hey, so Lauren was just talking to us. Now I don't know if this is going to sound weird or." John said before I cut him off. "Just say it John, I'm too tired to be mad." I said. "Lauren and I are worried about you." John said. "This again." I said. The next day I decided to take a day off. I was watching the kids as they were training. Everyone else was training outside. The kids were training inside. While I was watching them Lauren walked up to me. "Hey, why aren't you training with the others?" Lauren asked. "I've been thinking about what you said and you're right. I became stronger because of the team. Maybe I should take breaks when I need them." I said. "Okay, I guess that you're taking it easy for today." Lauren said. "At least you're starting to understand me." I said. Then Lauren went back outside to watch the others as they were training. I know that Jayden would want me to take a day off if I felt like I needed a day off.

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