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Book: The Queen's Weakness
Author: iKnow_imAwesome

Throughout the whole reading, I found it really engrossing and intruding! I personally think this book deserves attention and recognition. To be honest I can't explain how good this book was because everything was easy going and something unique to read. 

Title: The title is just perfect! It really matches the story and is easy to remember. 

 Cover: I love your cover which could really attract many readers.So great gob author on that one. 

 Prologue: I have no idea what makes this story so different from others, but the prologue really had me struck and engrossed in wanting to read more and find out more about the characters. The prologue was really good and didn't find any problems with it which is something good because you want to able to captivate your readers into continue reading. 

 Chapter one: It was nice knowing about the main character and how her life was genuinely not perfect...and about her feelings of her crush.

Characters: I love how the author puts the input of each in every character there is, which puts emotions that the characters feel even in real life. Chapter two: Speaking about characters, in chapter 2 is pretty much explainable on how the characters relate to each other, knowing their feelings, kinda remarkable in my part. Also knowing about Addy feelings for Blake which I found really unique. Plot: The plot is really unique and it didn't stop me from reading because in the end I read all chapters! Chapter three: Funny thing is that you're so great at writing love triangles and it makes it even more captivating, with how the characters are feeling. Grammar: To be honest I didn't see any Grammar mistakes, so there's no problem in that which makes it easy to read . Writing style: The writing style is not like any other stories, this book has its own way of writing and engaging readers to read and not boring like some stories. 

 Overall: I loved it and would look forward to reading it till the end. 

 "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must wrote it" -Toni Morrison

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