History on Repeat

Start from the beginning

"You better let your team know that you're leaving behind a very unhappy, very naked, very sexy girl in your bed and that, my friend is a very large sacrifice to make for the team," I said, lifting the covers so he could peak at my naked body.

"Two nights Morgan. That's all," he said against my lips.

"Two nights too long. I might have to go find myself a new boyfriend," I teased as he pecked my lips and got off the bed.

"I love you, and I will see you on Sunday. We will be back around lunch."

"I love you too, miss you already," I said blowing him a kiss as he left the room.

Knowing that it was no use laying here now that Joey was gone I text the girls to confirm the time for brunch, then got up and enjoyed a shower in the now quiet and empty house.

An hour later, I arrived at The Busy Bean to meet Harper and Ali. Walking through the door I was instantly greeted by Sandra and Clay together at the front counter.

"Hey Morgan, the girls are already here at a back table," Sandra said, seeking distracted by her phone.

"Perfect! Can I just get my usual please," I asked Clay who was behind the coffee machine.

"Sure thing! Boyfriends are out of town, so does that mean the girls are out to play?" Clay asked suggestively.

"If by play you mean finish assignments and mope around missing my man?" I smiled.

"I don't know if I'm in awe and slightly jealous of your relationship or disgusted by how in love the two of you are," Clay said scrunching up his face.

"Probably depends what time of the day it is," I laughed as I walked away to the table.

"Nice of you to finally show up!" Ali greeted me.

"Sorry girl, it was just too nice enjoying a bathroom all to myself after the boys left," I giggled.

"That's fair, communal bathrooms are enough to convince me we need to get an apartment next year!" Harper sighed.

"Joey and I are on board. We've discussed it a lot actually."

"Nope, no way!" Ali shook her head and wagged her finger at me. "No way am I living in an apartment with you and Joey. I just don't need to witness the love fest daily and I really don't need to hear you having sex constantly. Harper and I will get a place and you two can get a place!"

"Fine by me," I shrugged. "But also, you make it sound like all we do is have sex, we really don't do it that much!"

Harper scoffed, "Yeah. Right! Don't even get me started! I have walked in on the two of you post romp in our room more times than I can count!"

"Whatever," I muttered. "Anyway, what are you getting for breakfast?" I asked, changing the topic.

We ordered our food, and spent the rest of our brunch with Ali complaining about Mindy, her roommate or telling us stories from her prison visits as part of her degree in social work. They had to visit the low security prison and chat with prisoners, trying to help them with their transition once they are released. It was really interesting and she had great stories to tell about some of the people she had met. For a moment, I wondered if my mom would benefit from such a program.

The rest of my day was uneventful. I had a class in the afternoon and spent the evening finishing up some papers that were due the following week. After studying, I took my laundry to the student laundromat and did that while reading a book I'd been meaning to start, but instead had spent my free time with Joey.

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