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Every single emotion was ripped from my body. No bandage could be applied due to the extent of the wound they had both left me with. There was no way they could come back from this, and I wasn't going to let them fix it.

Not even a single explanation could solve what was going on right in front of my eyes, leaving me standing in the doorway, tears brimming my eyes and almost spilling over.

"Elora. Please—," Cedric whispered, his face dropping in shock, incompleting his sentence.

I focused on her body. Lily sat up and rummaged around for her clothing to cover her naked body. His body was partially lying on top of hers, his hand upon her thigh but quickly removed it to grab his trousers that were beside the bed.

"Don't," I managed to squeeze out. "don't even speak my name."

My legs felt like crumbling to pieces. The shaking sensation filled my bones and grabbing the side of the doorframe for support. They both got up from the bed, throwing whatever clothing they could find to cover them up in hopes it would clear over what I just saw. Nothing could erase that memory from my mind. Not ever.

Lily walked over to me, reaching to grab my arm. "Please. Let us explain... let me explain," she said, her eyes filled with pleading.

I shook my head, letting a few of the tears to slip down my cheek. "It wasn't what it looked like," Lily fumbled her words. My eyes beaded into hers, feeling the stream of tears form as my cheeks grew darker by the second.

My fists balled. "What? It wasn't my boyfriend fucking my best friend?"

Cedric came up to me, standing closer to my side than Lily. "You need to listen to us, Elora. Please, just sit down and—."

"Don't tell me to listen!" I bellowed. The hot tears that fell down my cheeks didn't phase me anymore, and they were filled with more anger than sadness now. "You have no right to tell me what to do when you cheated on me... my own best friend Cedric."

Both of their lips gaped, trying to find the words that would save the situation.

There was no saving it anymore. There was no saving me. I didn't care if they got on their knees to beg for my forgiveness as I had nothing but hatred for the both of them.

Cedric reached for my hand but I moved my arm back before he could even touch me with his hands. The hands that he touched Lily with, and didn't feel any remorse for me. They didn't care and seemed like they never really will.

I harshly breathed. "Don't even think about touching me, Cedric."

My eyes burned into Lily trying to find an answer. She was lost, and she was losing me in the process. "Why did you do it, Lily?" I seethed. "Out of everyone, you choose to sleep with Cedric. My own boyfriend."

Her hands wrapped around her body, trying to find the comfort she needed. I stepped back to keep as much distance as I could, but it wasn't enough to forget the vision of both of them on the bed. His lips kissing hers and giving her pleasure when in reality, it should always be me. Just me. But it wasn't enough for him.

"For once, you could've just kept your legs closed. For my sake," I breathed, loosening the anger in my voice and letting the tears take over my vision. I tried blinking them away, but they wanted to fall more and more.

WITCH ; Mattheo Riddle ( rewrite )Where stories live. Discover now